"Insults" my hair and proceeds to weave check!


New Member
So I'm at work minding my business. This black chick says loudly "damn girl when are you going to do something to your hair..it looks nappy"..at the same time, she puts her hand all the way to my scalp!:nono: I turn around..and said "my hair isn't nappy" (I only said that because she meant nappy..like unkept) She had the look of:blush:. Then was like oh my, its thick..and it's growing! I had my hair in high puff. I think home girl thought it was a drawstring puff or something..and was fixing to pull it out or something. Wtf is wrong with ppl?
She would've gotta slap for even putting her hands up in my scalp. I don't play that ish at all! After I slapped her, then I would focus on the backhanded compliment she gave.
whoa kudos to you for keeping composure... Like you really let someone put their hand to your scalp... I cant...
I didn't feel the need to get all upset..because everyone looked at her like she was crazy. The white woman who was there said my she loved my hair and it looked great. So black girl just felt real stupid. I think it's amazing how white ppl constantly compliment my hair, but black people always got something to say. This isn't the first time she has put her hands in my hair..talking about how thick it is. I think she is just a hater.
I don't like people putting their hands in my hair. It is reserved for me, my man and some close peeps. I'd tell her NOT to do it again and that jealousy is not cute.
I didn't feel the need to get all upset..because everyone looked at her like she was crazy. The white woman who was there said my she loved my hair and it looked great. So black girl just felt real stupid. I think it's amazing how white ppl constantly compliment my hair, but black people always got something to say. This isn't the first time she has put her hands in my hair..talking about how thick it is. I think she is just a hater.

^^Ditto :ohwell:
What did she say after she got up?...oh you didn't hit her?...

Good job! Her hair is probably ear length and overprocessed or being neglected under a synthetic weave.
That's just mean, and to say that out loud in front of your col eaves and then touch you??!$&@

Some people should not leave home until after they've taken their medication.
That's just mean, and to say that out loud in front of your col eaves and then touch you??!$&@

Some people should not leave home until after they've taken their medication.

LOL DWL,......Lila25 are you a caribbean woman? That talk is plenty in my country....dwl
I would've slapped her hand for the violation of personal space AND her heinous comment.
I wore a catsuit to my friend's mother's birthday party. I am very shapely at 188 lbs and this lady body-magic checked me at the club. "Ooooh... this is cuuuuuute" and felt my waist....twice. She had a drink in her hand so I let it go. I would smacked that girl's hand so fast AND went to HR. :brucelee: Don't touch me. Especially with that attitude.
I didn't feel the need to get all upset..because everyone looked at her like she was crazy. The white woman who was there said my she loved my hair and it looked great. So black girl just felt real stupid. I think it's amazing how white ppl constantly compliment my hair, but black people always got something to say. This isn't the first time she has put her hands in my hair..talking about how thick it is. I think she is just a hater.

I think it's high time to tell her to keep her hands out of your hair.

If you want to keep calm and proper decorum for work, you can say "thanks for the compliment, but I'm really very careful with my hair, so please don't pull, tug or touch it, thanks. :ohwell:"
Sunshine, I'm not from the beautiful Carribean..I was born and raised in the exciting state of Ohio! :cold:
She was plain and outright rude. Reading your story I wanted to slap her hand away for you. I got weaved checked b4, but it was out of curiosity. In your case it sounds like she was both curious and had negative attitude trying to put you down a notch.
You handled it okay, but next time tell her no touch, she is not your friend and is not happy for you.
I would've slapped her hand for the violation of personal space AND her heinous comment.
I wore a catsuit to my friend's mother's birthday party. I am very shapely at 188 lbs and this lady body-magic checked me at the club. "Ooooh... this is cuuuuuute" and felt my waist....twice. She had a drink in her hand so I let it go. I would smacked that girl's hand so fast AND went to HR. :brucelee: Don't touch me. Especially with that attitude.
Really tho?? Now that's a whole 'nother level of checking lol.. it really can't be that serious. :nono:
I didn't feel the need to get all upset..because everyone looked at her like she was crazy. The white woman who was there said my she loved my hair and it looked great. So black girl just felt real stupid. I think it's amazing how white ppl constantly compliment my hair, but black people always got something to say. This isn't the first time she has put her hands in my hair..talking about how thick it is. I think she is just a hater.

You need a sock batteries for witchy haters like that.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The other times she touched it she was like "oh it's soo thick..it grows so fast". (my hair isn't thick..and grows average rate). When I did my updo in my siggy she was saying how pretty it was. She has never violated my scalp..like the other day. All the girls at my job touch one another's hair..it was just the way she did..like she wanted to snatch it off..and her side comment. I guess it was too big for her liking. This is the same girl who is always commenting on my food, saying I eat like a white girl. Then turns around talking about she needs to start eating like that, so she can lose weight..all while eating her daily helping of fried chicken and mac n cheese.
I've just never been weave checked before..now I see how awful it feels.
To everyone who thinks I should of knocked her face in..God knows I wanted to. I usually don't let people know that they are getting under my skin. Especially people like her who thrive off negativity. I think the fact that white woman liked my hair and said " i like the natural look" was enough of a slap in her face. I personally think she was trying to score brownie points by making it seemed like she didn't agree with ethnic hair, but instead she came off ignorant.
Like I said..every time I've received negativity about my natural hair it has always been a black person. It's almost like it's some deep dark secret that underneath it all the weave perms or whatever, there is a big ball of kink. Smh.
I'm saying tho, lol.
what's next?
porcelain veneer checks?
booty injection checks?
Spanx check?

I have been a victim. I was at a party a few weeks ago and I was talking to my DH. All of a sudden I felt someone grab butt. I was a special kind of party:look:..so I let it go. I continued to have a deep convo with Dh..and this chick grabbed it three more times. That's when she got the look. She was like, "oh me and my husband were wondering if your butt was real..I told him they weren't injections..but he didn't believe me" :blush:. Mind you, this was a sista! I was just in a state of are you serious? You could have just asked me. Ppl are getting real bold!
I have been a victim. I was at a party a few weeks ago and I was talking to my DH. All of a sudden I felt someone grab butt. I was a special kind of party:look:..so I let it go. I continued to have a deep convo with Dh..and this chick grabbed it three more times. That's when she got the look. She was like, "oh me and my husband were wondering if your butt was real..I told him they weren't injections..but he didn't believe me" :blush:. Mind you, this was a sista! I was just in a state of are you serious? You could have just asked me. Ppl are getting real bold!

Hmm, well I don 't know which part I should be :blush: by: the woman's butt grab or the "special" kind of party where it's ok to grab another person's butt. LOL. :grin:
What!!! I have never heard of this type of behavior before. Butt checking!!! Huh! People may have this type of conversation amongst themselves but to actually go and touch someone behind not once but 4 times and you are not in jail. Girl you are good. Hats off for exemplary behavior. I am kind of mild mannered and slow to anger but I would have lit up like a xmas tree.
I'm sorry you had to deal with this OP.

Black people need to do better, and better by each other. :nono: And furthermore, we are teaching other races how to be disrespectful toward us. And don't see anything wrong with it. :nono: