Is Aphogee 2min. safe for weekly use?


Live, Laugh, Love
I want to dc 2x a week, once with a moisturizing cond. and once with a protein cond. However I don't want to go too protein heavy so I plan to use Aphogee with an ORS pack. Just wondering if using the Aphogee weekly will cause protein overload???

I use it once a week but I make sure I use it on the day I plan to do one of my deep conditioning treatments. My hair is stronger overall. Coupled with my strong Aphogee protein every 6-8 weeks my hair is much stronger.
It depends on your hair - but mine normally HATES protien conditioners and treatments b/c they leave my hair dry and tangly. I used it mixed in with a moisturizing DC and I've never had any problems.
I've been considering using this weekly. I've already used it twice (once per month) and my hair has been stronger, but since I heat styled earlier last week, I may need to use this. I already use the Infusium leave-in (protein), but I may quit on this to use the 2-min reconstructor. I hear everyone raving about this.....

I wonder if it will help my hair since I wash daily (I sweat from workouts ridiculously)....
Thanks ladies...I plan to use it and dc with an ORS pack for an hour so I'm hoping the moisture and protein combo will work out. And then my 2nd dc of the week is with a moisturizing cond. so I think my protein/moisture balance will be even. I'll try it for a month and see how it goes.

Thanks again
Thanks ladies...I plan to use it and dc with an ORS pack for an hour so I'm hoping the moisture and protein combo will work out. And then my 2nd dc of the week is with a moisturizing cond. so I think my protein/moisture balance will be even. I'll try it for a month and see how it goes.

This is basically what I do sometimes. I mixed Aphogee 2 min with Garnier Ceramide reconstructor and DC with heat a few days after a relaxer. I thought it might be too much but my hair was really soft and strong. Exactly what I wanted