Is this fool is straight tripping?


Active Member
Okay ladies, I think some of you recall me telling you all about my friend who had boyfriend issues. He went away, she blew up his phone, he did not bother calling and still refused to once she was in an accident.

Okay, well this weekend let us start on Friday. He was telling her that his kids want an Xbox and ipod touch. She told him to check out Target as they were having a good sale on both. Anyway, he had to work late, but she was going to Target after work and she wound up getting a lift with a friend because she wanted to purchase some things for Xmas; anyhow she texts him that she is getting a ride to Target and will text him the extended holiday hours because he had to work late.

He texts her back saying: have fun shopping with your friend!

When she calls him he does not answer, until the next day and even then, he sounds distant. He goes to pick up his children and chills with them (I am guessing) Anyway, about four o’clock pm or so she texts him saying be careful on the roads it is getting bad. He texts back saying he is still at his kid’s mom’s house helping with taxes. (she is like what??) Nevertheless, keeps her thoughts to herself.

She text back: okay, well be careful, call me later.

He never calls, or texts back she calls, he does not answer the phone. He texts back at 5:30 am in the morning saying he was stuck on the way and his car would not start. He never calls or anything. She does not call him either as she is so upset because her mind started playing tricks and she figured she called enough. Why could he not call her back from his kids mothers house, and why text back at the wee hours when you know she is sleeping?

Okay so he calls her all day yesterday she does not answer because she is just aggravated. She comes to my house to chill and has dinner with me and my husband, we bug out watch TV yada, yada, he calls again she returns his call from my house and he hears my husbands voice and starts tripping and cops an attitude, but she explains that she is by me and he still is acting funky. I think that was som ole guilt ish but...

I told her she might need to call it quits, he is acting a damn fool, being incognito, and ish.

What do you ladies think?
Sounds like the possessive and insecure type. The type that will intentionally place himself in a situation or environment (ie his baby mama's place) to get your friend aggravated/upset, especially if he has suspicions she is with another man. This is a huge red flag because I can see him being the type to cause a big stink if she has any male friends.

Your friend should do herself a favor and bounce, but do you think she will listen to your advice?
Sounds like the possessive and insecure type. The type that will intentionally place himself in a situation or environment (ie his baby mama's place) to get your friend aggravated/upset, especially if he has suspicions she is with another man. This is a huge red flag because I can see him being the type to cause a big stink if she has any male friends.

Your friend should do herself a favor and bounce, but do you think she will listen to your advice?[/QUOTE

I am not sure, but she seemed like she had enough. She could not understand his foolish behaviour. I think his dumb arse was trying to get her mad too. She appears to be over it:rolleyes:
Hey Joisey.....wassup sis...

*Lights up anotha newport one hunnit n sips on my Frappachino or howeva u spellit*

Ummm....I don't understand what she doesn't understand.

imma need yall to understand one thing. Neva sweat a man or blow up his phone. i think she got da game twisted. men aren't dat hard to figure out. we make it hard. fa real fa real, he suppose to be blowin her phone up, etc.

see, women need to realize that WE are sitting on da WEAPON OF MASS DESTRUCTION... da almighty puddi.... We got what they want which means that we've always had control, and until we carry ourselves as such, then men will continue to carry us and treat us like whateva. Look at Cleopatra, Helen of Troy, Queen Zenobia, etc. Look at how they've ruled men, and had men falling and dying all over the place for them. Bottom line is, those women set the standards of how it was going down, and the men followed suit. That's game.

Men are very simple creatures. Not hard to figure out at all, but still simple in the sense that with men, you have to put your foot down and have standards, otherwise, it's whatever. A man is only going to do what you allow him to do, and I do not believe a woman should never let a man have the upper hand on her like that. For one, it's not a good look and you start looking pressed and desparate. Not attractive at all.

Fa real, I would kick that bama to the curb, and get ME together. Phuck him n feed his dumb azzz beans. And das real talk. A man is only going to be where he wants to be and right now he where he wanna be at and she can't change that. Phuck a Target and what he's gettin his kids for Christmas...she ain't birth them chirren here so why should she really give a dayum about what and where he gets his kids for Christmas. I bet he ain't buying her nuffin for Christmas....I'm just sayin. :ohwell:
Hey Joisey.....wassup sis...

*Lights up anotha newport one hunnit n sips on my Frappachino or howeva u spellit*

Ummm....I don't understand what she doesn't understand.

imma need yall to understand one thing. Neva sweat a man or blow up his phone. i think she got da game twisted. men aren't dat hard to figure out. we make it hard. fa real fa real, he suppose to be blowin her phone up, etc.

see, women need to realize that WE are sitting on da WEAPON OF MASS DESTRUCTION... da almighty puddi.... We got what they want which means that we've always had control, and until we carry ourselves as such, then men will continue to carry us and treat us like whateva. Look at Cleopatra, Helen of Troy, Queen Zenobia, etc. Look at how they've ruled men, and had men falling and dying all over the place for them. Bottom line is, those women set the standards of how it was going down, and the men followed suit. That's game.

Men are very simple creatures. Not hard to figure out at all, but still simple in the sense that with men, you have to put your foot down and have standards, otherwise, it's whatever. A man is only going to do what you allow him to do, and I do not believe a woman should never let a man have the upper hand on her like that. For one, it's not a good look and you start looking pressed and desparate. Not attractive at all.

Fa real, I would kick that bama to the curb, and get ME together. Phuck him n feed his dumb azzz beans. And das real talk. A man is only going to be where he wants to be and right now he where he wanna be at and she can't change that. Phuck a Target and what he's gettin his kids for Christmas...she ain't birth them chirren here so why should she really give a dayum about what and where he gets his kids for Christmas. I bet he ain't buying her nuffin for Christmas....I'm just sayin. :ohwell:

:lachen::lachen::lachen: Girl, you aint never lied. I think she had enough. She was through yesterday... hopefully that feeling last for the rest of her life:lachen::lachen:

He has been blowing up her phone since...she refuses to answer. She said its not worth discussing anymore.
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She needs to drop him ASAP. He's playing games and there is no reason he shouldn't be able to talk to her while he's visiting his kids. He doesn't have to hold a full out conversation but at least answer the phone. That in itself tells you or should tell her something isn't right.

She needs to delete his number and move on. He doesn't want her.
I smell horse sh!t.

When she blows him, he won't answer. Now that he is away from his baby mama's he wants to talk. Why couldn't he talk with the other lady around.
Oh son son needs to go suck an egg. your girl needs to pay almighty attention because from since he wasnt answering the phone and acting funny style i wouldnt call him again i would do me and let him chase me down like nobodies business.

She need to play game and treat him like the b!tch and teach his punk arse a lession in who the man then dump his stupid low life arse
Eh I still think he's up to no good and is no good. I'd like to know why he gets ghost so often and around the baby mama too? Please say she is not spending loot on them expensive presents....with his childish self they're probably for him!
Eh I still think he's up to no good and is no good. I'd like to know why he gets ghost so often and around the baby mama too? Please say she is not spending loot on them expensive presents....with his childish self they're probably for him!

Wait she is not buying his kids any gifts :nono: He is buying them...she was doing him a favor by getting the store hours.
Okay ladies, I think some of you recall me telling you all about my friend who had boyfriend issues. He went away, she blew up his phone, he did not bother calling and still refused to once she was in an accident.

Okay, well this weekend let us start on Friday. He was telling her that his kids want an Xbox and ipod touch. She told him to check out Target as they were having a good sale on both. Anyway, he had to work late, but she was going to Target after work and she wound up getting a lift with a friend because she wanted to purchase some things for Xmas; anyhow she texts him that she is getting a ride to Target and will text him the extended holiday hours because he had to work late.

He texts her back saying: have fun shopping with your friend!

When she calls him he does not answer, until the next day and even then, he sounds distant. He goes to pick up his children and chills with them (I am guessing) Anyway, about four o’clock pm or so she texts him saying be careful on the roads it is getting bad. He texts back saying he is still at his kid’s mom’s house helping with taxes. (she is like what??) Nevertheless, keeps her thoughts to herself.

She text back: okay, well be careful, call me later.

He never calls, or texts back she calls, he does not answer the phone. He texts back at 5:30 am in the morning saying he was stuck on the way and his car would not start. He never calls or anything. She does not call him either as she is so upset because her mind started playing tricks and she figured she called enough. Why could he not call her back from his kids mothers house, and why text back at the wee hours when you know she is sleeping?

Okay so he calls her all day yesterday she does not answer because she is just aggravated. She comes to my house to chill and has dinner with me and my husband, we bug out watch TV yada, yada, he calls again she returns his call from my house and he hears my husbands voice and starts tripping and cops an attitude, but she explains that she is by me and he still is acting funky. I think that was som ole guilt ish but...

I told her she might need to call it quits, he is acting a damn fool, being incognito, and ish.

What do you ladies think?

Girl, I though you were going to write that "he asked her to pick up the Xbox and ipod touch for his kids"!

I would have died!:lachen:

Dude is foul!
Some women enjoy being treated like trash, that why they stay in dysfunctional relationships.

She owes this man NOTHING!!!!!

No kids
No mortgage
No rent Money
No gas money

She enjoys being mistreated.
Beautifully said.

Hey Joisey.....wassup sis...

*Lights up anotha newport one hunnit n sips on my Frappachino or howeva u spellit*

Ummm....I don't understand what she doesn't understand.

imma need yall to understand one thing. Neva sweat a man or blow up his phone. i think she got da game twisted. men aren't dat hard to figure out. we make it hard. fa real fa real, he suppose to be blowin her phone up, etc.

see, women need to realize that WE are sitting on da WEAPON OF MASS DESTRUCTION... da almighty puddi.... We got what they want which means that we've always had control, and until we carry ourselves as such, then men will continue to carry us and treat us like whateva. Look at Cleopatra, Helen of Troy, Queen Zenobia, etc. Look at how they've ruled men, and had men falling and dying all over the place for them. Bottom line is, those women set the standards of how it was going down, and the men followed suit. That's game.

Men are very simple creatures. Not hard to figure out at all, but still simple in the sense that with men, you have to put your foot down and have standards, otherwise, it's whatever. A man is only going to do what you allow him to do, and I do not believe a woman should never let a man have the upper hand on her like that. For one, it's not a good look and you start looking pressed and desparate. Not attractive at all.

Fa real, I would kick that bama to the curb, and get ME together. Phuck him n feed his dumb azzz beans. And das real talk. A man is only going to be where he wants to be and right now he where he wanna be at and she can't change that. Phuck a Target and what he's gettin his kids for Christmas...she ain't birth them chirren here so why should she really give a dayum about what and where he gets his kids for Christmas. I bet he ain't buying her nuffin for Christmas....I'm just sayin. :ohwell:
Some women enjoy being treated like trash, that why they stay in dysfunctional relationships.

She owes this man NOTHING!!!!!

No kids
No mortgage
No rent Money
No gas money

She enjoys being mistreated.

She does not enjoy it, she just cares. He was not always a hot mess:ohwell:
She does not enjoy it, she just cares. He was not always a hot mess:ohwell:

She needs to care about herself more than she does him.

Why is she the one always calling, always texting, yet the best he can do when talking on the phone is act like he is pmsing?? And on top of that accuse her of being with some other fellow when she stated that it was your hubby talking in the background?

You said she was in an accident yet he didn't bother with her. WTH?!!! If that was not a red flag, then i don't know what will wake her up.:nono:

I will say again, some women enjoy being mistreated in a relationships. The more distant the guy is, the more you work for his affections.
She needs to care about herself more than she does him.

Why is she the one always calling, always texting, yet the best he can do when talking on the phone is act like he is pmsing?? And on top of that accuse her of being with some other fellow when she stated that it was your hubby talking in the background?

You said she was in an accident yet he didn't bother with her. WTH?!!! If that was not a red flag, then i don't know what will wake her up.:nono:

I will say again, some women enjoy being mistreated in a relationships. The more distant the guy is, the more you work for his affections.

This is true. She just seems so twisted and hurt, but she does keep going back.
Well i hope this time she is serious you need to help by trying to keep her busy and introducing her to folks