Is it safe 2 use AO GPB Conditioner every wk?


FSU Alumni/Grad Student
Just wondering b/c I've heard rave reviews about it and was interested in purchasing it to use on my "prone 2 breakage" hair once a week after pooing until I notice improving results. Please share your experiences w/this product & your usage!

Thanks Ladies!
I love this product and have been using it since childhood! I give it my approval for weekly usage!
I just used it yesterday for the first time and I LOVE the way my hair feels. I too was thinking the same question about using it weekly - thanx.
:yep: it's totally fine to use it every week! That's what I do... I DC with AO GPB for about 2 hours every week on dry hair before I wash... I've been using it for 2 years... so go for it! I love that stuff!