Is rollersetting a good way to get through to 12 weeks?


Island Gyal
I'm currently at 8 weeks post and I have a lot of NG from the middle to my nape. Not so much at the front. I want to go to 12 weeks before I relax again. I'm thinking of rollersetting ... maybe weekly... and wearing my hair curly and maybe pinned up. Do you all think that's a good way to wear my hair for the next 4 weeks?
Yes a curly rollerset will cut down on manipulation and hide/camoflauge the new growth. I like using perm rods or flexirods when I have a lot of NG. I wouldn't recommend doing a rollerset that you have to wrap or comb everyday this far into your stretch.
Yelp that and braidouts! My stretches last from 6-9 months and I rollerset 80% of the time during each stretch.
how do I maintain the curls when I go to bed and when I work out?

I don't want to comb out the curls and wrap it. Plus I work out every other day. It's gonna get frizzy when I work up a sweat. Should I cowash everytime I work out and rollerset again.
I'm able to sleep with rollers as long as they aren't the real big ones. You could also pincurl, but if you workout regularly I would either use rollers or just wear it in an updo. Sorry that I don't have better advice!
I stretch my texlaxes to 13-15 weeks, and I use curly rollersets to get me from week 6 to touchup time. I workout 3-4 times a week and maintain the style (which I redo weekly) using big pincurls.
Rollersetting is the way to go. I have gone 16wks using rollersetting. It keeps the hair really healthy.
I relax every 12 weeks and I rollerset every week. I don't wrap anymore, I just use 4 pincurls to maintain the style. I keep my hair covered if I'm working out.
Tip: I keep the roller covers tight by putting them inside the rollers which help 'set' the root of my hair.[/quote]

Sorry, I'm a bit slow today-- can you explain this more? I want to try it this weekend.
It seems like most of you are doing your rollersets on your own which is probably the best way to go. I suck at rollersets so I was thinking about going to a domincan salon for this but they always complain about the shedding and harass me about needing a relaxer.
Yes yes yes!:weird:

I find when doing my normal stretches the rollers with the covers help straighten new growth. :yep:

Tip: I keep the roller covers tight by putting them inside the rollers which help 'set' the root of my hair.

Thanks for the tip! :flowers:! I just replaced a bunch of rollers for me and my mom because the covers got too loose.
Yes a curly rollerset will cut down on manipulation and hide/camoflauge the new growth. I like using perm rods or flexirods when I have a lot of NG. I wouldn't recommend doing a rollerset that you have to wrap or comb everyday this far into your stretch.

ITA:yep:....I do this as well.
Yes, I love rollersets. But, if I have a lot of NG, I have to straighten my roots with a flat iron or blowdryer b/c I like to wear my hair straight instead of curly.

I sometimes pincurl, but I don't have any issues with wrapping or combing my hair.
Val, really try a braidout with perm rods on the end. I work out (sweating to the max) three times a week and this works for me. I redo every three days. The first two days I wear it down and the third day I pin it up. I don't even use heat. It's great and it's the answer to how to wear my hair while working out frequently.
I relax every 12 weeks and I rollerset every week. I don't wrap anymore, I just use 4 pincurls to maintain the style. I keep my hair covered if I'm working out.
does your hair frizz up?

Val, really try a braidout with perm rods on the end. I work out (sweating to the max) three times a week and this works for me. I redo every three days. The first two days I wear it down and the third day I pin it up. I don't even use heat. It's great and it's the answer to how to wear my hair while working out frequently.
Thanks for that tip. I will have to buy some perm rods soon.

I rollerset lastnight and I wore my hair up this morning. I liked it..... SO loved it.... :lol:
I thinks so, I have nott uised my flat irons in a year.
use different sizes rolled in different directions for great style.
Thank you :thankyou:

Sorry, I'm a bit slow today-- can you explain this more? I want to try it this weekend.

Okay these are what the rollers typically look like (sizes are color coded depending your length of hair and how tight/small you want your curl pattern smaller... the smaller the curler longer the drying time)

These types of rollers, if they fit snugly, can virtually eliminate the need for bobby pins and metal prong clips.

After you roll your hair on the rollers you put the caps on top to hold the hair in place.

The caps on the rollers tend to get slack/loose over time but if you store the caps inside cylinder of the roller when not in use they will retain their form and hold tightly use after use.

Tutorial for roller setting hair 1.

Tutorial 2.

Thank you :thankyou:

Okay these are what the rollers typically look like (sizes are color coded depending your length of hair and how tight/small you want your curl pattern smaller... the smaller the curler longer the drying time)

You are most

These types of rollers, if they fit snugly, can virtually eliminate the need for bobby pins and metal prong clips.

After you roll your hair on the rollers you put the caps on top to hold the hair in place.

The caps on the rollers tend to get slack/loose over time but if you store the caps inside cylinder of the roller when not in use they will retain their form and hold tightly use after use.

Tutorial for roller setting hair 1.

Tutorial 2.


You are :welcome:

Just remember keep trying...when you are comfortable roller setting your hair you will save your money and hair length in the long run by cutting down on unnecessary salon visits.:woot:
It seems like most of you are doing your rollersets on your own which is probably the best way to go. I suck at rollersets so I was thinking about going to a domincan salon for this but they always complain about the shedding and harass me about needing a relaxer.

me too
thats why i want to learn to do this myself