Is it really growing? How to know?


New Member
Sigh.... ok.... I'm holding on to my faith! :) Here's the story:

About nine months into transition out of relaxers. For the first five months, I got my hair pressed, then went into a variety of braids and weaves. I just took a weave out yesterday after three weeks. Looks like growth is evident around the perimeter and nape (my edges/temples are thicker than before, but there's still room for more growth). I have about 3 inches of new growth and about 3-4 inches of relaxed ends (mainly located at the top/front).

Not sure if it's lack of growth of shrinkage in the crown area. I do not see split or damaged ends, although I haven't had a trim in a while. It's very easy to detangle. I did a deep treatment overnight and this morning I plan to shampoo and condition and use curly phony pony (?). I'll do this for a couple of weeks and probably go back into a weave in early August.

So is it really growing? I've upped my multivitamin....

Thanks in advance for the insight.
Yes, I'm pretty sure your hair is growing. I believe the shrinakage is causing you to think it's not growing. When I was transitioning, I would always speculate about my hair growing, but then I would pull my hair to stretch out the actual length which made it look a bit longer. I also felt my hair would stay the same length because of appearance but in actuality it was growing and the new growth would shrink up. Even as a natural I occassionally think my hair isn't growing but I know it's the shrinkage that's playing a factor in the appearance of my hair length.

Hope that helps!

Happy hair growing!
I just look at it this way...I KNOW my hair is growing, because that's what hair does, lol. Sometimes it's hard to tell because of the shrinkage factor of natural hair. My hair seems the same length to me every time I look at it, but I'll look at old pictures and can see the difference, especially knowing how much I've cut my hair, I know it has to be growing. I say don't focus on "seeing" it too much, but keep in your mind that it IS growing matter of factly.