I'm weak and...


...drooling over the short cuts featured in the May 2005 issue of the Sophisticate's Black Hair magazine. (I couldn't help it.) Summer is coming up, and some of those short styles look real good. :love:

For months I've been trimming the length I've gained to even up the back and correct some breakage from when I wore buns and ponytails incorrectly. (I didn't moisturize enough.) Since then I've been playing catch up, and I'm starting to lose focus of my hair goals. I'm also in a styling rut, and I'm getting impatient with my hair.

I'm relaxing my hair this evening, so maybe this will be the last time I have to even up the back. If I can't find a style to do with my own hair, I might do a short loose-curled weave to cure my itch for a short cut. There's also a cornrowed updo I like in the magazine.

At this point, it's probably better if my hair is weaved/braided because I'm a little dangerous now. I initially bought the magazine to get styling ideas but now there's too much temptation. :lol:

Ladies, I have to look at some of your hair albums again because I seriously need some hair inspirations to stay on track.
Yeah that issue is SICK! I love it:) ! I got some really good protective style ideas like the one with the natural hair in a high bun...the bun is twisted up in these elegant knots so it looks like a giant twisted bun & they give step by step instructions too! I have to really be strict with myself about buying hair magazines because I'm always tempted to cut and style...oh he!! I'm suprized I'm not broke and bald from all the different styles I did :lol: !
I just purchased this magazine also. I love the short styles, but I am not going to cut my hair short though, I am not ready for that. I am going to try some of the updo styles, some really cute ones are in the magazine.