is there such a thing as over-conditioning?


New Member
with a moisturizing conditioner?
I have noticed this because my beloved pm instant moisture products:D may be giving me too much moisture.. for example: After I wash my hair with the moisturizing shampoo I am able to detangle my hair just fine (no breakage) but because my regimen includes deep conditioning, I have noticed after rinsing and detangling I get a little breakage. Should I skip the conditioner and only deep condition once a month? I thought that our hair needs moisture moisture moisture! but I think my hair is getting too much and is making it limp :confused:
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If your hair is getting too soft and too limp, you may be over-conditioning your hair. I say try deep conditioning once every two weeks instead of once a week and see if it changes.. and if it doesnt, try once every 3 weeks.. etc. I use the PM Super Charged Moisturizer from the Instant Moisture line and I've deep conditioned with it last week and yesterday.. my hair doesn't seem be getting limp from it, so I that's why I think maybe you're deep coing too much. Maybe you could just use it as a regular conditioner w/o heat for like 5 or so minutes?
candibaby said:
If your hair is getting too soft and too limp, you may be over-conditioning your hair. I say try deep conditioning once every two weeks instead of once a week and see if it changes.. and if it doesnt, try once every 3 weeks.. etc. I use the PM Super Charged Moisturizer from the Instant Moisture line and I've deep conditioned with it last week and yesterday.. my hair doesn't seem be getting limp from it, so I that's why I think maybe you're deep coing too much. Maybe you could just use it as a regular conditioner w/o heat for like 5 or so minutes?

Thanks for the advice candibaby, looks like I won't be needing to hop in and out of the shower anymore to deep condition:p !