Is it underprocessed or New growth?...Need help!!!


New Member
Hi ladies, I have a question...On october 14th I had recieved a touch-up from my stylist...this lady has been doing my hair since I was 10...well anyways yesterday morning I had washed my hair for the first time since my touch-up...I washed with my usual NTM shampoo and then I deep conditioned with both my protein conditioner (keraphix) and moisturizing conditoner (NTM Daily deep conditioner). I air dried my hair using the ponytail method and placed magnetic rollers on my ends.

This morning my hair had finally dried completely and now my roots are wavy and curly...last week after my touch-up my hair was completely straight...there was no waves or curls...I'm confused:confused:...I would like to know what this could be...Is my hair underprocessed? or Could it be the protein conditioner that I used?...I know for sure that it is not new hair grows fast but not that fast:lol:...any suggestions on what it could be?

Maybe it's under processed because I just washed my hair sunday after my relaxer last monday and I did a pre poo w/EVOO and used Nexxus Botanoil poo and Keraphix conditon and then I DC w/Miss key 10 en 1 w/a little honey and plenty of EVOO added I also air dried in 1 single platt Pulled back like a ponytail and my hair is still bone straight, now some pple have had a problem using reconstuctors too soon after relaxing, they say it caused the hair to revert back, I never experienced this. I say call your stylist and have her take a look at it maybe she'll fix the problem for free since you have been a client for a long time.
I'm gonna guess under processed. Most times I ask for my hair to be relaxed 80 % and not totally straight so not to end up with limp hair that has no body. This means when wet/damp my hair is still wavy not straight.

Which relaxer did she use to touch up?

OT: LL, I took a peek at your pics for the first time today. Your hair is pretty. i loved the highlights but like the dark rinse even better. You have some great progress!
Lady_Lioness said:
Hi ladies, I have a question...On october 14th I had recieved a touch-up from my stylist...this lady has been doing my hair since I was 10...well anyways yesterday morning I had washed my hair for the first time since my touch-up...I washed with my usual NTM shampoo and then I deep conditioned with both my protein conditioner (keraphix) and moisturizing conditoner (NTM Daily deep conditioner). I air dried my hair using the ponytail method and placed magnetic rollers on my ends.

This morning my hair had finally dried completely and now my roots are wavy and curly...last week after my touch-up my hair was completely straight...there was no waves or curls...I'm confused:confused:...I would like to know what this could be...Is my hair underprocessed? or Could it be the protein conditioner that I used?...I know for sure that it is not new hair grows fast but not that fast:lol:...any suggestions on what it could be?


I guess it depends on your definition of underprocessed. If you want it to be completely bone straight, then you might be underprocessed. But if you ask for your hair to not be relaxed bone straight or use a mild relaxer for the minimum amount of time, it might be just the residual texture of your hair showing back up. Usually the relaxer, plus heat styling and styling tension temporarily takes out all texture (waves and curls). For me it usually takes about 2-3 weeks of washing and conditioning for it to come back in force.
@BeautifulWideEyes - ahhh...maybe that's what it is...but i have used reconstructors in the past... always a week after my touch-up and this has never happened b4...thanx so much for the advice...I'll definitely give my stylist a call about it.

@simplycee - ok so pretty much it's nothing to worry about?...I really didn't understood the terms of underprocessed and I thought it was a bad stylist went from using optimum a year ago...which i hated because it burned like crazy and it left my hair extremely using a relaxer called Ashtae...i don't know if anyone here is familiar with this relaxer but since switching my hair hasn't been dry nor has my scalp burned. Oh and by the way thanx 4 the compliment...your hair is gorgeous you was one of the few ladies..be4 i joined...that I stalked for hrs...I would like to hopefully reach your length someday...thanx 4 the response

@myco - oh i i guess there shouldn't be a need for me to worry...I just thought that if your hair was underprocessed it is texturized and not relaxed...I really honestly don't want my hair to be bone straight I like it with alot of body...I just thought that it was gonna do harm to my hair if it was underprocessed instead of relaxed completely straight...I guess I have a lot to learn...thanx girl