Is 1X a week to often to clarify?


Well-Known Member
I just used Nexxus Aloe Rid to wash my hair. It feels clean and soft and my comb out went much faster. I'm thinking of kicking my beloved Keracare detangling shampoo to the curb. Does anyone clarify weekly?
i do it with ACV, but ive never done it with an actual clarifying shampoo...they tend to strip my hair...
I clarify rather often, usually about once every two weeks. I'm not really on a set schedule to clarify, I do it when I feel it's needed. Do you feel you need to clarify once a week? Do you get a lot of product buildup? Also, if you don't mind me asking...what other products are you using?
I clarify once a week. I use AO Calaguala Fern Treatment Shampoo, which is actually a clarifying treatment marketed for oily hair. I no longer use any other type of shampoo. Just co wash every day.

I need to give it more time to really know the results. But so far I find that clarifying once a week helps my conditioners to work better. It's also a psychological thing, maybe. After a number of days, I just feel like I want to give my hair, especially my scalp, a good washing. That particular AO shampoo makes my hair feel different than anything else I've ever used for clarifying. It doesn't squeak, but it's definitely clear of all product build-up. It's a strange feeling that I kind of like. But I do condition well afterwards.
When natural, I used to love Nexxus Aloe Rid and began using it weekly too because liked the clean, soft feel, it had the opposite effect in the end,because my hair got dryer, coarser and i had a lot more breakage. I currently use VO5 Kiwi and lime squeze conditioner mixed with lemon juice and purified water and it gets my hair cleaner without the dryness of a shampoo, plus my hair feels more moisturised, this is a much more safer alternative. I'm biased anyway, because i don't like shampoo that much, i mainly use conditioners.

I use different leave in conditioners and they all contain silicone. I don't use any other products.

Thanks for the responses.
I guess it just depends on if you have a buildup in your hair. i tend to clarify not ona schedule but when needed. I clarify when I start noticing a sticky feeling in my hair. I would say on average I may clarify maybe once every 4 weeks or so.
I don't think that's too often to clarify. I was clarifying once a week with Suave Daily Clarifying Shampoo. I didn't have any problems, as long as I followed up with a rich moisturizing shampoo like CON green label to give more slip.
caligirl said:
I just used Nexxus Aloe Rid to wash my hair. It feels clean and soft and my comb out went much faster. I'm thinking of kicking my beloved Keracare detangling shampoo to the curb. Does anyone clarify weekly?
I clarify once a week! :yep: