introduction and request for help!!(:


New Member
hello hello beautiful ladies of LHCF!!

sooo i'm ashamed to say that i am another one of those people who basically creep on the forum for a loooooong time, BUT i finally joined and i'm super excited!!:grin:

i want to tell you a little about my own hair story - such a sad sad story.. - and also ask for your help!
okay, quick hair summary:
i'm biracial, white and black (i'm gonna keep it simple because this question tends to get complicated for me), and i have really tight curls. 3c/4a i would say, leaning on the 4a side? anywho, i grew up in germany and while there never had a relaxer, then moved to the states with my parents at the age of 12 and there my pretty pretty hair went:/ admittedly, my hair looked beautiful for about 2/3 years because it had been very very healthy. but lack of care, i didn't know what to do with it, landed me in a hair nightmare. fast forward to now: i'm transitioning!! i have been for about 10 months.. i'm not exactly sure. but i have about five inches of new growth, which i LOVE! i'm going to post pictures soon, once i figure out how that works:spinning:

i apologize for the length of this post ladies, but as i said i also need some help. i'm currently doing a project for one of my international relations classes, and we were supposed to 'formally' get to know an off campus community. well, as i said i've been creeping on this forum for at least a year, you amazing ladies were the first to come to mind! what i'd like to do is simply post a few questions, to which i hope many of you will reply; i'd appreciate LOTS of input and conversation.
okay so here goes - please please please help me out and respond! -

1. is there such a thing as a 'natural hair community.' what i mean is, do you find it easy to identify with other women with natural hair, are you interested in the progress of others (pretty obvious for this forum i suppose:/), or is this simple a personal thing for you?

2. did you transition, bc, or make some conscious decision to go natural? if so, why? was it simply for the health of your hair, or were there other reasons?

3. if you did make a conscious effort to go natural, would you describe it as a journey? if yes, how so? did you ultimately get more out of it than healthy hair?

okay ladies, i have more questions but i'd rather see where the conversation goes so that this can flow more naturally rather than me quizzing and bombarding you with a thousand questions. this is about your feelings! take the conversation where ever you want!
thank you guys, for making it to the end of this ridiculously long post:ohwell:
again, i'd appreciate any input!

assuming that worked, this is my hair right now straightened. i need to take pictures of it when it's not, i'm probably gonna do that tonight if not tomorrow and just edit this post.
1. is there such a thing as a 'natural hair community.' what i mean is, do you find it easy to identify with other women with natural hair, are you interested in the progress of others (pretty obvious for this forum i suppose:/), or is this simple a personal thing for you? There is absolutely a natural hair community. Not only on this site but many others. For research purposes, you should also check out and nappturality. I do find it very easy to identify with other naturals. Now that doesn't mean we always agree, or that we always like each other. :look: However, we do try to help each other (so do the relaxed ladies, but you only asked about naturals). As a side note.... others have said there is sometimes a do us vs them (naturals vs relaxed) attitude on this site. I couldn't disagree more. I feel like on this site we are just one community; black women interested in healthy hair practices. What brings us together is the desire to learn how to take care of our hair. Most of grow up with very unhealthy hair practices. This is a place where you can learn how to take care of your hair and grow it as long as you want.

2. did you transition, bc, or make some conscious decision to go natural? if so, why? was it simply for the health of your hair, or were there other reasons? I did not make a conscious to transition. I didn't even know what transitions was at the time. This was around 92/93. I was natural until 13. My mom decided to relax my hair. My hair broke off and I hated it. When I went away to college I decided not to get my hair relaxed anymore. I knew my hair would do better with out the relaxer.

3. if you did make a conscious effort to go natural, would you describe it as a journey? if yes, how so? did you ultimately get more out of it than healthy hair?N/A

See my answers above in blue. I'm happy to answer more questions, and:welcome:
1. is there such a thing as a 'natural hair community.' what i mean is, do you find it easy to identify with other women with natural hair, are you interested in the progress of others (pretty obvious for this forum i suppose:/), or is this simple a personal thing for you? There is a Natural hair community online..between all the forums and youtube vidoes, u can feel the "natural hair movement"..however in real life, not so much..

2. did you transition, bc, or make some conscious decision to go natural? if so, why? was it simply for the health of your hair, or were there other reasons? I transitioned a couple times..The 1st time was around 2006, it lasted a few months before I quit and relaxed..the 2nd time I transitioned and BC'd only to texturize then relax my hair fully. This last time I transitioned 6 months and BC'd for the last time in Sept 09. So my decision to go natural has always been a conscious decision, even if I was unsure and indecisive for the first few years.

3. if you did make a conscious effort to go natural, would you describe it as a journey? if yes, how so? did you ultimately get more out of it than healthy hair?Yes and No..I mean Im not militant about hair..its not part of some radicial movement to reject "the man's" expectation of me or my hair..I first went natural because I wanted dreadlocks, then I realized that natural hair was pretty cool. I also know that I can take care of my hair better and it can grow longer without relaxers. So Yes its a journey cause I luv my hair, but for me its always been about length. I went back to relaxers and texturizers, not because I wasnt satisfied with my hair or its texture. I always hated short hair but was always too impatient to do a long transition. I want healthy hair but more importantly, I want LONG healthy hair...That's what my journey is about..

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Welcome! :)

1. is there such a thing as a 'natural hair community.'

I think that there is a "natural hair community." In the beginning of my journey (1998), I desperately sought other naturals and went all natural hair nazi/consciousness crusader about it. Flash forward 12 years, and I just enjoy talking with other women (and men) about hair, relaxed or natural. I originally thought about natural hair as a necessity for all women, and made judgements about those who did not "go natural", these days I could not careless! :) I want for others to be as happy with their hair as I am with mine, no matter whether or not they use relaxers.

2. did you transition, bc, or make some conscious decision to go natural? if so, why? was it simply for the health of your hair, or were there other reasons?

I made a conscious decision to go natural in 1998, and BC'd several times thereafter. I'm too impatient to transition. In 1999, I started texlaxing my hair (this is not what I was calling it at the time) ;). In 2005 I had a bad experience with a self 'texturizer' and decided to give up the chemicals for good and for all, for the sake of keeping my hair.

3. if you did make a conscious effort to go natural, would you describe it as a journey? if yes, how so? did you ultimately get more out of it than healthy hair?

I did make a conscious decision to go natural, and I would say that the journey began after I first saw myself without any hair. I went through a period where I would not go out of the house without a head wrap because I didn't like my face. One day I had no head wraps to match my outfit and I had to go out without one and I fell in love with my large eyes, nose, lips and short hair with giant hoops :). It was a process of self discovery and self acceptance.

Good luck, Newbie, and welcome again! :) I hope this helps!
1. is there such a thing as a 'natural hair community.' what i mean is, do you find it easy to identify with other women with natural hair, are you interested in the progress of others (pretty obvious for this forum i suppose:/), or is this simple a personal thing for you?

I do think there is such a thing as a natural hair community but I would say that I am not part of it.

My hair is personal to me but I love to share what I have learned if people are willing to listen.

I would not say that I am interested in the progress of others. I am interested in information people want to share and I love a good discussion.

2. did you transition, bc, or make some conscious decision to go natural? if so, why? was it simply for the health of your hair, or were there other reasons?

I made a conscious decision to go natural by making a conscious decision not to relax again. I could not think of a good reason to keep relaxing so I just stopped.
I transitioned.

3. if you did make a conscious effort to go natural, would you describe it as a journey? if yes, how so? did you ultimately get more out of it than healthy hair?

I would not describe it as a journey. It was more of a learning process. Once I learned what to do, I went on autopilot.

I got...
healthy hair
longer hair
beautiful hair that I love
no more dandruff or chemical burns
hair that I stare at in wonder and awe
hair that is 100% me

Answers above
@DesireeElla welcome! Love the color of your hair BTW
Good luck on your transitioning journey!

1. is there such a thing as a 'natural hair community' or is this simple a personal thing for you?
This forum has it all - natural hair, relaxed hair, BKT hair, texlax.... etc.. so I wouldn't call this place a natural hair community. To be with other "naturals" I'd have to go to or I like it here, love the variety of different hair styles, and I learn alot from everyone's different techniques. I think for me it became a personal thing after a few years. I don't care what anybody else is doing to their hair. I only care about my noggin LOL

2. did you transition, bc, or make some conscious decision to go natural? if so, why? was it simply for the health of your hair, or were there other reasons?

I transitioned for 10 months and did the BC. My decision to go natural was based on the fact that I hate relaxers on my hair, hate the way it made my hair look, and I was tired of being a slave to the salon.

3. if you did make a conscious effort to go natural, would you describe it as a journey? if yes, how so? did you ultimately get more out of it than healthy hair?
It wasn't meant to be a conscious effort. It consumed me when I first became natural. I was like who is this chick looking at me in the mirror LOL Yes my hair became healthier out of the process. I really love my hair now whereas before I was embarrassed of it.

It used to be "deep" for me. I was on a mission to do this and that.. well now that I've grown it to the lengths I want and have everything I want.. I just want to enjoy my life and chill. I'm not here to make a statement anymore. I just want to be me.
Aww! Such a cute girl! :welcome: :newbie:...I'll keep it simple...there is a 'natural community' on here, but the thing that I love is that we are all in the quest of healthy, long hair whether it be relaxed or natural. I made a conscious decision to go natural because of a life change (just broke up with a bf of 6 years and was contemplating life and what I wanted out of it)...I definitely think that my "thing" is a journey, just as life is and I am enjoying every bit of my Healthy Hair Journey...LHCF is a BIG part of that!
1. is there such a thing as a 'natural hair community.' what i mean is, do you find it easy to identify with other women with natural hair, are you interested in the progress of others (pretty obvious for this forum i suppose:/), or is this simple a personal thing for you?

They're is definitely a natural hair community! I always end up in random conversations with women I have never met about natural hair. But hair is a topic everywhere. I love meeting other naturals on the random. But in the end I am just a hair lover in general. If its healthy then that's all that matters

2. did you transition, bc, or make some conscious decision to go natural? if so, why? was it simply for the health of your hair, or were there other reasons?

Lord knows I tried to transition. But I have no patience :lol: It wasn't really a conscious decision. I just got sick of getting touch ups.

3. if you did make a conscious effort to go natural, would you describe it as a journey? if yes, how so? did you ultimately get more out of it than healthy hair?

Now that I think about it it is a journey for me. I started getting relaxers at like age 6. I never got a chance to enjoy my natural hair or see its full potential. Not to mention I was living by every black hair myth there is. Now I get to to learn and watch my hair grow to its healthiest lengths.

okay ladies, i have more questions but i'd rather see where the conversation goes so that this can flow more naturally rather than me quizzing and bombarding you with a thousand questions. this is about your feelings! take the conversation where ever you want!
thank you guys, for making it to the end of this ridiculously long post:ohwell:
again, i'd appreciate any input!

View attachment 99275
assuming that worked, this is my hair right now straightened. i need to take pictures of it when it's not, i'm probably gonna do that tonight if not tomorrow and just edit this post.

Oh and PS I love love LOVE your hair color!! Is it naturally that color? If t is you are a lucky girl

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thank you for the warm welcoming!!:spinning:
YAY! thanks for the replies so far ladies. you guys are amazing! and a lot of what you said was very interesting and certainly helpful. a few of you mentioned, and i really liked that, that the community - specific to this site - includes much more than 'natural-haired' women. so it seems that you are pretty inclusive, and i honestly (during my long months of creepin(:!) didn't see any natural vs relaxed drama. and, since this community does seem to be pretty restricted to the internet, i do think it would be more appropriate to refer to this as..a community of women that values the health and progress of their hair; no matter the hair type? mm. yea i didn't put that very well.. maybe you guys can come up with something that sounds a little more graceful:yep:

and thank you on the compliment on my hair color! that's been one of my biggest issues with my hair! i've never been comfortable with its color, weird huh?

anyway, if anybody has anything else they'd like to say on the subject [the subject being the community of this forum, be it the structure - is it one large inclusive group with subgroups, or is everyone a part of everything -,the way you relate to each other, anything] that would be great. if not, i'll be asking more questions later today, i'm a little (A LOT) all over the place today and need to get my life together real fast:ohwell:

again, thank you so much for the input!!(: