Is it me or is Fotki making everything only for premium accounts now


Active Member
First fotki has all these long maintenance windows where you have trouble viewing some member's pic, then when it does come back it was a little flaky. Last week it kept asking me to login in when I wanted to make a comment, now you can only view the names of visitors and you cant password protect new albums unless you have a premium account. I mean, I was a little put off by the huge page pushing you into the premium account everytime you log in, but now they are taking away the regular features to try and really force it on you. :nono::nono::nono:
Yes... I am upset about their new changes! It really sucks that we can no longer lock our albums, view our 'My Fotki' page, or change template, and other things, unless we are premium members!
I guess they really need some money... but they better be prepared to lose alot of people... it's ridiculous...
I'm very upset also. I'm looking for a new site to post my pics. I posted this over at BHM:

WHAT IN BLUE BLAZES??!!! Ladies I created two new folders on fotki lastnight and left the page open on one of the pics for a few hours. I just went to refresh that page to see if I had any comments yet by chance and a message came up saying "path not found". So I went to My Ablums only to find that my two folders have magically disappeared. No-one else has been on my computer and I didn't touch the page for hours. Everything was saved and now I have to go do it over. Fotki is getting on my nerves. I bet if I had a damn Premium account that wouldn't have happened. I'm about to just find somewhere else to document cuz I cannot and will not understand this!! If anyone knows of anywhere else please tell me.

ETA: see the top pf the page for my post at 11:05pm when I made the folders. It's now 5:09am and there are no new folders.
I know it sucks, I noticed it when I logged in yesterday
I'm not suprised they started doing this because what was the point of paying for the premium account when you got almost all the same features! Mine wasn't all that great anyways so no way in heck I'm paying anything
I am little annoyed that I can't lock my album or view anything else for that matter. I guess I will have to deal with it because I am not paying for premium service Maybe I will start posting my pics on the forum.
I am little annoyed that I can't lock my album or view anything else for that matter. I guess I will have to deal with it because I am not paying for premium service Maybe I will start posting my pics on the forum.

And neither am I :lachen:
I dont care nothing about their features and I won't upgrade til they make me. I just need to post my pics so I can see my progress over time and it fotki will allow others to look and it motivates them, so much the better but, I'm not going to let them get the best of me and I am not giving them any money.
Awwww, I guess this will be on my list of things to fix for the week.

I need to upload my progress pictures from December to February anyway, so I guess I will switch my pics over as I do that.
I'm trying to figure out what to do, I hope that the unreliable part is just do to the changes and at least it will be stable again. I'm not paying for an account so i probably will start transferring pics to my blog but fotki was easier and what everyone was use to
I just got this idea - considering all the changes and restrictions being introduced on fotki.

A Hair/Beauty "specific" Photo hosting website just for US?

I'll be happy to volunteer to start working on something if any of us are interested in such a project.

What specific features would be nice to have on there if we were to build such a site? Please share your thoughts.

Seeing that it will be a way smaller community, I'm thinking we will have fewer stalker issues. I know Privacy has always been one of the Biggies for most of us.

I just started a thread here for us to share our opinions: