It Works!!! It really does...MN that is.


New Member
I just started using mn mixed with sulfur * and a few drops of vitamin E oil December 29th for a minimum of 3 days per week at least~along with nightly scalp massages, middle of the week co washes and daily protective styles (always air dried). I know for a fact I have at least an inch and a half of growth...I need to know how to post pictures (reduce the size to post them, it seems that one down there is blocking me). I believethe growth was far more than what I estimate because my middle is a half inch away from the rest of my hair that now meets the unseen line that's on the ack of mu shirt... (yes I'm so excited I can't articulate my thoughts). Oh yeah, I used my pass being impatient. anyone know how to post pictures properly?
I don't care what anyone says, my hair is not down to my butt, yet- but MN definitely speeds up growth...Congratulations!!!:trampolin
I have no new growth from using mn...Its been two week tingles nothing..I clarified wash my hair yesterday maybe I had build up but still nothing form mn:sad:
I have no new growth from using mn...Its been two week tingles nothing..I clarified wash my hair yesterday maybe I had build up but still nothing form mn:sad:

(1) Not everyone will get tingling. I don't get any tingling either. Although I do think using MN straight is causing me to develop bumos on my scalp (I think it might be the hair folicle? pushing out).

(2) Wait 3 - 3 1/2 weeks. My experience when I first started using MN was that it does nothing at first, then all of a sudden all this hair starts appearing.

(3) It may not work for you in the end and that's OK too. Not everything works for everyone.
I just started using mn mixed with sulfur * and a few drops of vitamin E oil December 29th for a minimum of 3 days per week at least~along with nightly scalp massages, middle of the week co washes and daily protective styles (always air dried). I know for a fact I have at least an inch and a half of growth...I need to know how to post pictures (reduce the size to post them, it seems that one down there is blocking me). I believethe growth was far more than what I estimate because my middle is a half inch away from the rest of my hair that now meets the unseen line that's on the ack of mu shirt... (yes I'm so excited I can't articulate my thoughts). Oh yeah, I used my pass being impatient. anyone know how to post pictures properly?

Congtrats lady, I feel your excitement!! I've gotten a lot of growth from it too!!
I have been doing Mn since December too! I cant tell yet if its growing faster than my normal rate- I get no tingling or headaches - but I see no adverse effects so Im'ma continue till I finish up these 3 boxes of MN.:grin:
I got the tingles, slight headache, all that. All I know it's working for me, I finally feel like I can get my teenage brastrap length back, real soon. It could be no heat, I don't know-the basic tips people listed (like henna, who knew?), I'm following them all and it's working :grin:. I am still in awe of you women, and now I have proof for myself, you all are right on the money.
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WOW!!! :wow::worship2:

When I came in this thread I did not expect growth like this thanks you for sharing you give the rest of us hope that mn works !!!
Hmm I wonder if MN can help with my thin hairline, I've tried almost everything under the sun to get it to grow back, and nothing, I'm very tempted to give this a try. Congratz on your success with it by the way.
I have no new growth from using mn...Its been two week tingles nothing..I clarified wash my hair yesterday maybe I had build up but still nothing form mn:sad:

There was no tingle for me either. But it still helped. I think you have to take it longer than 2 weeks too and just be patient. She's been taking it for a month (mrsmercury) and look at those amazing results.

Me personally, I only stopped taking it cuz I didn't feel like applying it anymore. (I don't usually put anything on my scalp) so I found it to be time consuming.
I just started using mn mixed with sulfur * and a few drops of vitamin E oil December 29th for a minimum of 3 days per week at least~along with nightly scalp massages, middle of the week co washes and daily protective styles (always air dried). I know for a fact I have at least an inch and a half of growth...I need to know how to post pictures (reduce the size to post them, it seems that one down there is blocking me). I believethe growth was far more than what I estimate because my middle is a half inch away from the rest of my hair that now meets the unseen line that's on the ack of mu shirt... (yes I'm so excited I can't articulate my thoughts). Oh yeah, I used my pass being impatient. anyone know how to post pictures properly?

Congrats on your growth. Very nice progress!:yep:

Gotta love the MN!
(1) Not everyone will get tingling. I don't get any tingling either. Although I do think using MN straight is causing me to develop bumos on my scalp (I think it might be the hair folicle? pushing out).

(2) Wait 3 - 3 1/2 weeks. My experience when I first started using MN was that it does nothing at first, then all of a sudden all this hair starts appearing.

(3) It may not work for you in the end and that's OK too. Not everything works for everyone.

what is bumos?
I just started using mn mixed with sulfur * and a few drops of vitamin E oil December 29th for a minimum of 3 days per week at least~along with nightly scalp massages, middle of the week co washes and daily protective styles (always air dried). I know for a fact I have at least an inch and a half of growth...I need to know how to post pictures (reduce the size to post them, it seems that one down there is blocking me). I believethe growth was far more than what I estimate because my middle is a half inch away from the rest of my hair that now meets the unseen line that's on the ack of mu shirt... (yes I'm so excited I can't articulate my thoughts). Oh yeah, I used my pass being impatient. anyone know how to post pictures properly?

Hey, my hair use to look like yours in the back as well. I started using the MN and it filled in and is still filling in. I was so happy with the results, I kept a bottle of it in my purse and would put it on when I thought about it (Can we say addict?). At least 3 or 4 times a day. I kept a headache:spinning:. After I figured out it was the MN, I cut down to once a day, and everything is fine now.
Hmm I wonder if MN can help with my thin hairline, I've tried almost everything under the sun to get it to grow back, and nothing, I'm very tempted to give this a try. Congratz on your success with it by the way.

It's done wonders for my hairline. It's grown hair that I never knew was there.
what ia MN im new trying to learn the lingo:yep:
I just started using mn mixed with sulfur * and a few drops of vitamin E oil December 29th for a minimum of 3 days per week at least~along with nightly scalp massages, middle of the week co washes and daily protective styles (always air dried). I know for a fact I have at least an inch and a half of growth...I need to know how to post pictures (reduce the size to post them, it seems that one down there is blocking me). I believethe growth was far more than what I estimate because my middle is a half inch away from the rest of my hair that now meets the unseen line that's on the ack of mu shirt... (yes I'm so excited I can't articulate my thoughts). Oh yeah, I used my pass being impatient. anyone know how to post pictures properly?