Is your hair regime for life?


New Member
I just washed and did my hair and I keep it simple...real simple...but today I decided to use up an old bottle of surge...from two years ago!
so anyway I just thought I couldnt do this everyday and then wondered about some of the complex regimes that some ladies on here have.
Using MTG and other growth aids and oils and butters and creams...which is great
will you do that forever? When you reach your hair goal will you stop? if you stop will your hair go back to its "bad state"?
will you maybe stop using the growth aids and just stick with a easy regime?
im just curious ladies


I'm trying to make my regimen simple enough that I can maintain it without getting sick of it.
For instance, I only use Surge about the last 1/3-1/2 of a relaxer cycle, when I go into cornrows to prevent demarcation breakage. If I tried to use it everyday all the time I think I might go nuts. Besides which I can't be bothered parting and spraying everyday twice a day.
Suppements get to be routine for me although I take a break 1 week a month.
Inteeresting thread...I used to have a very complex regime, it was too convoluted, and a lotvof things went wrong with my hair, i overused products and shampooed too often. my hair regime is currently the simplest and the best it has ever been. I've found my staples as far as products, i just braid, co wash and leave my hair alone. the only growth aids are my diet, supplements and sulfur oil. When i reach my goals, my regime will be exactly the same (KEPT SIMPLE ENOUGH TO MAINTAIN THE HEALTH OF THE HAIR).
I think the only thing I will do differently, is to stop drinking the current protein shake I drink. Everything else seems necessary for maintenance.
My regime is very simple already. I no poo and wear twist, so yes I can do this the rest of my life. My may chop my hair off and start locs but who knows.
RachiQue said:
I just washed and did my hair and I keep it simple...real simple...but today I decided to use up an old bottle of surge...from two years ago!
so anyway I just thought I couldnt do this everyday and then wondered about some of the complex regimes that some ladies on here have.
Using MTG and other growth aids and oils and butters and creams...which is great
will you do that forever? When you reach your hair goal will you stop? if you stop will your hair go back to its "bad state"?
will you maybe stop using the growth aids and just stick with a easy regime?
im just curious ladies



So funny, because I JUST was thinking about all these complex regimines, mixes and concoctions, vitamins... and wondering how people find the time and patience to do this stuff daily! I can't find it! LOL

No way I could do it...trying to part my hair and add stuff to my scalp daily, especially with this stuff being natural??? So I've given up on even attempting some of these "quick and fast growth" regimines...its just too much work for me:-( My focus now just goes to keeping the hair moisturized and conditioned to prevent breakage, that's takes enough dedication for me, lol.
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den1 said:
Inteeresting thread...I used to have a very complex regime, it was too convoluted, and a lotvof things went wrong with my hair, i overused products and shampooed too often. my hair regime is currently the simplest and the best it has ever been. I've found my staples as far as products, i just braid, co wash and leave my hair alone. the only growth aids are my diet, supplements and sulfur oil. When i reach my goals, my regime will be exactly the same (KEPT SIMPLE ENOUGH TO MAINTAIN THE HEALTH OF THE HAIR).

Same here....complex, convoluted regimines CAN be our worst enemies...both to our hair, and our minds (you know how we get overly obsessed thinking about our hair ALL the time)!

I've narrowed mine down to conditioner washes daily to about every other day or so (depending how my morning is going) adding my leave in and moisturizer, depending on my hair style, whatever stlying product is needed to achieve. I may or may not massage a pomade into my scalp, but that's it. Deep treatments when I have time to treat myself (at least once a month). I think this is something I can stick to (until I get bored of course, lol) and my hair will just have to grow as fast as it does.

Of course, me being the PJ I am, the products themselves my switch up (shampoo, conditioner, moisturizer).
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Hmmm...good question

I've always taken enough vitamins to choke a horse and that will stay with me for life. TO me, that has never had anything to do with my hair but more to do with my overall well being. I really can't see myself taking a vitamin/mineral strictly for my hair. It better be giving me some other benefits!:lol:

As far as my hair regimin I consider it a work in progress. Its pretty simple I think, I can't get too crazy and complicated especially with my lifestyle, but i do throw things in and out as I go along to keep it interesting. Sometimes though, you just find your thing and its spot on.

Like my every day poo and con; I'm done experimenting with that. I've tried a few things here and there, but I know what works now and thats what I'll be sticking with.

There's a few things I'm experimenting with for moisture. FOr now , I know what works for me, and I'll still try some things here and there when I think its feasible. If I can simplify that part of my routeine even more then great, cause I'm all for simple!

As far as protien, I'm totally screwed if Keraphix goes off the market because thats the my hair loves the most (it would figure):ohwell: so I'm always on the lookout for something that is comparable to it.

Well for me, I look at my regimen as strictly a "growth" regimen. Once I reach my ultimate hair goal, (which I can almost taste right now :D ) I am going to go into a "maintenance" regimen. I do think there is a difference.:)

Growing out requires much more for me than maintaining. My current regimen involves me using almost zero heat, protective styling every single day, and other paranoid things to achieve maximum results in the shortest length of time:lol: All of these things are aimed at banking as much growth as possible. Now, once I get to where I am going- I will probably be more lax and ease up on all the strict hair rules. . . protective styling occasionally and enjoying my hair out alot more with occasional heat use. All within reason of course- not trying to end back up where I started. :nono:

I will always, no matter what-- still have my eye on hair care because that is in me now. It is a part of me- just like brushing my teeth. :yep: There will be no heat blasting every day or going for weeks on end without moisturizing and washing... those are basic care things. My hair philosophy and products will remain the same as well because I have, through the course of much experimentation, found my staples.:grin: They provide a healthy balance for my hair and will help me maintain the progress I've made.
Sistaslick said:
Well for me, I look at my regimen as strictly a "growth" regimen. Once I reach my ultimate hair goal, (which I can almost taste right now :D ) I am going to go into a "maintenance" regimen. I do think there is a difference.:)

Growing out requires much more for me than maintaining. My current regimen involves me using almost zero heat, protective styling every single day, and other paranoid things to achieve maximum results in the shortest length of time:lol: All of these things are aimed at banking as much growth as possible. Now, once I get to where I am going- I will probably be more lax and ease up on all the strict hair rules. . . protective styling occasionally and enjoying my hair out alot more with occasional heat use. All within reason of course- not trying to end back up where I started. :nono:

I will always, no matter what-- still have my eye on hair care because that is in me now. It is a part of me- just like brushing my teeth. :yep: There will be no heat blasting every day or going for weeks on end without moisturizing and washing... those are basic care things. My hair philosophy and products will remain the same as well because I have, through the course of much experimentation, found my staples.:grin: They provide a healthy balance for my hair and will help me maintain the progress I've made.

I feel the same way. I'm definitely gonna try to enjoy my hair out more. I would try to now, but I'm style-challenged so instead of taking chances now, I'll try later. ;)
I don't think my regime is too complicated so I probably will continue it for the rest of my life.

I take vitamins every evening but I've been doing that since I was a teen. Right now I alternate between GNC's UltraNourishHair and GNC's Hair Skin and Nails.

I wash my hair with conditoner just about every other day. I use shampoo once or twice a week depending on how my hair feels. I wash my hair in the shower to save time. I use Nexxus and Redken products pretty much exculsively because they work wonderfully for me and I MUST stop being such a PJ!

I have a hall closet full of all kinds of products that I bought and never use. It's sad.:lachen:

I use Humectress as a leave in along with avocado butter or hemp seed butter.

I don't do elaborate styles becasue I don't know how and I don't have the time for them.. I wear buns or a single braid most days. To please my DH I'll wear my hair down every once in a while.
Sistaslick said:
Well for me, I look at my regimen as strictly a "growth" regimen. Once I reach my ultimate hair goal, (which I can almost taste right now :D ) I am going to go into a "maintenance" regimen. I do think there is a difference.:)

Growing out requires much more for me than maintaining. My current regimen involves me using almost zero heat, protective styling every single day, and other paranoid things to achieve maximum results in the shortest length of time:lol: All of these things are aimed at banking as much growth as possible. Now, once I get to where I am going- I will probably be more lax and ease up on all the strict hair rules. . . protective styling occasionally and enjoying my hair out alot more with occasional heat use. All within reason of course- not trying to end back up where I started. :nono:

I will always, no matter what-- still have my eye on hair care because that is in me now. It is a part of me- just like brushing my teeth. :yep: There will be no heat blasting every day or going for weeks on end without moisturizing and washing... those are basic care things. My hair philosophy and products will remain the same as well because I have, through the course of much experimentation, found my staples.:grin: They provide a healthy balance for my hair and will help me maintain the progress I've made.

What she said. :D Oh wait, except for the almost at goal part. I'm no where near goal.
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My regimen is simple, I am in braids for the winter and I surge/mtg. When I am not in braids my regimen is the same but with cowashing, bunning, airdrying.

I take my vitamins/workout/etc.

I think that with all the regimen knowledge I have I can apply different regimens or 'tactics' :lol: whenever I need it. Right now my cowashes, surging/MTG are keeping my hair thick, my vitamins are keeping my health/hair up to par so it works hand in hand. I am curious about different products, I admit, but I will keep a few lines in rotation for the next two years and see what happens next.
Thanks girls for your responses.
I will also be sticking to my simple c/o washes and oiling bunning, seems to me the simpler the better...esp from everyones responses.

Is there anybody out there with a very um elaborate hair regime that could answer this perhaps?

I know mine won't be for life, but from the basics that I've learned here I know how to take care of my hair regardless of texture. I am assuming that I will be changing hair styles throughout my lifetime and I will need to alter to accommode new hairstyles or textures.
I like my regime and I don't see myself changing it at all. I may from time to time have to alter something I do to my hair, but the process will still be the same.
I will moistuirze my ends every day and only use direct heat once a month. (When I get tempted to get a dominican blow out) I dont think I will continue to deep condition every week, maybe every two weeks.
Very good question and good thread too. :up:

Let's see...:scratchch I've been doing my regimen now for almost 3 years on LHCF. During this time, I learned new techniques, tricks and tips so I can tweak my regimen but I haven't completely changed it. I
For life? This depends on what my hair will look like over the years and what new products/technologies are invented. I know I'll learn even better techniques as the days, months and years go by.

I feel the healthy part of my hair regimen will always exist (diet, lots of water, keeping my hair and ends moisturized, etc.) and healthy hair has always been my goal. I want to keep my regimen as simple as possible.
My hair care routine is already quite simple. When I reach my goal, I'll probably wear my hair out more often; if I go natural I'll probably use less protein. That's about it.
I don't have a hair regime.
I do to my hair what i think it need at that time.
Who knows one day i might start one.
My hair grows no matter what i do to it.
It grows fast during the winter
and very slow during the summer.
I just want see how long it will grow
if i stop cutting it off and take better care of it.

The funny thing is i have a regime for my lil one (daughter)
i have hair pics of her ( i want hair like hers)
BTW i had my baby boy 11 days ago
he is so:) cute

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I don't think that my hair regimen will be for life. I think once i get my hair to my desired length then i will stop taking growth aids as well as supplements for growth and my regimen will just consist of keeping my hair healthy.:p
I don't know. I've found a simple regimen that works well for me. I will probably stick to the basics, but if I decide to cut my hair or anything else of course I will have to tweak the regimen to my hair's new needs.
I can also feel that my grey hairs have a slightly different texture. Maybe when most of my head is grey I'll have to change regimens a little bit.