Is Some Breakage To Be Expected?


Well-Known Member
So I washed my hair today and noticed some breakage. I normally see some shedding and very minimal breakage on wash day but today it was enough to worry me. My Previous Regimen:

Every 7-10 Days Wash with Shea Moisture Shampoo

Then use Shea Moisture Curl and Style Milk leave in conditioner and oils (grapeseed, jojoba, coconut etc.) and put into two strand twists to dry.

I deep condition about every two weeks with Aloe Vera/Coconut and baggy.

The only thing that has changed in my regimen is that the last two washes I stopped using the Shea Moisture Shampoo and I started using Giovanni Deeper Moisture Shampoo and the Conditioner. Then after that use the Shea M. Curl and Style Milk leave in.

Besides the breakage I noticed this wash around, my hair looks healthier and more moisturized than ever.

Is a certain amount of breakage to be expected, is there a way to stop or minimize it?
i was just wondering this after shampooing my hair tonight. i also have hair come out when i shampoo, detangle, and brush with a denman. it's usually an amount slightly smaller than or half the size of a golf ball. i shampoo once or twice a week.
This topic is debatable. For me, I say yes, a few strands is expected although some will debate that zero breakage is possible. I have yet to achieve zero breakage. There are a number of ways to minimize - low mani regi, be gentle with your hair when manipulating, moisturize/seal hair often, protein/moisture balance to name a few.
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I agree with divachyk - no matter what you do to your hair, I think you will experience a bit of breakage because the elements damage our hair - even air damages our hair, touching it damages it, etc, long as I don't see a bunch of broken strands on my shoulders when I'm not touching my hair, and it's only a few when I detangle in the shower or during a detangling session, I don't worry.
EllePixie --- totally agree with you. Some is okay. Excessive is code red. I feel the same about shedding. Some is okay and expected. Excessive is not okay.
Of course it is. In manipulating your hair (combing, styling, moisturizing), you're exerting some level of stress/tension/force on it. This can lead to weakening and eventual breakage of the strand.

The only way to eliminate breakage complete is to not touch your hair at all and don't expose it to the elements.

Now even though some breakage is to be expected, I always look for ways minimize it if possible. Just keep tabs on whether what you're doing is the cause of excessive breakage. For example, if a lot of breakage happens while you're combing, then maybe ask yourself whether being a bit gentler or using a different technique could help etc.
Not to hijack Op, but what about even when you're just applying product? I lose strands every single day (a nice wad) just from appying prods because I do wng's. Could it cause too much moisture> I'm getting worried.
We all get breakage in some form. The key is to minimise the amount of breakage you do get so ensure your moisture/protein balance is on point and try not to manipulate the hair too much.
We all get breakage in some form. The key is to minimise the amount of breakage you do get so ensure your moisture/protein balance is on point and try not to manipulate the hair too much.

I agree sometimes we get so paranoid about breakage we don't actually enjoy our hair LOL. :afro:
CurlyNiquee - I see breakage at times other than washing/detangling. Sometimes when styling my hair, bunning my hair, or just flat out manipulating my hair, I may glimpse a broken strand every now and then. I tell you this so don't set your expectations to think that breakage is normal for washing/detangling moments only. Just use good judgment. If the breakage is excessive, then worry. When the breakage is here/there but not overly excessive, then you should be okay.
Not to hijack Op, but what about even when you're just applying product? I lose strands every single day (a nice wad) just from appying prods because I do wng's. Could it cause too much moisture> I'm getting worried.

Is it shedding or breakage? Perhaps you're not getting all your shed hair out? When I just fingercombed I found that to be the case or not detangle thoroughly.
Yes it is. Some breakage is completely normal. Hair is going to break sometimes, especially when it gets to really long lengths because the ends are really old. There is no such thing as zero breakage ever.
Hmph. I just washed and detangled after a week old braidout. Let's just say if zero breakage was the name of the game, I'd need to be committed. :spinning: As long as it's not hindering my retention, I don't worry about it.
I'm glad to see people talking about their breakage and shedding. When I was lurking, I remember seeing claims of zero strands lost. I shed about a half golf ball as someone else said, every wash day. I also shed with any manipulation -- bunning, roller setting, adding product. I was feeling like I must be doing something wrong, because I wasn't getting to that no strand loss others talked about.

Then I realized two things. 1. I still have more hair than I can deal with half the time, although length retention is a little slow. 2. I've lived with a ton of Type 1/2 people who don't use chems, only a few who dye, and who overall had low mani lifestyles. They all shed hair like crazy! I had one roommate who'd clog the tub on a regular basis.

Much of it is just normal hair loss that all people have. If you're noticing a loss in fullness or length or patchiness, that's a cause for alarm. But half a handful on wash day or a few strands while styling is probably in normal range.
Is it shedding or breakage? Perhaps you're not getting all your shed hair out? When I just fingercombed I found that to be the case or not detangle thoroughly.

I detangle every wash day or cowash, which is at least weekly or more frequent for cowashes. I use my tangle teaser and then go thru with my shower comb or a much smaller comb. I finger comb during the week when applying product, but it seems more than it should be and has been going on for a bit of time. I wish I knew how to post pics instead of needing a url to do it :( As far as growth goes I retain length, but I see it's a bit thinner in the back which is prolly where all the hair is shedding/breaking. Should I just cut it and start again because I'm sick of not being able to touch it without hair being all over my hands and in product. This is torture. I don't think it's within the norm.

I've been wanting to roc a short doo for a while anyway, but reluctant. Guess this is as good an excuse as any and I can finally get it out of my system.
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I'm glad to see people talking about their breakage and shedding. When I was lurking, I remember seeing claims of zero strands lost. I shed about a half golf ball as someone else said, every wash day. I also shed with any manipulation -- bunning, roller setting, adding product. I was feeling like I must be doing something wrong, because I wasn't getting to that no strand loss others talked about.

Then I realized two things. 1. I still have more hair than I can deal with half the time, although length retention is a little slow. 2. I've lived with a ton of Type 1/2 people who don't use chems, only a few who dye, and who overall had low mani lifestyles. They all shed hair like crazy! I had one roommate who'd clog the tub on a regular basis.

Much of it is just normal hair loss that all people have. If you're noticing a loss in fullness or length or patchiness, that's a cause for alarm. But half a handful on wash day or a few strands while styling is probably in normal range.

I'm sure I was one of those who claimed this in the beginning of my HHJ. Suffice to say I soon learned. :look:
Bumping because I'm wondering this myself right now since I woke up to see a couple broken strands on my pillow even though my hair was wrapped in a silk scarf.:ohwell: I go crazy every time I see a broken strand which doesn't happen very often since I completely stopped combing my hair except when I de tangle on wash days. Relieved to hear a couple broken strands every now and again is normal.
i could be wrong about this, but i somehow remember something about giovanni being a protien poo/condish. so maybe there is a protien difference between what you were using before that your hair doesnt like? again, i could have no clue what im talking about but it may be something to look into.
Bumping because I'm wondering this myself right now since I woke up to see a couple broken strands on my pillow even though my hair was wrapped in a silk scarf.:ohwell: I go crazy every time I see a broken strand which doesn't happen very often since I completely stopped combing my hair except when I de tangle on wash days. Relieved to hear a couple broken strands every now and again is normal.

I wouldn't worry about a few broken strands.

They may have gotten caught in your scarf and rubbed off as your slept.