Is it BAD to.........


New Member
Have underprecessed hair? Or unsafe? I know for a fact that I will be wearing my hair braided off and on for at least a year. But my new growth is really something serious and I'm concerned about breakage and shedding due to me stretching my relaxer. I have relaxed ends and I was wondering if it would be ok the slightly relax my new growth (texturize?) so that it will be more managable. My cousin suggested pcj childrens formula.
So can any of your offer any suggestions? Will it be ok for me to do this, then later on get a 'real' relaxer?

(sorry about all the questions, and if this is confusing)
TIA Ladies.
If you are planning to braid you hair, I would strongly recommend NOT getting a relaxer -- just take your time and detangle your hair -- this is one place where perhaps a blow dryer with a comb attachment may be preferred (make sure you use a good heat protectant) and just blow out your roots enough so that hair is easy to part and braid. \

I braid my little cousins hair all the time and they have 4a and 4b hair, never been relaxed, and I just wash, condition, apply leave-in/heat protectant and then section off the hair and blow dry with comb attachment section by section -- very easy to braid after that.

Getting a relaxer just before braiding is defeating the purpose, IMO, which is to give your hair a rest from the chemicals . . .
My daughter has 4a never been relaxed natural hair which braids fine. But for me, I'm mainly concerned about shedding and breakage at the demarcation point from stretching my relaxer. I don't have a lot of shedding or breakage now, but I really want to retain my lil bit of length
thats why I was thinking about relaxing. I guess I'm just being paranoid. Thanks Neroli, I'll try blowing it straight. (I've also been doing the no heat challange)
I agree with Neroli. If you relax your new growth then what happens when you get more from the new braids? You’ll keep putting relaxers on top of relaxers and that’s not good. You also don’t want the tension of braids pulling on your already relaxed hair. I wore braids for a while but I just endured the detangling with a blow dryer and then went into braids. My hair thanks me for it now! HTH.