Is it really that important to have even ends?


Well-Known Member
My stylist is ITCHING to trim my hair because she says it is going to split and it's already uneven, even thought it's not noticeable. She said she likes to keep hair even and its important to trim as often as possible.

My friend on the other hand thinks it's important to have even hair also. She frequently trims 2-3" of hair off every couple of months because she likes to cut it a lot, and she likes everything to be even.

When I told her I hated trims and I didnt necessarily care if my ends were even in the crown (where no one can really tell anyway), she asked me to lift a middle section of my hair up and said "yeah, thats about 3 inches that needs to be cut." I look for myself and only see about 1/4" if I really want it to be even. I just dont understand the obsession with trimming ends to keep them constantly even? Hair does not grow at the same speed all at once, so of course its not going to be even all around.

Does it really matter that much? :perplexed
don't let her force you to cut what you don't want cut off... i mean, as long as you are trimming your ends to get rid of the splits, thats all that really matters. firmly let her know your expectations for YOUR hair and she'd better abide by them! 3 inches is a lot to lose...
I guess for aesthetic purposes, sure. :] Get the splits trimmed, but if you don't care for it to be even, it's your hair!:)
ETA: Awesome progress!
I too personally prefer even hair for aesthetic purposes, but IMHO the evenness has nothing to do with breakage b/c I don‘t see how it could contribute.
There is no reason to cut your hair if you don't want to. I don't understand why people insist on pushing hair cuts on ladies.
I agree. Mentally, it is hard for me not trimming now b/c people make it seem as though it’s mandatory for healthy hair, yet I haven’t about 8 months. I didn’t have regular trims as a child and my hair was healthy and long. I rarely use heat or do other damaging things so I feel it’s not necessary, but I’ll see. I do like the look of even hair.

Dijah said:
There is no reason to cut your hair if you don't want to. I don't understand why people insist on pushing hair cuts on ladies.
if your ends are damaged then they should probably be cut before they cause more damage to the rest of the hair. but if they are just uneven then a trim isn't necesarily essential because the hair is still healthy. if you like the look of even hair for styling purposes or for your own personal reasons than get a trim. i think the most important thing however is that you get a trim because you want to and not because someone else feels like you should.
The last time I had a trim was about 10 weeks ago, and I got a relaxer two weeks ago when I was 8 weeks post. I plan on stretching for the rest of the summer. I felt that 8 weeks was WAY too soon for another trim because 1)My hair only grows about 1/4" a month or less and she likes to cut off at least 1" and 2)My hair was still fairly even to me and it was more important for me to retain length until as long as my hair was healthy than to just trim to keep up the shape.

I do NOT like the pressure I get from being constantly asked to keep my hair trimmed because I usually do not like the end results, and my hair becomes stagnant at the same length for months.

I have come a long way and dont want my progress to be messed up.
if you dont mind taking forever and a day to get long even blunt hair then IMO its not necessary. No ones hair grows in perfectly even. Too many people associate blunt ends as the ONLY form of healthy hair.
Completely even hair really isn't important in my book. My hair grows wildly uneven. My ends aren't damaged or splitting, they're just not neat, I don't wear my hair down that often and I don't really care. Once I reach my final goal then I'll start slowly trimming for a neater look.
if they arent damaged then no. but i like the appearance of neat ends so they are important to me. even though your stylist trims a lot off, you made good progress. i just check ur album. keep it up girl:)
i think that if there is no splits, then it is a personal preference. me personally, i love the look of blunt, thick and even ends. it all depends on what you like, jmo. ;)
To me it doesn't matter as long as my ends look healthy. I have tried to keep the back even, but my hair grows at different rates all over, so I have given up.
It does not matter to me; as long as my ends are healthy and not splitting than I'm happy. My hair grows in a V-shape and I like it that way; I think its sexier than straight blunt ends. Remind your stylist that its your hair and you will get it trimmed if and when you feel like it.
Girl you just GOT a trim 10 weeks ago. What is she smokin?!:eek:

If you keep it up you will just be cutting off your progress every time and you will remain at the same length. Just tell her "NO." Seriously, this is your hair and like you said you have worked too hard to let her snip away your progress. :yep:

Blunt ends are not the end-all-be-all of health. As long as they aren't splitting you are good. It's kind of sad to me to see people trying to keep up with the "______" look and trim like every 6 weeks and aren't getting anywhere. I just want to scream to the "STOP CUTTING AND MAYBE YOU WILL SEE PROGRESS." But, it is their hair and who am I.
Don't Cut! ! ! ! It's a tactic stylists use to make you come back to them, and it's also almost machine-like how they just reach for the scissors. Almost like it's drummed into their head. Like the stupid hand massages and foot pounding at a nail salon. You pay your stylist to serve your needs, not govern your head of hair. Tell her to back off, and YOU call the shots from here on.
Please do not trim your hair if your ends are not damaged or split. I lost two full years of growth and progress because my stylist religiously trimmed my 'ends' at every touch up (8-12 weeks). In december 06 I asked her not to trim my hair. She gave me some speech about giving me her best blah, blah. She has not seen me since and I'm getting my length back, not thanks to her.
I don't worry about my ends being even because I'm natural and I rarely straighten. As long as your ends are healthy don't worry about it.
I think it's more important to have healthy ends, because there are all sorts of hair cuts now where the ends aren't even (those razor thinning shear cuts, layers etc...) so I would just keep them nice and healthy.

BTW it seems that all stylists are obsessed with trimming ends and evening them out. Be careful girl, because if they've been "itchin" to get to yours then they may take off more than you'd like and then claim it was long over due when you see 2" and more of "trimmings" on the floor :nono:
It's yet another black hair care myth that so-called stylists have been telling sistahs for years: hair must be even!


I don't agree with that statement at all. However, I've heard that hair grows more efficiently when hair is blunt cut, but all the evidence from the lovely ladies with long hair on this forum shows that that's not necessarily true.
I stayed at neck length hair forever and a day because of a stylist saying I "had" to have my hair trimmed every 3 to 4 weeks ! She always "claimed" my ends were bad. I stopped going to her, found LHCF and hair started growing continuously.

Also for that stylist it was "automatic" like mentioned earlier. She just "automatically" reached for scissors like it was "programmed" into her brain !

I believe if you are "actively" growing your hair then let it grow. Scissors, cutting and trimming is just taking the growth away.
This is one of the reasons why I stopped going to hair stylists period because is seems they always want to cut your hair. when i was going to them my hair would never grow past my shoulders and since i have stopped my hair is almost past my shoulders now:D
I agree with what everyone else is saying. As long as it's healthy, you can cut/trim it whenever you want. My hair's very healthy and I haven't had a trim in over a year. I don't plan to really trim/even out till I'm a little past BSL.
In all honesty, I don't think so. I have fine hair and I was always in blunt cuts. The cuts were beautiful and my hair seemed to thrive until a former stylist damaged my scalp. Ever since my hair's density and texture has changed. Now my hair loves layers. When I tried a blunt cut, my hair laid flat and lifeless because of the weight. Having healthy hair and ends are more important than even ends to me right now. I'll get my ends dusted but unless it's damaged or unhealthy or split, I won't get it trimmed/cut (unless it's to freshen up my layers.)
Dont let your stylist pressure you into anything when it comes to your hair and your money. Personally, I like even ends. However, even ends do not always equate to healthy hair. I just like the way even ends look on me. As they say...Everythang aint for everybody.
I always get pretty good growth from going to my stylist, even though she likes to trim at least 1.5 inches every 10 to 12 weeks. I have to stop going to her for a while because the last thing she said to me was, "Next time we're gonna do a really good trim." I'm like, "really good" trim???:eek: Oh no!:( But she's the type to get offended if I tell her not to trim my hair after she advises me to. So I'll just go back to her when I'm ready for a hair cut, which won't be for a while.

Anyway, I don't think even ends are necessary for health. Granted, I like the way they look. But right now I'm not willing to sacrafice my length for the "look" of healthy hair. If your ends are healthy don't sweat it.
meaganita said:
I always get pretty good growth from going to my stylist, even though she likes to trim at least 1.5 inches every 10 to 12 weeks. I have to stop going to her for a while because the last thing she said to me was, "Next time we're gonna do a really good trim." I'm like, "really good" trim???:eek: Oh no!:( But she's the type to get offended if I tell her not to trim my hair after she advises me to. So I'll just go back to her when I'm ready for a hair cut, which won't be for a while.

Anyway, I don't think even ends are necessary for health. Granted, I like the way they look. But right now I'm not willing to sacrafice my length for the "look" of healthy hair. If your ends are healthy don't sweat it.

What?!:eek: 1.5" seems like a cut to me!
No it is not important to have even ends. I have a tail in the back that continues to come back no matter how many times I cut it off. And I refuse to keep cutting my hair so that it can "catch up". As long as there aren't any splits, you're cool.