
New Member
We all want long hair, whether its shoulder length, armpit length bra strap length or waistlength! The question is are we standing in our own way. We see a new update from someone, and we are so inspired we want to suddenly change our regimens. We see a new product review, and suddenly we find ourselves in the Bss buying more than we came to get, and not to restock either just a bunch of new oils and shampoos. I know this is not everyone but it is some of us. I am just curious if this is you….and if you thought it helps or hurt your progress.
I am a PJ, and even though I buy lots of products, I usually don't get around to using them all. So I think the only thing I am hurting is the space in my house that gets used up storing all that sh#t and occasionally my wallet.

I believe that a simple regime is important, for those switching up the regime too often and switching products before they get a chance to work, yes, hair left alone will grow if you're healthy. my 2 cents

I have got my few staple products ( a buy a few goodies every now and then) and I have been doing the same things since I got a routine after getting tips from this board. I have had great success so I'm sticking to whats been working.
Suri said:
I believe that a simple regime is important, for those switching up the regime too often and switching products before they get a chance to work, yes, hair left alone will grow if you're healthy. my 2 cents


I completely agree with this. I don't jump on any of these bandwagons around here. I have a regimen that works for me and I stick with it. WASH. CONDITION. MOISTURIZE. That's it.

I suppose it 's easier for someone like me who has already discovered what does and does not work for her. I do feel bad for people who are still trying to find their way and will try just about any and everything to get their hair the way they want it.

When I see these "how do you get your hair to grow?" posts, I feel a little bad for the poster because more than likely, they're willing to try anything that anyone says. :(
I agree you can't jump at everything. Product suggestions help those that are still in search of the right products for them. I can tell you right now I don't use or need half of the stuff I thought I was going to need when I was transitioning natural. I think I was just excited to try new things, you live and you learn. I have learned that natural hair is really easy to take care of, because you don't need much. Its important to find out what works for you. IMO the best way to grow your hair stronger, healthier and longer is to 1st watch what you put in it and 2nd watch what you put in YOU. If you don't take care of your it going to matter if your hair just so happened to reach brastrap length??? NO. I try to focus on taking care of myself, more than I focus on trying the next new product. Its all about balance.
I haen't found a clear cut regimine that works for me yet but I do know that this is the healthiest my hair has been that I can remember and it's definitely the longest it's ever been.

I'm a PJ, so I buy a lot of stuff but I don't use most of what I buy.
My hair is soooo healthy and thick, and yes--I am a product junkie ! :) When I started LHCF my hair was a weak broke off mess ! I had to go through a lot of products and different procedures / regimens to find what worked because my hair went through about 4 different stages to get where it is now. At my job, everyone (African/American and Caucasian) ask what am I using, what can I recommend to them, how did I do my rollerwrap, what am I doing to my hair--etc., etc. So the pre-shampoo treatments, Deep Conditioning, Thermal Spa Heat Cap, Rollersetting 90% of the time, Finding the right products, Learning ingredients and Formulations, Reconstructor Treatments, Double Dosage Leave-in Conditioners (watery & creamy), Rotating with Clarifying, Moisturizing and Strengthening Shampoos, always strictly working in sections with large clips, Heat Protectants, Using the best quality haircare tools---yes all of this worked for me !
I have to say no. My hair is the longest its been since I was a kid. Its the healthy its been since my mother was caring for it. I will admit I'm cautious by nature so I'm not one to jump and buy something just because it works for someone else. When I'm interested in a product I see if I an find it in a local bss and read the ingredients and label for myself.

When I was considering buying MSM it took me 3 weeks to research, read up, find the brand I like and then commit to doing it. Same with the other vits I take.

Stretching relaxers, trimming only when necessary, protective styling and cutting back on the heat only helped me maintain length.
I am going back to simple also. My hair did better when I used very few things on my hair. At least I know now that Motions CPR and CON everytime I was is not the way.
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Yeah.. I def became a pj for a while and tried a bunch of products and I think it was hurting my hair. The protein threads got me conditioning with protein treatments and it really dried out my hair and made it brittle. In fact, when i went to the stylist and she said stop doing protein and just do moisture cuase it was ruining my hair.

On the other hand, it was LHFC that put me onto the Keracare regime. It fact, it was Carmelhonee (sp?) regime on her feature of the month! And I think that was really positive for me.

I have not jumped on the MTG, surge, MNT or protective style bandwagon cause I think just using a good product line and working on growing healthy hair through eating right, exercising and treating the hair like fine lace is the most important thingl

I still really like to give advice, get advice, hear product reviews and learn about new styles. My hair might egt sick of keracare one day and Id rather spend money on what some people rave about then experiment without any guidance what-so-ever.
I was also a PJ junkie but over the last few weeks i think I have finally found what works for my hair and what doesn't natural oils def. help my hair which is funny because for a while there I was on the Carol's daughter kick and it really wasn't helping my hair at all. I still by the odd shampoo but, I stick to my main products... I use my new shampoo's about once a month just so my hair won't get used to my regular stuff and stop working. :)
Since, I joined LHCF a month ago, I can already notice a marked improvement in my hair and the way I deal it. :D

The BSS stores are filled with products claiming to the same thing-great hair-but I had no clue what works and what doesn't. LHCF in the long run will save me time and money- by reading personal experience and viewing real results.
Although I'm a PJ, my hair really has not suffered from product switching at all, I employ the same healthy methods for my hair with all my products and the only products that I really do switch are my deep conditioners and so far so good, if the conditioner is garbage I just add some oil to it to make it good...I personally like variety so I have no problems being a PJ!:lol:
It actually hurt my wallet more than my hair. But I am finding things that work for me and learning to stick to them;) .
:lol: at the title! But actually I think sometimes switching things up a bit is good for your hair.. not constantly but just occassionally.
Alli77 said:
Although I'm a PJ, my hair really has not suffered from product switching at all, I employ the same healthy methods for my hair with all my products and the only products that I really do switch are my deep conditioners and so far so good, if the conditioner is garbage I just add some oil to it to make it good...I personally like variety so I have no problems being a PJ!:lol:
Same Here because I am a PJ Conditioner Whore I rotate several deep conditioners my hair loves it.
most of the things I've taken from this website like MTG, CW, little heat, protective styles, less manipulation, baggie, black castor oil, Scurl have only helped my hair in my opinion. Nowadays I spend less time worrying about my hair and its in a better state than b4. Even when I grew my hair out with braids in the past and it grew, i didnt do anything to keep moisture and it was dry as heck and I got too much breakage.
Netta1 said:
I agree you can't jump at everything. Product suggestions help those that are still in search of the right products for them. I can tell you right now I don't use or need half of the stuff I thought I was going to need when I was transitioning natural. I think I was just excited to try new things, you live and you learn. I have learned that natural hair is really easy to take care of, because you don't need much. Its important to find out what works for you. IMO the best way to grow your hair stronger, healthier and longer is to 1st watch what you put in it and 2nd watch what you put in YOU. If you don't take care of your it going to matter if your hair just so happened to reach brastrap length??? NO. I try to focus on taking care of myself, more than I focus on trying the next new product. Its all about balance.

I agree :yep:

When I first went natural and joined various hair boards I wanted to jump on every new product or method mentioned. I guess it was good because it helped me find the right routine and products for MY hair but it was bad because I wasted a lot of money and time on stuff that didn't work. But it's all apart of the process. Now I know what works and what doesn't work so I have the freedom to try things without the sense of urgency.

I think once you establish a routine that has given you lasting success you tend to lose that desire to jump on every single thing mentioned.
LoL at Ayeshia

hmm :lachen: yeah this thread was directed towards me and my sudden outburst to wash more often after seeing SouthernGirlz's hair... :lol: i gotta admit, i was a bit too enthusiastic, and guess what?? I DID cowash again last night, but it's good b/c my scalp doesn't itch today from sweating and I discovered this new way to minimize tangles, which is awesome.

Frankly, I will probably continue to cowash 2x a week b/c my hair can only benefit from that. I don't see how that could go wrong.
I don't however, get on the product challenges. I tried Surge for less than a month after i joined LHCF, but i realized it was a waste of my time (wet hair all the time, sensitive scalp after a while, no major growth :perplexed ) and I did the whole B-vitamins, but i took that day by day... I did Biotin but i couldn't swallow 5 pills a day :lol: i figured let me focus more on RETAINING rather than growing bc hair will grow regardless, as long as I eat healthy, which I do.
I found things that work for me, like my Suave Humectant, Rusk shampoo and Smoother, Nexxus Headress, Cholesterol, they're all mostly cheap, and that's great. I'm not trying to find new products, except maybe Motions CPR, which i used in the past and want to try using again.
Yeah, but i dont think cowashing more, will necessarily harm your hair; it could cause more shedding; in that case, I'd stop, but at least it's not every day, b/c that wont work for me
actually all of the ish im doing to my hair has been working like magic. My hair has never been this long... EVER, even as a child when my mom KIS
I totally believe it! My best friend has just as long hair as I have (waist length) but she is a single mother of two and never has time to deep condition or do anything. Her hair is pretty although it needs a little trim. She just does nothing to her hair. No colors, no relaxers, no complicated hair styles, no spritzes, sprays or anything. She just wears a ponytail day in and day out and it grows nonetheless.
I decided to be consistant with the products that I use a couple of months ago. My product switching didn't harm my hair, but I think it may be why it did not grow much the first half of this year.

I plan to also use up what I have between my daughter and myself. Then just have mine and her staples.