Is Shikha Mehandi henna BAQ?


New Member
Sorry if this sounds dense, I just bought some Shikha Mehandi henna from a local Indian Bazaar and though it's for use on the hands and feet I was wondering if it's BAQ and safe to use on the hair? It says it's 'Export Quality' on the bag.
Shikha? I think that is just the brand name. I can't see why this product wouldn't be okay to use. It seems to just be a brand of henna. Is there anything on the package that makes you think that it may not be so good?
Yeah, Diamond's Shikha Mehandi is the full name. It has a picture of artwork on a person's hands and gives instructions for applying it to the hands and feet. It costed only $6.99 for 17.5 oz too, just seems too good to be true you know! Just the fact that it doesn't say body art quality makes me a little nervous although it's clearly for use on the body...
I wouldn't use it! The risks are too great! Even using "body art" quality henna is not sufficient. There are about 3-4 brands which are known not to have toxins (goggle "henna ppd").

I can't recall the names of any others besides Jamila. If you can't find Jamila locally, it's worth the extra $3-$5 to order it online...or not use it at all. Please be careful! Some of these products have mercury salts and LEAD in them...BE WARE when ordering products from countries that don't have the same FDA standards we are accustomed to.

This is so important, I'm going to make a new thread on it as a reminder.
metalkitty said:
Sorry if this sounds dense, I just bought some Shikha Mehandi henna from a local Indian Bazaar and though it's for use on the hands and feet I was wondering if it's BAQ and safe to use on the hair? It says it's 'Export Quality' on the bag.

What are the ingredients of your henna?
I purchased one called hesh mehandi powder which contains only lawsonia alba/henna) this is okay right?
Kamilah said:
I wouldn't use it! The risks are too great! Even using "body art" quality henna is not sufficient. There are about 3-4 brands which are known not to have toxins (goggle "henna ppd").

I can't recall the names of any others besides Jamila. If you can't find Jamila locally, it's worth the extra $3-$5 to order it online...or not use it at all. Please be careful! Some of these products have mercury salts and LEAD in them...BE WARE when ordering products from countries that don't have the same FDA standards we are accustomed to.

This is so important, I'm going to make a new thread on it as a reminder.

Where are you getting your information from? Who said that there are only 3 or 4 brands of henna that don't contain toxins?

Why are you encouraging people here to search "henna ppd" when it has been discussed many times over to only use 100% henna herb?

Of course a 'henna product' will contain ingredients other than henna, those are the ones that should be avoided.
den1 said:
I purchased one called hesh mehandi powder which contains only lawsonia alba/henna) this is okay right?

Yours sounds fine. I seen that brand at my local indian store too. :)
Kamilah said:
I wouldn't use it! The risks are too great! Even using "body art" quality henna is not sufficient. There are about 3-4 brands which are known not to have toxins (goggle "henna ppd").

I can't recall the names of any others besides Jamila. If you can't find Jamila locally, it's worth the extra $3-$5 to order it online...or not use it at all. Please be careful! Some of these products have mercury salts and LEAD in them...BE WARE when ordering products from countries that don't have the same FDA standards we are accustomed to.

This is so important, I'm going to make a new thread on it as a reminder.

I know that Jamilla henna is not the only "safe" henna. There are other's available that are totally safe for use on hair.
metalkitty said:
Yeah, Diamond's Shikha Mehandi is the full name. It has a picture of artwork on a person's hands and gives instructions for applying it to the hands and feet. It costed only $6.99 for 17.5 oz too, just seems too good to be true you know! Just the fact that it doesn't say body art quality makes me a little nervous although it's clearly for use on the body...

Is this it?

Personally I would have no problem using it.
Just a question about testing a strand of hair...are you looking to see if the hair disintegrates/turns a strange color? I'm sorry if this is really silly, but what specifically are we looking for?
Honeydew, you are so awesome! Yeah, thats the stuff I have, of course I'll be doing a strand test though! Thanks for always being so helpful to everyone! And thank you to everyone else who posted. OneinaMillion stated a good question also.
You should test on harvested hair--grab a small clump from a hairbrush or comb. Mix the henna, let it sit for the color to release and then put it on the hair you're testing and let sit for as long as you'd actually do the treatment on your hair. Rinse.

You're checking to make sure the hair doesn't disintegrate or react negatively to the henna in any way, which would likely happen if it's not pure. Pull on it, feel it, make sure it feels strong and healthy after the henna treatment--and make sure the color is acceptable, too. I was reading that if there's a problem, you'll know immediately.