Is pure coconut oil supposed to smell like this??


New Member
I just used some 100% pure coconut oil that was purchased at an Indian store here in Houston. First of all, the coconut oil is really thick and gritty. But most importantly, it smells like 10 day old bacon grease. This smell is horrible. I put it on right before coming to work, so I had no time to wash it out. So I tried to mask the smell by applying so Giovanni direct. (that didn't help)

I hope I don't make my patients nauseous (I am a nurse). :drool: Maybe I should put on a surgical cap.

I was expecting a nice pleasant coconut smell, but this smells nothing like any part of a coconut. I feel so self-conscious right now, because I smell like old bacon grease.

Is this normal. I know there are lots of you that use pure coconut oil. By the way, this coconut oil is by Vijay and it is in a blue bottle.
No it shouldn't. My coconut oil smells lightly of coconuts. When it's liquid it's smooth and clear, and when it's solid it's slightly thick with "coconut-feeling" pieces in it.
Definitely not!

Pure coconut oil has a very light coconut smell. It should be solid when cool, but melts very quickly and easily when rubbed between one's palms.
Well I don't know what is wrong with this bottle. I won't be using it anymore. Maybe it is old. Maybe it is used for cooking. I did notice that it had nutition facts on the side of the bottle.

Next time I will be purchasing my own products. I had one of my co-workers (who is of Indian descent) go to the Indian store and buy it for me. Maybe she picked up the wrong one. Who knows. But what I do know is that I won't be putting that stuff back in my head.
I bought my first batch of unrefined coconut oil from and it didn't smell particularly coconutty either. It kinda just smelled like used crisco. I bought some from and it smells (and tastes) like coconuts and there are no additives (or that's what the website says). One of my friends bought the unrefined coconut oil from Whole Foods Market, I think the brand is spectrum organics and while it smells like coconut, it doesn't have a taste to it.
My first purchase of oil was parachute brand, I couldnt stand it either. In fact I did the same thread, asking what it was supposed to smell like. If you are going to use it for just your hair, any brand will do. FNWL has a decent price. If you are going to consume it, of the ones I have tried, this is the best tasting, IMO:
Coconut Oil Supreme

Followed by Garden of Life brand, then Tropical Traditions and other store brands.

Once I had tried the coconut oil supreme, I couldnt go back to consuming the other brands. You can add it to your coffee, tea, oatmeal. I've used it to fry pancakes in :lick: , grilled cheese sandwiches, and quesadilla's too. Or just take it straight. :)
Virgin unrefined coconut oil is supposed to smell like coconuts. Refined coconut oil doesn't (well shouldn't) have any smell at all. I have had both. I would definitely take it back if it smelled funny!
hairIAM said:
I just used some 100% pure coconut oil that was purchased at an Indian store here in Houston. First of all, the coconut oil is really thick and gritty. But most importantly, it smells like 10 day old bacon grease. This smell is horrible. I put it on right before coming to work, so I had no time to wash it out. So I tried to mask the smell by applying so Giovanni direct. (that didn't help)

I hope I don't make my patients nauseous (I am a nurse). :drool: Maybe I should put on a surgical cap.

I was expecting a nice pleasant coconut smell, but this smells nothing like any part of a coconut. I feel so self-conscious right now, because I smell like old bacon grease.

Is this normal. I know there are lots of you that use pure coconut oil. By the way, this coconut oil is by Vijay and it is in a blue bottle.

I have the cocout oil from the indian store and yes it smells like cooking grease the indian owner said that they (indian people)use it for everything from cooking,to their hair as a daily oil ,and for their skin like lotion every day.They use it on their babies hair and skin from the time that they are born.He says that they believe that using it in food improves the memory and helps keep the body healthy so they (indian people)are used to the smell.
I buy and use it for cooking as a subsitute for butter or crisco cause I will not get used to that Crisco smell on my hair:eek:

I purchase the coconut oil that I use on my hair from the BSS in the dominican product aisle.ingredients are coconut oil and fragrance it smells like fresh coconuts it goes on smooth not gritty the brand name is Charty(Aceite de Coco Tropical)
I have some virgin unrefined coconut oil that I purchased at GNC, and it also smells faintly like Crisco! The smell isn't strong and fades quickly though. I actually use it more on my dry skin than on my hair. When it's used up, though, I think I'll try a different (more coconutty:) ) brand.
I got my coconut oil from a local Indian food store in town here (on a tip from a fellow LHCFer :D ). It was cheap, with absolutely no smell. I smell nothing, no matter how much I put on. It's waxy when cold, liquid when warm. I'm guessing they mixed in something either as a filler or preservative that's making it smell weird. :ohwell:
HairIAM - I think I have that same one you're talking about I got it from and Indian store. Is it in a little blue bottle? If so, it is an all purpose coconut oil. The grit will go away if you rub your hands together long enough. It is safe for the hair I've been using it for the last month and a half. It's been the only thing to help cure my extreme dryness.
hairIAM said:
I just used some 100% pure coconut oil that was purchased at an Indian store here in Houston. First of all, the coconut oil is really thick and gritty. But most importantly, it smells like 10 day old bacon grease. This smell is horrible. I put it on right before coming to work, so I had no time to wash it out. So I tried to mask the smell by applying so Giovanni direct. (that didn't help)

I hope I don't make my patients nauseous (I am a nurse). :drool: Maybe I should put on a surgical cap.

I was expecting a nice pleasant coconut smell, but this smells nothing like any part of a coconut. I feel so self-conscious right now, because I smell like old bacon grease.

Is this normal. I know there are lots of you that use pure coconut oil. By the way, this coconut oil is by Vijay and it is in a blue bottle.

No! Organic coconut oil usually has no scent (or a light scent), and regular coconut oil usually has a fragrant smell (it smells good).

God forbid if they did give you bacon grease mixed with coconut oil :eek:
hairIAM said:
I just used some 100% pure coconut oil that was purchased at an Indian store here in Houston. First of all, the coconut oil is really thick and gritty. But most importantly, it smells like 10 day old bacon grease. This smell is horrible. I put it on right before coming to work, so I had no time to wash it out. So I tried to mask the smell by applying so Giovanni direct. (that didn't help)

I hope I don't make my patients nauseous (I am a nurse). :drool: Maybe I should put on a surgical cap.

I was expecting a nice pleasant coconut smell, but this smells nothing like any part of a coconut. I feel so self-conscious right now, because I smell like old bacon grease.

Is this normal. I know there are lots of you that use pure coconut oil. By the way, this coconut oil is by Vijay and it is in a blue bottle.

That's weird. I live in Houston too but I bought my coconut oil from Whole Foods. It doesn't have a smell. Its hard in a jar but once I put it in my hands and rub it, it changes to a very shiny light oil. You might wanna go check it out. I don't know the name brand but its in a purple jar.
My coconut oil does not have any scent. It's an opaque solid in the jar, but once I put it in my hands it turns into a clear liquid.

This is the brand I use.
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Pure unrefined coconut oil smells like cocnuts (without added fragrance) and does feel kinda lumpy and gritty (because it hasn't been refined, so it's pure) until you rub it and it liquifies (unless it's a warm area or maybe in the summertime and it liquifies in the tub).
The pure unrefined will have nutrition facts on it because it is sold as a suppliment.
If you look at the label, the only ingredient should be coconut oil.
It smells like Crisco? It looks like C----, have you tasted it? lololol Chances are it is not the kind of coconut oil that we know it oughta ....Hrmnpph!!! clearing my throat......anyway......bonjour
I agree with the others, it shouldn't smell like that. Is it unrefined coconut oil? Even if it's the refined kind it still shouldn't smell like that though. I have the refined kind for cooking and it has no scent. The unrefined kind I used for my hair smells like coconut milk. Maybe you got a bad batch.
lol just call me an informant on indian hair products---- i've had too many run-ins & my ex-best friend was indian....honestly what they do *which is dead wrong might i add* is keep products for about 8-10 years *i kid you not*..... honestly they do it because overseas the expiry date is usually a decade or somewhere close so it was probably getting towards the end of the expiry date or later :eek: do beware of that when you go to stores...

the blue bottle brand you're talking about, parachute brand, i believe it is, well i've had a bottle of that before and it was actually wonderful.... very nice nutty smell and its actually the brand that all indians use because its widely found in india and indian nations.... it usually is fresh because its always being constantly replenished...but once again if it was getting near the end of its expiry date and not many people like it so much, then that would explain why you were having a problem with the product....

and honestly, its very rare that you can return or exchange a product like that for a refund without there being a problem.... a lot of indian/ indo-pak (pakistani) stores are mom and pop operations and they don't accept that product back...its actually a relatively cheap product so just to save yourself from being annoyed invest in another bottle- perhaps somewhere else if you find all the bottles have gone south....
