In an effort to find your staple products, has anyone....?


New Member
Gone and bought the entire line of products, tried it, and if it didn't work took it back? I believe I have my staple breakage products but I want to get a handle on my daily products. Right now, I have everything. I was thinking of going to Ulta and buying everything Keracare and seeing my hair results after a wash with nothing else but those products. If it didn't work then returning it. Same for Silk Elements, the new Olive Oil Proclaim line (I already like the wrap foam), and my sil's hair has been looking awesomely shining and healthy since she started on Optimum Care's relaxer and products. I figure I could try one each week and return them if I don't like the results. I have to get settled on something.
Uh I'm guilty of taking back hair products and dietary supplements that don't work. Usually the company tries to offer coupons etc to get you to give it another go. :lol:
Anything I haven't liked, I usually wound up giving it away or trading it on the Exchange Board. I thought about trying one line of products, but I just don't think I could stick to it.:) I'm finally finding staple products that my hair likes, but they're from different lines.

But if you get salon products like Keracare or Nexxus or Aveda, you could return those to the salon (I think), so that could be an option. I'm not sure what Ulta's return policy is.
I will return products in a minute. I wouldn't buy an entire line with the intention of returning things, because my hope would be to find something i like and it most likely won't be an entire product line. I would just do my research and keep my eye out for raves on the board and try to figure out what ingrediants I like rather than specific product lines.
Your suggestion of trying one each week is good, though I would probably start with the poo and con together and see if you like those. If you don't then there's no need to look any further, especially if you really want to stick to just one line. The main thing is to check the store policy for returns before you buy anything. I do understand where you are coming from though. I would like to have two staple lines that I can rotate. And I really don't want to have to order them online because I want to be able to run to a store or salon when I'm out. I know Aveda DR will be's amazing and slowed my breakage to very minimal with just one treatment. I'm not sure about the other, but I think I may be saying goodbye to Elucence.....:(
My only two concerns are

1.) Do you think that using an product line once or twice in only 1 week is enough time to know if it really really works for you or not?:confused:

2.) My second concern is that you don't want the store to blacklist you. Especially if you're there every week to return a whole line of products that you bought the week before. They will start to recognize your face and may not want to sell to you, or let you return items anymore.:ohwell:

I hope it does work out for you, but just some things to consider.:)
You all made good points. I guess I wanted to find a couple of main lines for staple products because I've seen some ladies on here who are settled into their products and their hair is thriving.
Cayenne0622 said:
You all made good points. I guess I wanted to find a couple of main lines for staple products because I've seen some ladies on here who are settled into their products and their hair is thriving.

Yes, like Macherieamour. She loves her KeraCare (exclusively, I think?) and her hair is really gorgeous.

I like a lot of the ORS stuff, and also the Suave.... but i guess with other things im kinda all over the place, experimenting here and there until i find my niche.
For the most part I only use Redken, I do use Keracare oil and humecto (every 5-6 weeks or so). My hairs seems to love Redken. At this point the only thing I will be changing will be internal and MAYBE, just maybe BT.