"I'se Married Now!"


Well-Known Member
ETA slideshow of wedding day

...*in my best Celie voice* lol

I posted a couple of months ago about my fiance wanting to get married before the real wedding
I was all hung up on having this "real" wedding and was afraid that if we did it now, that we would never have the real wedding I wanted. I dont know what changed over the past couple of months, but suddenly having the wedding wasnt important to me anymore.

Well actually, I do know what happened. My dad passed away suddenly of a heart attack in February and it just kind of put things in perspective as to why continue to wait for what u can do today. Time is of the essence, ya know? But somewhere along the way I realized that a wedding isnt what is important, its the marriage/union that matters the most. We have been so blessed to find each other and it didnt make sense to keep waiting for this reason or that reason to get married.

So, we bought our wedding bands a few weeks ago, and about a week ago we found an officiant and a photographer who was willing to take some pictures without charging us the wedding rate. We got married on the beach on Easter Sunday. It was simple, yet very nice and just the two of us. We thought our parents would be upset, but they were all happy and supportive about it. Then we went home and changed and went out to eat, came home and had champagne and wedding cake (my friend made us a cute little wedding cake). We are really happy that now we can move forward and start planning for the future instead of worrying about having a big wedding that only lasts one day. Now that its over with, it doesnt matter at all to me anymore. Im just happy and content!

Ill post some of the professional pics when we get them back but here is one we took in the car...after all my curls fell out and my makeup came off from being on the beach for a couple of hours :( I hope they held up for at least some of the pictures the photographer took lol.





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wow Les!! That's excellent!

I kinda remember when you two started dating :grin:. I'm very happy for you my money making sis :)

God bless you both.
That's nice and I agree with your decision, and I am happy that you are happy and at peace with it also. God Bless and I wish continued happiness. Girl it's better to have a man pushing you towards the altar that away from it.

Also, I am sorry that you lost your father. But I am sure that he is happy for you as well.

P.S. I don't know why your post is making me misty:spinning:
congrats girl i love couples like u who r not too hung up on wat 'should' happen but do things according to your own rules, u remind me of me :grin: cant wait for all the pics im soo happy for u i cant even sit still :spinning: