Is anyone growing their hair to


New Member
terminal length? Terminal length is the maxium length of hair your body is programmed to grow.

My goal is classic/tailbone length (on me, that's 33 inches).

Is anyone else willing to see just how long their hair can grow?
maybe. as it gets longer if i can handle it properly and if it still looks nice. e.g. i don't consider knee length hair to be very attractive. infact it looks scary
Yes, I am. My hair has never been past my shoulders and that's basically all I'm aiming for right now. I don't care if my hair never reaches bra strap length let alone waist length but if it does then that's great. I think I'm being realistic about my hair and its growth rate-meaning..not everyone is meant to have "long" hair.
My cousin has longer than classic hair.. I can only wish mine will get that long. But yeah, I do wanna try to get my hair that long..
I was trying to that before, but it just became a fulltime job. I would like to get my old length back, which I think was about 30 inches, but It's going to depend on how much time I can dedicate to doing it.
I am curious to see how long my hair will get, especially with the haircare knowledge I have now. My main concern is having healthy hair that looks good, whatever length it grows to.
alliyah4eva203 said:
maybe. as it gets longer if i can handle it properly and if it still looks nice. e.g. i don't consider knee length hair to be very attractive. infact it looks scary

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I would like to grow my hair as long as possible but would be happy with bra strap
I just want to see how long it will grow by may 2005 (hopefully I will scrape my bra clasp by may 2004). then I'll think about growing it even longer, and longer!
Boadicea said:
terminal length? Terminal length is the maxium length of hair your body is programmed to grow.

My goal is classic/tailbone length (on me, that's 33 inches).

Is anyone else willing to see just how long their hair can grow?

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This is EXACLTY my goal. To just let it grow as long as it will go. Unfortunately - I'm feeling like I might be there right now...

But I'm sure I'm just having a bad hair week/month.
My signature expresses my hair length when I started getting serious about haircare (12 inches of hair), how long it is currently (20 inches) and how long I would likely let it grow before it started to become too long for me to handle. The 48 inches is the longest my hair has ever been. It was knee length when I was 12.
I plan to let my hair grow to terminal length & wear two long braids on each side. I even have a washing plan: put the hair in a loose braid, shampoo the scalp (using removable shower head), smooth back into a ponytail, and let air-dry. Next day, wash & conditon the ponytail only, then put the hair back into two braids.
I barely remember it! The only time I ever got to see it was the brief moments when my mom would wash my hair (in sections) when it would be draped over my shoulders (the parts that were yet to be washed). Otherwise, it was always up in braided buns and chignons and things.
when my hair gets to one lenght heathy bra strap, then I'll decide if i want to go any further, right now, my goal si healthy bottom of bra strap.
Growing my hair to midback will be great if I dont make it bra strap length that's ok too.
My main goal is regain the thickness I once had.
I wish I knew what my terminal length is. I guess I can find out now since I'm growing my hair out. It's a long process. I've been growing my hair out for almost two years now.
Definitely terminal length! I will never cut my hair except trimming it 4 times a year. I have pictures of myself when I was a little girl and my hair was near waist. I think I can achieve that not with little hair manipulation. I have achieved hair health thus far now Im shootin for the moon!
Ipanema said:
I plan to let my hair grow to terminal length & wear two long braids on each side. I even have a washing plan: put the hair in a loose braid, shampoo the scalp (using removable shower head), smooth back into a ponytail, and let air-dry. Next day, wash & conditon the ponytail only, then put the hair back into two braids.

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i am soooooo waiting for the day when i can braid up my hair in one big ol' braid that goes down my back to touch my bottom.

i'm all for it.
I would love to have a thick, braid, with hair all one length, that hung to my waist.
I would really like to get to butt length but I just don't know since I am transitioning. If I make it to waist length by the end of the year, then I'll shoot for butt length. Then, it will probably be cut to bra strap so I can have all natural hair. BUT...this is just what I say today.
right now im shot at even what my first goal is because my hair is short. long term i would like to be waist length