Independence Day = SOUTHERNTEASE's BC !!!


New Member
Independence Day = Freedom = MY BIG CHOP

I'm recording ALL of it... stay tuned for the youtube link !!!

69 weeks (almost 1 1/2 years) into my transition...
on a whim...
I decided to BC

Here's what I cut off...


doesn't look like that much

It's crazy...
if you've been reading my blog...
I've been trying to hold out...
couldn't do it anymore...
so... stay tuned !!!

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Shut up! :clap: :clap:

Congrats, SouthernTease!!

Can't wait to see the pics! :lol: :yep:
I'm so excited!!! I just know it's going to be beautiful. I just can't believe you lasted 1 1/2!!!

:eek2: WOW... you're one of my hair inspirations! I can't believe it; but I know you're is going to look beautiful. Good day to do the BC :yep:! CONGRATULATIONS.
Wow! I am a fan of your blog and I commend you for being so disciplined in your transition. I know you were initially waiting till '09 but sometimes when the spirit moves ya! Can't wait to see it!
OMG!!!! You have been my inspiration for transitioning without a BC. I have used your 30 second bun for months!!

Can't wait to see pics of the BC!!!:popcorn:
Independence Day = Freedom = MY BIG CHOP

I'm recording ALL of it... stay tuned for the youtube link !!!

69 weeks (almost 1 1/2 years) into my transition...
on a whim...
I decided to BC

It's crazy...
if you've been reading my blog...
I've been trying to hold out...
couldn't do it anymore...
so... stay tuned !!!

oh wow what a good day to choose to do that! Congrats!!!!!