In need of help...


Well-Known Member
I'm new and I LOOOOVE this forum! ..Anyway HI and thanks for all of the entertaining and helpful advice. I currently have relaxed shoulder-length hair. One day while away from my hairdresser I got bored and decided to experiment. The biggest mistake I made was to apply a permanent color over my relaxed hair. Strands of hair has fallen out. It's been about two months now since I put the color in. What can I immeadiately do to stop the damage? I have never had see through hair before but now I do. Also do you think I could do braids to minimize the stress on my hair. I'm good with braids- conditioning, taking care of my edges etc. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Oh yeah- I have started on a bargello's type of vitamin regimen. (MSM, biotin, multi-vitamin, nexxus vitatress, nourishair)

I also will be starting a hair journal as soon as I'm done with finals... Thanks for all of the inspiration Ladies.
What type of conditioning treatments are you doing? A few that some people like are Motions CPR and Aphogee Treatment. I'm not really sure what would be best for your situation ---I just wanted to basically say welcome.

I'm sure of our damaged-hair survivors will chime in with a "prescription" for you. Hold on tight!

thanks... here's my regimen

wash (optimum shampoo) 2x week with deep condtion (ORS mayo)20 min under a dryer.

I roller set and then wrap my hair (alternating directions each night). I also use Mizani Thermastrength Strengthening Style Serum and Rose H20 Creme Hairdress.
Hi KoKo,
Welcome. I'm feeling aweful for you girl. I haven't walked in your shoes, so I'm not prepared to "properly" advise you.
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
I have never had see through hair before but now I do.

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That's gotta' be heartbreaking. I am very confident that our members will reach out to you with some great advice; WE HAVE THE BEST HERE.

I'm keeping you in my prayers, because I know it's a troubling situation. Don't worry, at least you're at the right board for help.

God Bless,
koko: the optimum shampoo is it breakthru shamp?? if it is then i just wanted to know how you feel about it. I love this stuff myself and it took me a whole year to get a shamp i'm in love with!!!!!

BTW you regime NOW, sounds like mine currently... and it took me forever to find the right balance of products that work for me. How do you like what your doing currently??? If its good for you then i would stick to it as my STAPLE plan and alternate it with a deep protein treatments as needed 4-6 weeks apart (seems like you could use one now). I suggest Aphogee for heavy duty replenishing of strength, CPR is too weak for me. Rememeber to use a moisturizing conditioner after the protein, or else your hair will be dry and break even more.

You sound on point on the vitamin thing.. maybe adding B-5 will help you to thicken the hair that grows in, its a slow way to do it, but it will pay off in the long run.

I could offer you some illusions (i myself have had to do them, b/c my hair has seriously suffered, when it was once THICK and full)
Braid outs.. allows hair to air dry and creates a full look
wearing a drawstring ponytail...protect ends underneath
using a leave -in with panthenol when roler setting.. like nexxus headress, it makes the hair look full for a few days.
i hope i've helped you.. my hair is in its recovery stage as well, so far so good. The less i do to it, the more it prospers.
Thanks- I have been alternating with roller sets and using John Frieda's ripple effects. I just use the regualr moisturizing shampoo by optimum- it smells sooo good and it doesn't strip my hair.
Hi there,

Welcome to the forum. Sorry you are joining us under such unfortunate circumstances.

With color damage the hair's primary problem is first that it has been severly weakened. Second it will have trouble retaining moisture. The priority if the problems should be conceptualized in that order.

Therefore - if your hair is still falling out I recommend doing a one time "emergency" breakage arresting treatment - a concentrated protein formula that will strengthen the hair and help stop it from breaking so quickly and so easily. Aphogee or Nexxus Emergencee are two options for a conditioner of this kind. It is IMPERATIVE with these treatments that you follow the instructions on the packaging to the LETTER. Do not manipulate the hair while it's on AT ALL, let it dry completely, and rinse the hair thouroughly with water for anywhere from 5-10 minutes. The rinsing time is very important. It may seem excessive, but it's better to be safe than sorry. Leaving any amount of this conditioner in the hair could damage it irreparably. It can work wonders on damaged hair, but it is a double edged sword and must be used with caution. It should be followed immediately with a good moisturizing conditioner. I like Pantene Daily Moisture Renewal, Herbal Essences Intensive Blends Conditioning Balm, and Dudley's Moisturizing Conditioner. There are others. Ask any member for recommendations and you'll get a different list /images/graemlins/smile.gif that's the beauty of this forum. Find a member with a hair type similar to yours and who seems to like the kinds of products you do (looks like you found one in Beana /images/graemlins/wink.gif ) and compare notes.....The ORS could be a fine choice - but some find it has too much protein to use on a regular basis....but find a good one before you do this treatment and use it immediately after....

Let me re-iterate - this should be done ONE time only. These treatments are strong and aren't meant for regular use.

Regular maintenance of colored hair should then be a routine balance of moisture and protein - with an emphasis on protein. I would select a creamy protein conditioner, followed by a moisturizing conditioner on at least a weekly basis ( I do bi-weekly washes, conditioning and rollersettings) for about a month.

Then I would use the moisturising formula more regularly and use the creamy protein conditioner (Keraphix, Dudley's Hair Rebuilder, Motions CPR, and HI PRO PAC are all examples - again, there are others that wi;; do as well) only once every two or three weeks.

The idea is to repair the hair - build it back up with protein to strengthen it from the damage it suffered with a good concentrated protein treatment followed by a moisturizing treatment to counteract the sometimes drying effect of protein. Then use protein in a milder form regularly (always followed by a moisturizing and detangling formula) for a while to build some strength into the hair and help it regain it's ability to retain moisture. Then do moisturizing treatments to keep the hair pliable, healthy and shiny while it grows and you cut the damaged ends off. If you are looking to regain thickness you should cut a half inch relatively often - with every relaxer or every other relaxer....

This should put you on the path to recovery before you know it.
WHOA TRACY! Nuff said. koko22 Tracy sumed it all up for you, you shouldn't have any problems after following her advice. Here are a few product suggestions:

Intensive Protein Conditioner: Mizani Kerafuse
Moisturizing Conditioner: Mizani Moisturefuse

Good luck and welcome to the board.
Hi KoKo

Welcome to the forum. The thing that really helped me when I was relaxed was the Aphogee treatment, it stinks so bad...but man it works. /images/graemlins/grin.gif
welcome to the board, koko! i agree that tracy just about covered everything. good luck with reaching your goals! /images/graemlins/smile.gif

No info to offer as great advice has already been given. Just write the word color on this board and Tracy can sniff out the thread and respond in ample time. LOL /images/graemlins/smile.gif

Welcome to the board anyway Koko /images/graemlins/smile.gif
LOL @ LD - sorry ya'll....

Koko - I can a bit longwinded as you can see /images/graemlins/blush.gif but I hope you got the point. And I do love color so I have a bit of experience to share. /images/graemlins/smile.gif I hope it helps. Holler if you have any other problems in the process...there are other "colorerers" on the board - so the knowledge overfloweth....

Good luck.