Is it really necessary?

Mai Tai

Miss Nigeria-America
Ok so it's time to be honest with myself. I don't like protective styles, and I love to use heat on my hair once a week. I like to wear my hair flat ironed, and I wrap it at night. My goal is to eventually get to APL, and I would like to know if protective styles, and no heat is really needed for me to reach this goal.

I would like to hear from ladies who relax their hair, don't use protective styles, and love the results they get. What do you do to retain length? Thanks Ladies!:Rose:
If your not going to wear protctive styles try hard to baby your ends by moisturizing conditioning etc. But one you reach Bsl you dont really have to wear protective styles anymore, since your ends are no longer rubbing on hard surfaces . HTH Dont feel bad my hair loves heat and I dont see me giving it up! Hint: a really good leave in and a heat protectant does wonders
No.I feel as long as you're dc'ing,keeping your scalp clean,and using something to lubricatr/moisturize your hairs its Fine.
I'm not listening. I'm not listening. I'm a recovering heat abuser. lol. well, not abuser, but i used to use it like 2x/ week (so, to some that may be an abuser). lol. but still, tryin not to "find excuses" why i can start using it again, cuz it will gradually increase to using it 2x/wk. Lol. but heat of course isn't bad at all, as long as it's being used in moderation, and the right way, i.e. heat protectants. i just gotta discipline myself.
Ok so it's time to be honest with myself. I don't like protective styles, and I love to use heat on my hair once a week. I like to wear my hair flat ironed, and I wrap it at night. My goal is to eventually get to APL, and I would like to know if protective styles, and no heat is really needed for me to reach this goal.

I would like to hear from ladies who relax their hair, don't use protective styles, and love the results they get. What do you do to retain length? Thanks Ladies!:Rose:

«Sigh.» You are the old me. Your hair is gorgeous by the way. I used to have a routine similar to yours and my hair was just like yours, gorgeous SL hair and it staid at the same length for years. Since I've found LHCF, I've changed my regimen by cutting the heat a little bit and started wearing protective styles. I went from SL to APL in 3 months and from APL to BSL in four months. Honesly I think that Low manipulations and protective styles are what really helped me. Although I cut the heat a little bit, I still blow dry and flat iron at least once a month. HTH:yep:
«Sigh.» You are the old me. Your hair is gorgeous by the way. I used to have a routine similar to yours and my hair was just like yours, gorgeous SL hair and it staid at the same length for years. Since I've found LHCF, I've changed my regimen by cutting the heat a little bit and started wearing protective styles. I went from SL to APL in 3 months and from APL to BSL in four months. Honesly I think that Low manipulations and protective styles are what really helped me. Although I cut the heat a little bit, I still blow dry and flat iron at least once a month. HTH:yep:

co-signing! Low manipulation is the key. It will become a habbit eventually. I comb my hair once a week and I wear it out daily. I usually do twist out, wash-n-go or braid out. I use heat maybe once every 4 months are so.
If you are only using it once a week, DC'ing, moisturizing and not getting a lot of little broken hairs then I think that it is ok.
If your not going to wear protctive styles try hard to baby your ends by moisturizing conditioning etc. But one you reach Bsl you dont really have to wear protective styles anymore, since your ends are no longer rubbing on hard surfaces . HTH Dont feel bad my hair loves heat and I dont see me giving it up! Hint: a really good leave in and a heat protectant does wonders

I agree^^ I wear my hair out most of the time, and have been for almost 2 years now. I swear by NTM Leave-In. I put some throughout my hair every 2-3 days. I wash, dc, and flat-iron about every 2 weeks or so. And wrap or pincurl nightly. This has been working fine for me:)
I'm really not sure how to answer this question. Like others have said in order to get over that shoulder-length hump I would recommend protective styling and minimizing the heat. I once had beautiful, thick, SL hair and one day I noticed that my ends were looking mighty see-through (check my siggy). So I started researching and found LHCF. I'm glad I did! :yep: That week I drastically reduced how much heat I used in my hair and started protective styling (buns, twistouts, braidouts, etc.). My hair is starting to look like its old self again AND it's actually growing!

Now I do use heat occasionally whenever I feel the need to wear straight hair, but I definitely don't do it every week. That was REALLY hard for me, and sometimes still is. Before LHCF I would use heat on my hair sometimes daily, so it was hard for me!

Okay, no more rambling. :lol: I guess my answer would be that I wouldn't recommend using heat regularly IF you want growth. I would recommend maybe straightening once a month.
«Sigh.» You are the old me. Your hair is gorgeous by the way. I used to have a routine similar to yours and my hair was just like yours, gorgeous SL hair and it staid at the same length for years. Since I've found LHCF, I've changed my regimen by cutting the heat a little bit and started wearing protective styles. I went from SL to APL in 3 months and from APL to BSL in four months. Honesly I think that Low manipulations and protective styles are what really helped me. Although I cut the heat a little bit, I still blow dry and flat iron at least once a month. HTH:yep:

You are an inspiration to me. I love wearing my hair down, yet I want it to get longer. I guess I just have to make that sacrifice until I reach my goal. Thanks for all the input ladies!
You are an inspiration to me. I love wearing my hair down, yet I want it to get longer. I guess I just have to make that sacrifice until I reach my goal. Thanks for all the input ladies!

I used to be like this I thought my APL length hair should be showed off. This was in high school though but when I got to LHCF, I def. made that sacrafice and even now at BSL I had my hair out for almost two weeks.:blush: *GASP* But I am now back under my wig cause I have a goal of WL hair. Once it get there, hopefully next year I will just wear it down three times a week and do a bun it the other two days. I am just trying to see if my hair can grow longer than WL.