

New Member
Hey everyone!

I am completely new to all of this... so new, in fact, that I don't have a good idea of what kind of info to include in this intro.

I guess I'll just tell yall everything I can think of that has to do with my hair? I have been natural for just over ten years. I have never known how to do a darn thing with my hair, so I am the one who's always in ponytails and such. I am definitely a minimalist as far as hair care goes. I saw the thread a bit ago about what 5 hair care products you couldn't live without and I had to think if I even had 5 total. Um, yeah.

So, I rinse/condition my hair every time I shower (working back up to a once/day shower...i'm a new mother, lol) and brush it with the conditioner in it with one of those plastic brushes with the wide bristles with the little balls on the ends. Then I usually put it in two braids and go. Lately I have been putting some sweet almond oil or ev olive oil on it since it's sooooo dry this time of year...

I am not sure what my hair type is. I looked at the little description and came up with 3, but didn't get any further than that. I don't know exactly how yall are measuring your hair, but from the top of my head to where my hair falls is about 23".

Don't know what else to say .... except that I am glad to be here to soak up all the knowledge yall lovely ladies have aquired!! This board is so inspiring!

Be well,

Welcome to the board! Congratulations on becoming a new mom and welcome to the club. ( Ah, the joys of motherhood.)
You're lucky you're not a PJ. Not sure if you have 5 products? I wish I could say the same. /images/graemlins/tongue.gif You don't appear to have much problems with your hair other than dry hair during this season. There are a lot of remedies for that problem if you read through some of the threads. Just decide what you think would work best for you. /images/graemlins/smile.gif Good Luck!! /images/graemlins/wink.gif
Hello and welcome. It sounds like less is more for you since you didn't mention having any problems(babies keep you busy also). Hopefully you won't become too much of a PJ(which in my opinion is not that bad).
Hey username

Welcome to the board. Congrats on beng a new mom. /images/graemlins/laugh.gif If you're not a PJ now you soon will be, lol.

By the sounds of it you have a healthy head of long natural hair there.
Hello Username. Welcome to the board. I'm pretty miminal on the hair care too. It does sound like you have a wonderful head of long natural beautiful hair. Another good place for natural hair care reading is Motown Girls web page - this is where I've got some of my information for taking care of my daughters hair.
Happy reading when you have time "new mom". Other then that, I'm sure you'll get plenty of good information here from our natural sisters. Peace & Blessings to you.
thanks, yall, for the welcome! i am glad to be here.

and thank you, nita, for that link! i will check out that space, too.