Is something wrong with me? Do I neeď help?


New Member
Ladies I have a confession, since I joined LHCF I find myself being a little bit selfish. I have been keeping ALL my hair tricks a secret from my friends and family. Not because I'm mean but because I have NEVER had long or even healthy hair. A part of me wants to see some real progress in my hair before I start giving tips.

Do any of you find yourself bein "halefish" (hair selfish) like me and wanting to be secretive to people who aren't on LHCF???? Or am I the only one?

I'll get better with time, please don't judge me. :o)
No you're not the only one. I don't know if I do it out of selfishness or just out of not wanting to have to explain to people why I'm embarking on this journey. Also I feel like I'm not an "expert" yet. I just started and probably won't start sharing until I start getting some very visible progress.
I do this too
at times when i feel open to share people knock it down especially since my hair isnt crazy long or i dont want to mess up someones hair and have them come at me either
I'm exactly the same need to gain some visible length before people take what I say with more than just a pinch of salt.
Im the opposite.... I want to see all women with healthy Afro textured hair whether relaxed or I walk around preaching the LHCF gospel
When I first started I was the exact opposite...I couldn't keep my mouth shut, but now I don't share unless people ask. I was tired of ignorant comments, but now many of my friends ask.
When I first started my journey I told some people about it and some were looking at me like I was crazy. I realized seeing is believing. When people see the difference in your hair, they will ask for tips. Until I get to my goal length (should have been there already but I had lots of setbacks) I dont say anything.
i do this too, not becuase i dont feel confident that i know everything, lol becuase i feel like an expert most of the time. it dont take much to learn about moisture/protein balance, dont take much to know that a split end will keep splitting, and it dont take much to know that chemical litterally eats at the hair until its nuetralized. so me not talking to many people about hair growth is not me being selfish but just plain lazy, dont want to waist my breath on explaining to people that truely dont get it no matter what you say to them.
Here's the thing; it's no secret really.
It's not really in my personality to go around and talk about it out loud, but if someone asks without ridicule, then yeah, I'll give them every last "secret" that's not really a secret.
i do this too, not becuase i dont feel confident that i know everything, lol becuase i feel like an expert most of the time. it dont take much to learn about moisture/protein balance, dont take much to know that a split end will keep splitting, and it dont take much to know that chemical litterally eats at the hair until its nuetralized. so me not talking to many people about hair growth is not me being selfish but just plain lazy, dont want to waist my breath on explaining to people that truely dont get it no matter what you say to them.

and also a lot of BW dont believe you can grow hair if you're not mixed or if you have type 4 hair. You have to show them before you can tell them.
and also a lot of BW dont believe you can grow hair if you're not mixed or if you have type 4 hair. You have to show them before you can tell them.

Exactlyyyyy, so i dont WASTE MY BREATH. BW, they have to do an extensive weave check first before they listen to anything you have to say about hair.
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No, you are not being selfish; telling others about LHCF early in my journey had one of two responses: "I don't have time for that or I'm not paying for that." "You are obsessed." A day will definitely will when others will be coming to you seeking hair advice, some straight out others in sneaky ways asking about your hair care regimen.
I will let my progress show them.

There is nothing wrong with withholding information, plus some people may not take you seriously until you have a considerable amount of progress.
I was a tell all at first. But I've been getting looks and heads shaking from side to side (all negative). Questions like, why are you washing your hair 2x a week. You are going to wash the natural oils out of your hair. (Please, not the way I dc). Or, you are going to cause more breakage and dry your hair out. (Please, not the way I dc). I feel like rounding up a few of my LHCF gang and explaining the business to them blow by blow. My plan is to achieve my hair goal, flat iron it really nice and then hair slap them :lachen: as I walk by with my mbl hair! Yeah!!!

Honestly though, I realize their ignorance is expected because I was in the same boat.
and also a lot of BW dont believe you can grow hair if you're not mixed or if you have type 4 hair. You have to show them before you can tell them.

Sometimes even then the brainwashing about "black hair can't grow" sometimes remains. I have type 4a hair and a co-worker I know has type 4b hair and I was explaining to her how I keep my hair moisturized so that it remains soft and how I can get waves in my hair when it's freshly washed and conditioned and I told her about LHCF - but she just wouldn't believe that her own her would grow or be manageable and attractive. She just thought I had good hair and she didn't. Mind you, my hair is just about as nappy as hers. It was like running up against a brick wall. :ohwell:
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I was a tell all at first. But I've been getting looks and heads shaking from side to side (all negative). Questions like, why are you washing your hair 2x a week. You are going to wash the natural oils out of your hair. (Please, not the way I dc). Or, you are going to cause more breakage and dry your hair out. (Please, not the way I dc). I feel like rounding up a few of my LHCF gang and explaining the business to them blow by blow. My plan is to achieve my hair goal, flat iron it really nice and then hair slap them :lachen: as I walk by with my mbl hair! Yeah!!!

Honestly though, I realize their ignorance is expected because I was in the same boat.

I was the same way, telling everyone about my newly discovered hair knowledge. I kept getting the side eye from people. After a few negative responses, I decided that I'll just wait for them to come to me with questions after they see the progress my hair makes.
I'm not forthcoming with advice, but if someone asks me what I'm doing I always tell them. I always give a disclaimer, by saying "this is what works for ME and MY HAIR" so if it doesn't turn out great they can't blame me....
I try to tell them & sometimes they listen but one friend didn't to me about pink oil moistuzier. I told her not to use that crap but she didn't listen until her & her daughter hair started falling out. Now she kinda listens now