Is this normal with transitioning??


New Member
O.k. so I am about 2 months into my transition but the right side of new growth is lucious and thick, while the left side of my new growth is very noticeable as well but not as thick... I have tried paying more attention to my NG on the left but am not seeing much of a change. Anyone else experience this? Also ever since I have been taking MSM, my NG looks and feels like 3c hair opposed to 4a that I used to have, is this normal too?? Im not complaning by any means, (i love it actually), but I wanted to see if I could get some tips on this..Thanks ladies...:look::perplexed:look::perplexed
Hmm, I'm kind of having a similar problem. For example, one side of my hair has a very distinct, pretty curl pattern, while the other side looks like straight up scab hair. :ohwell: I don't know what's up with that. Hmm, I wonder if the "thin" side is either just growing slower and appears thinner, or is a different texture than the thicker side.
I am a natural and I transition for a year before I cut all of the relaxer off.

I think two months is early to tell what is going on with your hair as far as texture is concerned because the relaxer is weighing your hair down. Your hair is going to change as the months go on so it may even it up. Month 7 hair is going to look and feel totally different than Month 2 hair.

It is possible that your hair has different textures. I have different textures thus I don't hair type my hair. My nape has fine loose curls. My crown has medium (much thicker than the rest of my hair) tighter curls. My sides are similar but I think my right side have more corkscrew curls than the left which tends to curls like hills and valleys.

In regards to MSM, I have heard that it does loosen the hair texture. I took it I didn't see much difference in hair texture but it helped with my joint pains.
I've been transitioning for close to a year and I have the same problem.

My right side is shiny and pretty with nice curls while my left side is just puffy. It will curl occassionally and the curls will be bigger than the right side, but it seems to do this whenever it's in the mood - I can't control it. I have no idea what my head is going to look like once I cut off my relaxed ends.
I am a natural and I transition for a year before I cut all of the relaxer off.

I think two months is early to tell what is going on with your hair as far as texture is concerned because the relaxer is weighing your hair down. Your hair is going to change as the months go on so it may even it up. Month 7 hair is going to look and feel totally different than Month 2 hair.

It is possible that your hair has different textures. I have different textures thus I don't hair type my hair. My nape has fine loose curls. My crown has medium (much thicker than the rest of my hair) tighter curls. My sides are similar but I think my right side have more corkscrew curls than the left which tends to curls like hills and valleys.

In regards to MSM, I have heard that it does loosen the hair texture. I took it I didn't see much difference in hair texture but it helped with my joint pains.

I agree with this. See these threads also