Is there anyone here that DOESN'T use Protein Treatments???


Fearfully Wonderfully Made
Whether you are relaxed, texturized, transitioning, or natural....who here DOES NOT use protein treatments? Why not (hair doesn't like protein? hair doesn't need it? etc.?)

Also indicate whether you have fine, medium, or thick textured hair! ;)

I'm trying to see if I really need a protein treatment if I have fine textured hair and if my hair really never had problems when I never used one before joining this forum... :grin:

Thanks in advance! :cool:
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My hair is relaxed and is past my shoulders and I don't use protein. For some reason my hair just doesn't like it. I tried it a couple of times and my hair was disasterous to sy the least. Then I thought about when I was younger and my hair was very long with out doing a protein treatment, so I just stopped trying to use it on my hair and my hair is doing 110% better IMO.
PB, before the boards I never knew what I protein conditioner was. But I have noticed since using them and finally finding a good balance b/t moisture and protein...the health of my hair is steadily improving. Ive had a couple of setbacks since joining the boards due to breakage but I think Ive got it back on the road to recovery thanks to regular treatments alternating deep conditioning with moisturizing condioners and protein conditioners or a mixture of the two. You may be able to get away without them though by using a regular conditioner bc many of the regular ones do have some protein.

since u are transitioning though, I would use them bc you will need to maintain and build your hairs strength as you grow out your relaxer. JMHO! :)
Hey Leslie_C, would deep conditioning once a week be sufficient enough??? :confused: I'm almost out of my protein treatment (Elasta QP BCS) and would like to just save money if I really don't need a protein treatment. What do you think?
I don't use protein treatments. My hair doesn't like hardcore proteins so I just make sure to get proteins like silk protein in my regular everyday conditioners.
Poohbear said:
Hey Leslie_C, would deep conditioning once a week be sufficient enough??? :confused: I'm almost out of my protein treatment (Elasta QP BCS) and would like to just save money if I really don't need a protein treatment. What do you think?
No need to fix something that isn't broken. If your hair is fine and thriving without protein treatments, then let it be. You don't want to mess up a good thing by trying to do extra stuff.
I tried using a protien treatment in my hair and my hair hated it. I already have naturally thick hair (even relaxed its very thick) and the treatment just made it unruly and extremely dry. I didnt like it at all.
You know my hair dosen't like it protein to much either. Are there any substitues that you all suggest that I could use? Does the hair REALLY need protein treatments?
Cinnabuns said:
Are there any substitues that you all suggest that I could use? Does the hair REALLY need protein treatments?
This is what I was wondering. I also feel like deep conditioning and the protein treatment does the same thing. After using both (LeKair for conditioning or Elasta QP BCS for protein), my hair feels the same way. :)
My hair absolutely despised hardcore protein treatments. But mild protein works ok in my hair. My hair is medium/thick.

Are you referring to hard core protein treatments?

I've never used a hard core protein, and I don't plan to.
PB, I think a lot of regular conditioners have protein somewhere in the list...I think even some of the cholesterol conditioners do. Also Ive seen a lot of raves about the mane and tail conditioner, its moisturizing AND has protein. But anyway, I think that deep conditioning weekly with any good conditioner would be a good thing, and just be careful with manipulation especially as u get more and more new growth. If u start to notice a lot of breakage, then u can buy a protein treatment to try to control it. most ppl only use one every 6 or 8 weeks anyway and most of them a relaxed.

what kind of styles do u plan to wear as you progress through your transition? I am sooo tempted to transition sometimes but #1 I hate to start all over and #2 I would probably want to wear my hair straight when it was long enough and I doubt a press would hold b/t this FL humidity and my active lifestyle! good luck on your journey!
I didn't even know about protein hair anything until I came to this board. I never used them. I wouldn't know which is which unless it says Hair
I used aphogee once.
Allandra said:

Are you referring to hard core protein treatments?

I've never used a hard core protein, and I don't plan to.
I'm referring to protein treatments in general... light or strong. ;)
Leslie_C said:
PB, I think a lot of regular conditioners have protein somewhere in the list...I think even some of the cholesterol conditioners do. Also Ive seen a lot of raves about the mane and tail conditioner, its moisturizing AND has protein. But anyway, I think that deep conditioning weekly with any good conditioner would be a good thing, and just be careful with manipulation especially as u get more and more new growth. If u start to notice a lot of breakage, then u can buy a protein treatment to try to control it. most ppl only use one every 6 or 8 weeks anyway and most of them a relaxed.

what kind of styles do u plan to wear as you progress through your transition? I am sooo tempted to transition sometimes but #1 I hate to start all over and #2 I would probably want to wear my hair straight when it was long enough and I doubt a press would hold b/t this FL humidity and my active lifestyle! good luck on your journey!
During my transition, I will not be manipulating my hair much at all, so I'm not too worried about breakage and I don't get much as it is right now. Conditioner washes have really cut down on breakage.

I'm doing the bun challenge so my hair will be mostly in a bun 99% of the time. It was hard for me to get over having straight hair all the time too. But now, I feel like transitioning to natural is the best thing for my hair.
Leslie_C said:
what kind of styles do u plan to wear as you progress through your transition? I am sooo tempted to transition sometimes but #1 I hate to start all over and #2 I would probably want to wear my hair straight when it was long enough and I doubt a press would hold b/t this FL humidity and my active lifestyle! good luck on your journey!

What part of FL are you in?....We are planning to meet next month hopefully...Most of us so far are in South Florida....Let me know ;)
I have cut hard core protein out of my regimen. I discovered that I would get a lot of breakage & dryness. Instead. I stick with shampoos and conditioners that have protein along with moisturizers. For 4 weeks I have only used elucence moisture benefits poo & elucence moisture balancing conditioner and the results have been phenomenal. i only wash my hair once a week now because my style stays for 1 week and breakage is seriously near 0. I will be posting pics soon. Basically, i need more moisture for healthy hair than I need protein.
I don't use protein either. I've used the Motions protein at the beginning of my transition, and my hair was HARD. But I do intend to try it again, but maybe with eggs & oil.
My hair has NEVER liked hardcore protein treatments in any form. I can probably count on one hand how many times I've had one in the last 10+ years. That's dating back to when my hair was still relaxed.