In Desperate need of Help!!!


New Member

Let me start off by saying I'm new to the forum.

I'm 14-1/2wks post relaxer - last relaxer was in July 06 Design Essentials(sensitive scalp). This is my very first time stretching my relaxer, and I'm trying to stretch it out to at least 24 wks (if I can with stand it). I'm currently shoulder length (hair can be past shoulders, but for some reason it just sit there until I pull it down). I have been this way for a year. For some reason it does not grow beyond that part. Goal is mid back. I'm not sure what my hair type is (all the sites I have read confused me). I have transitioned before and my actual hair is wavy (with tons of shrinkage). Right now I know I have 2-1/2 inches of new growth but my actual length is gone because of the shrinkage.

Questions that I want to ask: Deciding to self-relax because HS leaves relaxer on to long (20 - 25 minutes) which I end up losing my wave pattern. In addition, to one side of my hair was cut shorter than the other and after a year I just noticed it. Is Creme of Nature Lye relaxer (mild) or Elasta QP Lye(mild) any good? Can someone help me identify my hair type. What can I do to get hair mid back?

Con washer challenge 7 days.
LeKair deep condition/ Shampoo 1x.
Twice Daily use of Surge 14/WGO.

QP Mango Butter
ORS Shea Butter
Surge 14 mixed with WGO
Infusium 23
Nexxus - Diamectress
- Humectress
Vitamins - GNC Mega Women
- GNC Hair, Nail and Skin

Sorry this is so long. After reading for several months; I have so many questions. Thank you for your patience and time. :)
From your description of your hair it sounds like you may be a 3b or 3c.

Below is a simple categorization of curly hair. Where do you fit in?
Straight hair is classified as a 1. There is absolutely no curl pattern in the hair. It is completely straight.

Straight hair is very sleek and shiny because there is no curl pattern which allows the light to reflect off of the hair giving it a shiny finish.

Some straight hair that appears dull is usually because it is damaged. Proper care is always necessary if you want beautiful healthy hair.

Wavy hair is classified as a 2 as seen in these pictures. Type 2 hair can be categorized as 2A/2B or 2C. Basically, 2A hair is fine, like the picture on the left while 2B hair is medium textured like singer Mya’s hair on the right. 2C hair is thick and coarse with a frizzier look. If you have type 2 hair, you have a wide variety of styles available to you. You can straighten the hair for a sleek look, or add tighter curls for a different look. The versatility can make the hairs texture look totally different. This hair type has a natural “S” curl pattern as it hangs.

Type 3 hair has a tighter curl pattern. It can be categorized at 3A/3B and 3C hair. 3A hair types have a looser curl pattern, while type 3B hair has a tighter curl pattern (picture on the left) and type 3C hair has a tightly curly look and may look slightly kinky (picture on the right). This type of hair has a lot of body and can be styled in many different styles. When wet, type 3 hair easily absorbs the water and shrinks quite a bit. But it is not as shiny as straight hair because the hair cannot reflect the light as easily.

Type 3 hair is very springy. If you pull on it, it bounces back into its original curly state. This type of hair can sometimes be a challenge to straighten, especially 3C hair. However, if you blow-dry and use a hot comb or straightener the hair will have a smoother sleeker finish.

Find out about biracial hair here.

Tightly coiled type 4 hair is a lot kinkier than the type 2 and 3 hair types. Although this hair type is much coarser and appears thicker than other curly hair, it is actually quite fine.Type 4A hair has an “S” pattern to it, while type 4B/C hair is more wiry with a zig-zag pattern.

These coiled afro pics show the texture of type 4 hair. The picture on the left is more type 4a hair, while the picture on the right is more of a 4b/c hair. Type 4 hair is hard to grow since it has fewer cuticle layers than the other hair types. Once brushed or combed it’s common for hair to break, leaving it shorter and easily susceptible to damage. (Note: Never brush dry curly hair as this creates frizz and can lead to breakage.)

An easy way to rid yourself of this damage is through proper conditioning, hot oil treatments and not putting tension on the hair daily with pony tails or styles that pull on the hair and add tension.
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From the looks of the web descriptions: I should be a 3b/c Thank for the website.:grin:
I guess this would be why I don't see length anymore (not until I relax), Is that much shrinkage normal?
Welcome:newbie: . I am a 3c and my last relaxer was in July as well but I only stretch for 16 wks. You have to keep your hair moisturized because of the 2 different textures and treat your hair gently or you will have breakage at the demarcation line. I can't tell you about relaxers because I only use Affirm Fiberguard.
Thank you - I'm currently wearing a ponytail appling ORS Shea Butter to hair and Surge mixed w/WGO to scalp. My hair mostly sheds/breaks when it's wet, so I don't comb until it's dry. Do you have any other suggestions being that we are simliar in hair type? In addition, what style are you wearing?
Thanks for posting this. I finally know what my hair type is. I'm 3b/3c which is why I don't see length until I straighted or relax. If I rollerset my hair, I still can't see accumulated length until its fully straight.:perplexed