Is Huetiful a Bust?


Well-Known Member
Hey Ladies,

I bought a Huetiful steamer when it was back in stock. Used it twice and loved the results. Third time I used it the darn thing would. not. turn. on! I did the whole spiel (tested different electrical outlets, checked the water level was not above the max line, made sure the water container was screwed in tightly) and nothing.

I emailed a someone nice/somewhat pissy email to their customer support and allegedly they'll send me a UPS label to return and exchange. Has anyone else had this issue with their Huetiful steamer dying like that? I would think that dying in less than a month is absurd, now I wonder if this is worth it. :ohwell:
I have had my steamer for maybe 3 years. I use it off and on. I haven't had any trouble with it.

I think you should continue pursuing the issue with Huetiful. I don't remember hearing a lot of complaints about the units failing.
I use my huetiful steamer faithfully with every wash. Had mine since June 2011. If it broke today I would buy the same make and model before the broken one hit the trash. I am sorry to hear you got a defective one though.
MileHighDiva, you're absolutely correct. I have a huge, ugly scar that shows every time I wear anything that shows a little shoulder (i.e., tank top). It's not cute...and, all because of a stooopid hair steamer. Healthy hair really is not that serious. Yeah, I'm still bitter.
I'm in the market for one of these. I hope they are worth the money because I plan on purchasing one really soon.
Thanks for all the input ladies! What I realized playing around with it is that there's a little button on the bottom of the unit that's not mentioned anywhere in the handbook. Because the hood isn't really adjustable, I set the Huetiful on top of books and I think maybe that button wasn't engaged. When I placed it on a countertop, the unit turned on.

I'm going to try it again later this evening. If it works and the issue was just that hidden button then that's great but I'm still emailing them some constructive criticism. You'd think they'd mention that button if it was critical or would prohibit the steamer from turning on!