Is it me or


New Member
Does anyone else experience faster hair growth anywhere else, cause it's like within blinking of shaving my legs they need to be done again. I wish my eyelashes grew like weeds. I used to be able to go for 2 days then shave again, but a day and a half tops, then they need to be done again.

i can't understand how makers of products such as HF37 can say only the hair on the head will be affected. I'm sure the hair on the rest of the bosy does too.

Tell me I'm not going crazy
Hello Londondiva,
Belive me you are not crazy I have the same problem. I have to shave every other day. Just this morning when showering I was like I can't believe that I'm shaving under my arms the very next day. Before I started my vitamins I could at least wait 2 days before I saw any hair at all. My eyebrows was very thin but now they have thickend up so much I knew then the vitamins was doing the job. I have a question for you Londondiva, do your scalp itch often /images/graemlins/confused.gif. maybe that is a sign of growing hair. I shampoo once a week how about you? Take care and Happy Growing /images/graemlins/grin.gif
Hey Azalia

My scalp doesn't itch as much as it used to and I put that down to me washing every 2-3 days now as opposed to 1 week. I can't go a week without washing my hair anymore. I get the odd itchies, but nothing that's keeping me up at night like it used to.

Funnily enough I was looking for your e-mail address today, I think I might have deleted it by accident. Drop me a line sometime. [email protected]
You're not crazy at all but the hair on the rest of my body ALWAYS grew faster than the hair on my head. Hell I shave my legs in the morning and there's stubble by late afternoon. *shrug* Even when I wax (bikini) after about a week it's growin back in. Even though it grows back in much softer it's still annoying.

Maybe I should wax my head!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. But seriously taking the vitamins hasn't affected the rest of my body. I was already hairy. lol
Londondiva, don't worry ua re definitely not alone here. I experience the same "side effect". Look on the bright side, at least u know the vitamins are working!! /images/graemlins/grin.gif
I also notice faster growing body hair. You're right Armyqt, guess the vits are working! /images/graemlins/cool.gif
No, it's not you at all. You are not crazy!!!! When I first began taking the hair vitamins my body hair was the 1st indicator that they were working. Last night I looked at the hair on my legs and I'm beginning to look like one of the planet of the apes. Pre-vitamins my hair on my legs were barely noticeable. 2 1/2 weeks ago I waxed my eyebrows and took too much hair off making one much thinner than the other. Funny, but the thinner eyebrow is almost completely filled in. I can't wait to take my braids out and have my hair pressed to really see my progress.
My eyebrows grows like weeds /images/graemlins/shocked.gifbefore the week is over i have to shave. oh well what can I say /images/graemlins/blush.gif. Happy Hair Growing! /images/graemlins/cool.gif
I don't think hair vitamins are making my body hair grow faster. Frankly I haven't noticed any length on them since I started taking supplements 3 months ago, and I have always been able to feel new stuble 7 hours after I shave.