Is there some type of cream Sulfur product? MTG, BM, and BT oils just aren't for me!


New Member
I ware weaves MOST of the time. I have thin hair and when I put any type of OIL on my scalp my hair just goes ewwww and just loses all body and press. Especially if I have a weave. I apply BT to my scalp and it just drips on down into the weave and weighs it down to the point I don't even want to use it daily. I want a growth aide that I can put on my scalp. Maybe more like a moisturizer or cream so it won't mess with the hair and get oily? Does this exist? Or maybe I can put some sulfur powder in some type of moisturiser? PLEASE help.
Re: Is there some type of cream Sulfur product? MTG, BM, and BT oils just aren't for

Mega Tek is creamy, not oily.
Re: Is there some type of cream Sulfur product? MTG, BM, and BT oils just aren't for

I want to know this also. This is why I STOPPED using it. It was rather messy! It would drip to my forehead and pillow, and I break out at the sight of oil. BT gave me excellent results, but I risked bad skin and bad PS for it:perplexed! I would love a creamy solution, though!:yep:
Re: Is there some type of cream Sulfur product? MTG, BM, and BT oils just aren't for

Isn't that like a hair grease? Wouldn't that be just as bad as oil?

Oils isn't necessary bad for the hair neither is hair grease for that matter. I just remember it having sulfur in it and not being a sulfur oil mix. I have never used a sulfur cream, or any hardened sulfur mixture, so I can not say if it is bad for the hair or not. I only posted the link b/c of thread/question.
Re: Is there some type of cream Sulfur product? MTG, BM, and BT oils just aren't for

I know some people were using Pomada de Azufre, but I'm not sure you'd want to go that route. It's like 10% sulphur in a creamy, oil-free base. It's kinda gritty and I actually use it to dry out pimples so I would think it would be drying to the scalp. Do a search on Pomada de Azufre and read what others had to say. Otherwise, I don't see why you wouldn't be able to add sulphur powder to a moisturizer on your own.