It's finally making sense to me!!!!!!


New Member
Have you ever thought that you had it all figure out.........then all of a sudden you have a A HA moment. For the longest i thought that i needed a whole lot of moisture and heavy emollients. After reading an article by The Curl Whisper, i realize that the texture(fine, med, thick strands) and how porous your hair is determine what you need for your hair.

After i done a strand test, the texture of my hair was fine/med and highly porous. Can you believe that i was putting to much moisture and oils on my hair according to the curl whisper. What this old girl needed was more protein :ohwell:.

The Curl Whisper said
"1) Pick the Right Product Ingredients
A common belief is that very tightly coiled hair that is naturally dry by nature needs to have a ton of very heavy conditioners applied to it. And that's great--IF that tight coil happens to contain hair strands that are coarse in texture. If those hair strands are fine, however, then overloading the hair with heavy moisturizers will lead to further issues.

Fine hair--which is quite common in tightly coiled hair--frequently seems dry when, in fact, it is easily over-moisturized. When I talk with any of my fine-haired clients about this, we inevitably share this "A-ha!" moment as they realize they've been feeding heavy moisturizers into hair that is often already over-moisturized. For any fine-haired girls with curls, regardless of wave pattern, products with a lot of heavy emollients are usually best avoided in favor of those with proteins.

Conversely, coarse hair naturally manufactures an overabundance of protein within the hair shaft on its own, so this is the type of hair that needs those heavy creams and butters and oils and emollients. Stay away from products with proteins, as putting protein on top of your already protein-heavy hair is likely to dry you out into a wicked, straw-like mess.

Picking the right kind of product for your hair type is the MOST important step!"

Girls, i think i got it figure out this time :grin:.
This makes so much sense---I have coarse 4ab hair. And I definitely have to moisturize in layers...I don't go heavy on the proteins but I do when it comes to emollients...I am gonnna have to read what the Curls Whisper has to say...
So, i done what the curl whisper recommended........guess what, my hair feel so much stronger :yep:. She wanted me to apply more protein to my hair, but not too much which can cause dryness.

If i apply a moisturizer to my hair daily make sure it has alittle of protein.

I'm gonna try this for awhile.......let you know how it turn out.

I posted a link to CurlyNikki's site about this article last week. Although I had figured this out on my hair about 2 months ago, it was great to see it confirmed in the article by the Curl Whisperer. It's so wonderful when those A-HA moments happen.
I must have coarse hair then. My hair laughs at protein and loves heavy moisture. The other day, I saturated my hair in conditioner, and it was doing things I had never seen my hair do before. I didn't even have a tangle or not in my hair. Hmm... I am going to see what else this site says to be sure.

Thanks a ton for posting.
Rosie8604, have you found out for sure if you have coarse hair........for me, not only was my hair fine, but it was porous too. My hair needs alot of TLC.

So glad :grin: i was able to help you.

Rosie8604, have you found out for sure if you have coarse hair........for me, not only was my hair fine, but it was porous too. My hair needs alot of TLC.

So glad :grin: i was able to help you.


LOL, girl, I forgot. I looked on Curly Nikki's blog, and I didn't see anything about a strand test. Do you know where the strand test is?
To be honest, i got the strand test from the curl whisperer site.......which is once you're on the site go to curly hair basic on the left hand side. This lady has wrote several article on nikki site.


Thank you! I was trying to find the site.

Um.. doing the strand test... I think it is as I wrote in my signature. Some feel fine, some feel medium, some feel coarse. My hair is crazy, lol.

But to make an educated guess, my hair is coarse with high porosity. If my hair does not get enough moisture or I don't seal, I definitely get that dry, brittle feeling. My hair feels stronger when it's loaded with heavy moisture.