Is Tyra Banks a woman of her word?


Well-Known Member
This morning, I saw on the morning news here in NY that Tyra has decided that as of September, she will no longer wear weaves, wigs, or you think this is something she can keep? With all of the manipulation that a celebrities hair goes through, it might be tough. Plus, a few years back,while on Oprah, I remember her making that same promise to go natural that of course she didn't keep.What are your thoughts?
haha oh tyra...
I'm not going to jude her if she doesnt, and I'm not going to praise her if she does.

mostly because (unlike the women on lhcf) tyra isn't my hair idol or inspiration...but I honestly don't think she'l stick with it and more importantly I don't think she should have annouced it publicly...she just should have done it.
I wonder if it will be relaxed or natural. And if it's natural I wonder if she'll wear it straigtened or in her natural texture.

If she's actually going to do this, it's probably something she's been thinking of doing and planning for a while. So she'll probably have fabulous hair when she takes the wig off.

I don't know if she'll give up the wigs and stuff but I think she can do it if she wants to. It's not like she's still a model who needs to change up her look all the time.

I wonder if she wears wigs to protect her hair or if she just wants the long, straight, flowing hair that is the hollywood ideal.


No Way. Sorry.... I don't believe a word of that.....

Beyonce ain't doin' it.... neither will tyra.
She has worn her own hair before in a VS catalog. It was neck length then, brown, fine. Not as attractive. I don't get why this is a huge deal.
I thought she was only going to "reveal" her real hair on an upcoming show. I didn't know she was planning on not wearing weaves/wigs ever again. That's a promise we should all be careful of making. You never know when a setback can happen or if you just have a bad hair day :nono:
She has worn her own hair before in a VS catalog. It was neck length then, brown, fine. Not as attractive. I don't get why this is a huge deal.

I agree with Sunshinelady. I also don't understand why its such a big deal. She's in the business where we expect her to wear weaves, wigs, etc.

Note to Tyra....just do you & stop making your hair insecurities known to the world. I mean really, do we need to hear an announcement that you are going to ditch the lace fronts? What it really boils down to is that you are now a much respected mogul in the entertainment world, so now you have more leeway to be you. I still like & respect you, regardless of how you choose to wear your hair. Although, you really can do without the lace fronts with the horrible baby hair.
I thought she was only going to "reveal" her real hair on an upcoming show. I didn't know she was planning on not wearing weaves/wigs ever again. That's a promise we should all be careful of making. You never know when a setback can happen or if you just have a bad hair day :nono:

yeah the report i heard said September 8th show, not forever and ever.
I thought she was only going to "reveal" her real hair on an upcoming show. I didn't know she was planning on not wearing weaves/wigs ever again. That's a promise we should all be careful of making. You never know when a setback can happen or if you just have a bad hair day :nono:

That's so true. I wonder how she would deal with her bad hair days, especially when millions of people will be watching her...:ohwell: BTW, when is this episode planned to air? This I want to see. :yep:

nvm, it's the September 8th show. ^^^-Thanks
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I don`t really think so. But who know, maybe she can surprise us. Anyway .. i don`t really care of Tyra, i don't like her (even i love ANTP)
I'd like to see :)

I like Tyra. She isn't perfect, but who here is?

She better not wear a wig/weave though. LHCF will hunt her down. :mob:
I want to see her edges mostly. I think it will be interesting to see if she perceived as beautiful as she is with 30lbs of hair on her head.

We'll KNOW if she is rocking her au naturelle.
Here's a link. She's only committed to the September 8th premier which frees her up to do whatever she wants afterwards.

Thank you Bluetopia. When I heard it this morning on the news, the anchor said that Tyra says good bye to weaves...etc. I thought they meant permanently. My mistake.

Personally, I don't care for Tyra Banks' show, but I WILL be watching come the first eposide. I am curious to see how she will look. :yep:
If you want to get an idea of Tyra with her own hair you can check her out in the movie "Higher Learning" (Or was it "The Program"?). Anyway, she says that was all her hair in that movie. It was just up in a ponytail so you may not be able to tell much. But from memory, it looked to be about APL but very thin.
Personally, I don't like that she's doing it because it feels like she's placating to those who don't like that she wears weaves and wigs, or are curious about whether she really has hair. As Soulie mentioned, it probably has something to do w/ ratings as well. Ever since she moved the show from L.A. to New York, it has been terrible. I also have a feeling that Wendy Williams is killing her in the ratings department.

While I can't stand that she's always giving weaves to the women on ANTM (it may be the business, but I still can't stand it), I don't feel that this "revelation" is necessary. She knows why she wears wigs & weaves, and she knows what her real hair is like in terms of health & length. That is all that matters.
Very interesting. I honestly don't believe it. I mean its possible who knows what's she's been doing under those lacefronts and cornrows. They are great protective styles, but at the same time what I think will be really interesting is the style she chooses to wear during her season premiere. I doubt if she does it for every show. I mean it would be cool if she did, but I honestly don't see her wearing natural hairstyles all the time. That's if she's even going natural.
Very interesting. I honestly don't believe it. I mean its possible who knows what's she's been doing under those lacefronts and cornrows. They are great protective styles, but at the same time what I think will be really interesting is the style she chooses to wear during her season premiere. I doubt if she does it for every show. I mean it would be cool if she did, but I honestly don't see her wearing natural hairstyles all the time. That's if she's even going natural.

Yeah, it is probably down her back now. Wendy Williams is close to waist length.
I hope she keeps her promise, but to me it seems as if she is doing it more for publicity than anything else. Becuase there's no reason for her to make a public anouncement.
This is very interesting. I hadn't heard of her deciding to do this, but I remember watching her show several times where she would proudly announce that she was wearing a weave/wig etc. and she didn't seem to have any problems with it then. It makes me curious to know what made her change her mind. I would love to see her hair underneath, but I'm not sure if she'll be able to stick to it. Hollywood's view of haircare is a lot different than ideas held outside the industry.