Is it possible to prevent braid damage?


New Member
There were a few braids in the very front that I am worried about because it seems like she attached the braid to about five strands of my hair. This may be a problem once my hair starts growing out and the braids begin to hang. If I apply ORS fertilizing serum or Nioxin now while I have braids in, can I prevent hairline damage or do I actually have to wait until my hairline falls out?
I think you might also want to apply some type of oil to that area as well (Vitamin E)...I wouldn't wait unitl there was damage. Nip it in the bud now.

You prolly should have the front re-done. Five strands of hair is not enough to hold a braid unless you have super micro and the amount of hair attached is not much, still we have to be super careful with that very delicate area. Look at what happened to Brandi and countless others I see on the #2 train every morning. Also make sure to gently massage that area with an oil like vitamin E or my personal favorite -- castor oil daily. I got a lot of growth from wearing braids for 6 months and no damage to my hairline coz I was sooooo careful with it.
If it is really tight and you sense damage or excessive pulling on your strands, then I agree with debyjay. Get them redone in the front.
melodee said:
If it is really tight and you sense damage or excessive pulling on your strands, then I agree with debyjay. Get them redone in the front.

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I agree too!
Get them redone IMMEDIATELY. I made the mistake of letting them grow out while applying similar products for the hairline, it did not work. I did this mistake many times. When you wash it the warm water will open the pores making the hair come out even easier.
My little sister had braids put in and now she has a quarter sized bald spot right in the middle of her forehead. Is there anything she can do to make the hair grow back???? My other sister says she wore the braids down to often and the weight tore the hair out of her head. I hope it's reversible she is only 21!!
Dominicana, is the spot completely bald or just short and breaking? Do a search on castor oil, vitamin e oil, profective anti-thinning, and nioxin follicle booster. Hope it turns out ok.