In need of a serious change


New Member
Hello ladies, First let me apologize for this being sooo long. I need a change. Currently I keep my hair in a pony , one reason being I'm too lazy to do anything else to it. I have shoulder length hair and have been a natural for about 4 years now....My hair is thick and I believe healthy but due to the weather my hair never holds a press. I tried the wash and go style but my hair, I guess is not the right texture to wear that type of style. I see woman all the time wearing fony ponys and wigs. My question, will wearing fony hair hurt my natural hair in any way?
I need a change. I'm going thru some type of not feeling pretty or sexy anymore due to my recent weight gain of 20+ :perplexed pounds and I feel a need to do something about it...not just with my weight but my over all appearance. Where is Oprah when you need a make over :lol: .....Can someone help me please

In need of a change fast!!!
I don't think a phony pony will hurt your hair as long as you take care of your naturall hair underneath. I was just thinking of buying another one myself since I'm stretching my touchup until Feb 06.

What do you think of cornrows? I always get them when I need a break from my hair.

I'm ready for a HAIR change too! :cool:

I was craving braids yesterday, and have been daydreaming about a long curly weave today.

I'm just bored, BUT (as I breathe slowly) I just going to go home tonight and shampoo/deep condition as usual.

Good luck!:D