Is this true?


New Member
According to expert Marcy Harmon, of Cowboys and Angels in San Francisco, your hair needs a full 24 hours to restore its natural balance after washing. If you shampoo it every day, you won't give your hair the opportunity to restore itself, resulting in dryness or even breakage. If the thought of waiting between washings doesn't appeal to you, try rinsing and conditioning one day then shampooing and conditioning the next. If you workout daily, try vinegar rinses - available at most salons - instead of shampooing, and follow with a conditioner.
for some weird reason i have always thought about this and i didnt read it anywhere. thats why i dont think i will ever go as far as washing each day. 2cents

dont know if this is true though, to answer your question!
I don't shampoo everyday(only on workout days). In the summer I rinse on alternate days...followed by a light conditioning.