Interesting idea - removing knots with a safety pin

I dunno. Usually by the time I find a ssk it's so tightly tied it's like a pin sized bump in the hair strand. I doubt if I would be able to unravel it.

May work for others though. Someone try and report back.
girl, I've tried it all. I've done the safety pin, the rat tail comb, anything thin enough to get it done. I later found out that it's the technique, not the apparatus that does the job. I detangle using my wide toothed comb. The safety pin-like apparatus' just makes me lose more hair. At least from my experience.
I only use the metal rattail comb. That usually does the trick.

I've seen the safety pin technique before but feel it'll scratch my cuticles. For me it may be more damage than good.
I would think all the picking around with a pin would damage the hair strand and lead to a split.

I couldn't be bothered with it myself. I'd rather snip it off with scissors, lol.
That is too much work and also how to get the knots in the back. I'll rather just snip them off and keep it moving.
I do this all the time. I use a needle or stick pin and some oil. It works well on knots that are not too tight.