Is it necessary to comb thru your whole head before applying relaxer?


New Member
Relaxed ladies and self-relaxers,

Do either you or your stylist comb through your entire head prior to applying a relaxer? And is this a necessary step?

I feel that I'm losing a lot of hair from my stylist combing me from root to tip before relaxer application!!!:wallbash: I always make sure to detangle my hair a few hours before my appointment and I'm very gentle with my hair and dont' lose much. When she does looks like I'm losing handfuls!:sad:

I want to know if anyone has success with NOT combing through their hair prior to relaxer application. Next appointment I'm going to suggest we skip this step- I'm sure she'll get an attitude :ohwell:.

(I've already told her I'm going to need her to start using my seamless comb- she didn't take it too well...oh how I long to be a self-relaxer....).
Can you find another stylist? It's ridiculous that she is catching tude over a small request about using a different comb. IMO that's a bad sign.
Don't be paying this woman to rip out your hair and progress - find another stylist who is more respectful!
Please talk to your stylist or find a new one........No my stylist does NOT comb through my entire head root to tip before relaxing, she doesn't comb at all.
She's only going to aggravate your scalp by doing this. I agree I would move on to a new stylist
I don't comb b4 applying my relaxers and my hair comes out fine... I agree w/ the other ladies, you should consider finding a new stylist...
Ladies thank you all for your replies.:yep: I’ve have been going to this stylist for 10 years and I’ve been very happy with her up until about the last 6 months. Her actually relaxer application and smoothing is very good. She’s gentle, she doesn’t overlap, she smoothes with her hands- not combs, and she doesn’t relax bone straight. My hair has always been healthy with her- I was getting a 1/4 inch trim at every appointment (which at that time was every 5 weeks) so I did remain at just below shoulder length- but my hair had body and shine and I was always receiving compliments.

However, since my hair has gotten longer, she seems confused about what to do:perplexed At one appointment she’ll wash my hair correctly and I won’t have tangles, but at another appointment she’ll forget and scrub my hair all around my head! At my last appointment, she didn’t wash the relaxer out of the back as well as she should have! :sad:(Luckily it didn’t cause much discomfort this time, but it could’ve been worse!)

Ladies, I guess I’m sad because this woman is a very good stylist and I LOVE her business practices. Her salon is quiet, very clean, no double-booking of clients, no folks sitting around waiting, no folks dropping by to talk/hang out, no folks delivering fish/chicken dinners, no tons of phone call interruptions, no waiting- at my appointment time she is waiting on me, not me waiting on her, and I don’t have to be there all day. She’s done with my hair in about two hours. I already know that in the town I live in, no other ethnic salon/stylists has similar business practices- it’s sad, but it’s the truth of where I live. :nono:

She’s had/has long haired clients-I’ve seen them, but for some reason she doesn’t seem to know what to do with MY hair! :wallbash: She combs, washes my hair like she did when I was shoulder length. My hair is different now, why can’t she see that?

The final analysis though is that I’ve got to talk to her and either she changes or I walk! Why can’t she just adapt to my longer hair!?!
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I have the same problem every relaxer my stylist gives me a speech about not coming through my new growth. I was taught to be gentle with new growth but she normally takes a vent brush and goes through it anway I don't like it. But since I've been coming to boards she seems angry like I'm trying to overstep her or something. She is also probably to rough washing and my hair tangles up pretty easily always has. I would love a new stylist but I'm not willing to see if there is anyone who is actually better then she is. But I always lose a ton of hair before a touch up and depending on how she handles my hair when washing.
No...I never comb through my hair prior to texlaxing; in fact, I don't comb dry hair at all. Before my touchup, I gently fingercomb only.
When I got touch ups my stylist combed my hair first with a wide tooth comb.

I don't ever remember losing much hair and she never touched my scalp.

If you really like her just sit down and give her an explanation of exactly how you want your hair treated. If she values you as a client she will listen and try to keep you happy.
Please talk to your stylist or find a new one........No my stylist does NOT comb through my entire head root to tip before relaxing, she doesn't comb at all.

Thank you. I have NEVER had a stylist comb through my head at all before a relaxer. That's dangerous. The only thing that is done is basing the scalp by gently parting and sectioning. But no combing. I've never heard of that. I would not return to her. I'd find someone else or learn how to do it myself.
I have the same problem every relaxer my stylist gives me a speech about not coming through my new growth. I was taught to be gentle with new growth but she normally takes a vent brush and goes through it anway I don't like it. But since I've been coming to boards she seems angry like I'm trying to overstep her or something. She is also probably to rough washing and my hair tangles up pretty easily always has. I would love a new stylist but I'm not willing to see if there is anyone who is actually better then she is. But I always lose a ton of hair before a touch up and depending on how she handles my hair when washing.

:eek: :eek: :eek: Noooooooooooooooo!
*runs out of thread screaming!*
I DON'T comb through my new growth before a relaxer. Not if I want any hair on my head! :nono:

To make relaxing easier, I relax my hair in two sections and pre-part my hair.
Wow. :look: I'm a self-relaxer, and I comb my hair before touch-ups to get rid of shedded hairs. I use a comb to section hair while relaxing, too. Uh oh...
Self relaxer here, and I dont comb thru my hair prior to relaxing.. at that point after stretching i only comb my hair while wet and full of detangler or conditioner.. What would make that any different while relaxing.. If you dont do it without a bunch of condish slapped on any other time, why do it before relaxing.. I wouldnt let her do it again. Maybe you should try to self relax.. and go to her for maintainence if you dont want to lose her as a stylist?