Is it OK to use water based products on relaxed hair?


Well-Known Member
Like S-curl spray where the first or second ingredient is water - i have tried this on my new growth as i feel i need extra moisture but its reverting the rest of my hair and its not good if i want a sleek look.

I'm using profective Healthy Ends at the moment but i'm not convinced contains enough moisture.
How? I mean, you just put watery prodcuts on your hair and then what? That would make my hair frizzy. Am i missing something?
How? I mean, you just put watery prodcuts on your hair and then what? That would make my hair frizzy. Am i missing something?

Relaxed hair does not revert. The chemical is permanent. Now the frizziness is based on the amount of product you use. if you are wetting (meaning drowning it in anything water based) the hair you will get a certain amount of curl but temporarly. Water is the only true moisture greases and oils seal. They either seal in moisture or seal it out.

When using any product moderation is strongly advised. A little goes a long way.
Relaxed hair does not revert. The chemical is permanent.

You just saved me from having to start a thread! :grin: I thought I had just gotten all kindsof confused in the last few weeks or something because I keep seeing people talk about relaxed hair reverting. Thanks :)
Hi bublin,

I'm not a fan of water based products if I'm trying to keep my hair looking straight. I might use a little before using Keracare Essential Oils to wrap it at night but other than that, I stick to using it after a wash.

Organic Root Stimulator Olive Oil lotion is my mosturizer of choice these days. One of the first ingredients is water but it is not water consistency. It moisturises well and a little goes a long way.

not all moisturizers have the same "amount (%)" of water content in them. so some moisturizers are more thicker, while others are a little watery/thinner. but both of those types of products can still have water as the first ingredient.

but of course if you use a moisturizer with a higher water %, it can revert your straightened new growth.
Ok - i think i get it now. I have to admit i am very heavy handed with products.

Special K - i think i have some of that Olive Oil Moisturiser at home but not used it yet. I'll give it a try.

I have been using the B&B Carrot Growth Oil - which i think is similar but i have to start using it more sparingly.