Is stretching good for 4b(zzzz) hair??


Well-Known Member
I am currently 8 weeks post and I am experiencing lots of breakage/shedding. I washed, DC'd, and rollerset my hair and about 30 hairs came out.

I don't think that stretching is for me. I have 4bzz, coarse, thick hair.

Does anyone NOT stretch yet still have healthy thick hair?
Your thread title pretty much describes my hair typel. I used to relax every 7-8 weeks, and my hair was healthy. However, I do feel that my hair has gotten thicker due to stretching, in addition to texlaxing. I now touchup every 14 weeks.

With that said, you have to do what's best for your hair. Were the 30 hairs all breakage or some of them shed?
I usually have to tweak my regimen by the time I reach 8 weeks post to carry me further into the stretch. Stretching is not for everyone though, but you should eventually be able to make it past 8 weeks. I usually have to apply my DC like a relaxer when things get too thick. That helps with detangling and keeps ng hydrated. I also have to flat iron my roots when I do rollersets while stretching (keeps new growth from coiling around itself).

To answer your question there are some ladies on the board (can't remember who) that don't stretch and have healthy looking hair. I don't think that they go less than 8 weeks though.
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Thank you for replying so promptly.

Most of the 30 hairs were broken hairs and I know that it was my own idiotic fault :wallbash:. After I roller set, I attempted to wrap my hair using a paddle brush :nono: and it was downhill from there. I know better than to try to wrap my hair with that much new growth.

So tomorrow, I will co-wash and try the S-Curl for the first time and bun. If that does not work, I will relax my hair.

BTW, I wash/co-wash my hair 3-4 times a week and I DC twice a week.
I was just thinking about this topic the other day ! My hair texture is 4b and stretching for me can be difficult. I tried to stretch for 12 weeks over the summer and got more breakage than expected, so now I play it by ear depending on how much new growth I have rather than going by weeks . Right now I am 9 weeks post and will relax tomorrow to avoid breakage.
^^:lachen: at you trying to wrap your hair with NG.

I havent wrapped my hair in a proper, neat way in nearly 2 1/2 months. Its too thick. It will be snap, crackle, pop if i try.

Now if i decide to flat iron my roots then yeah it will wrap but it still wont look as nice as a fresh relaxer wrap.

I stretch and think it was the best thing for my hair. You just gotta learn not to manipulate it that much or of course hair will be all over your bathroom sink.
I'm a 4a and z. What helps me to stretch is using ayurvedic cowashes. I prepoo with Brahmi or Amla oil overnight, then mix my powders with either Tresemme or Suave Humectant and apply to my hair. I let it sit for atleast 30 minutes, rinse, and DC with a good moisturizing DC. I use Hawaiian Silky 14 in 1 as a moisturizer and I seal with olive oil. Tie down with a scarf until dry.
I am so right there with you op. I am 9 weeks 1 day post and my hair is a BEAST!!!! On my last 2 or 3 co washes i've lost a ton of hair (breakage and shedding). I am sitting here right now with my scalp based and my hair full of conditioner because i'm thinking I may touch up tonight. I really don't want to and actually am bummed about it. My last touchup I stretched for 12 or 13 weeks so I figured i'd do that this time with no problem. My new growth is hard/dry/crazy this go round and i'm not sure what the difference is.

I think stretching is great for all hair types but sometimes your hair just ain't having it. I'm hoping that the next stretch won't be so bad :spinning:
Thank you again. I think that I will try to handle my hair in an extremely gentle fashion over the next couple of days and decide whether or not to relax or continue stretching.
I think that stretching is good..for as long as your hair can tolerate it. I am currently at 18 weeks and was trying to stretch to 24 but I have too much shedding, at least I think it is too much. And my ends feel so dry despite the fact that I cowash every 4 days and moisturize usually 2x a day the entire length of hair including roots..does anyone know why the ends tend to get dry? And also is the reason for the shedding simply because the the demarcation line is weak and the hair is easily pulled from that point?