I'm vain, my man can't be walkin' around with a big bald spot...


Well-Known Member
This is actually a question in reference to my boyfriend's hair. About a month ago, he came to see me at work and a noticed that a bald spot about the size of a quarter just appeared out of nowhere. Literally, his hair was there the previous day. I asked him about it and he said that he just woke up and it was gone.

Now it's a month (or more, I'm guesstimating) later, and that spot still hasn't grown back. My boyfriend's hair is thick and wavy, and it's long again in a week (like most men), so it looks funny when he has a head full of thick hair and this big bald spot.

Now, I was planning on mixing him up a batch of Surge/MTG/WGO concoction, but before I self medicate him (this negro will not go see the doctor about this), I wanted to get you ladies opinions.

For reference purposes he has a big dandruff problem, and his main mode of transportation is a motorbike, so he wears his helmet on a daily basis. He washes with...Neutrogena T-Gel for dandruff, when I buy it for him. Otherwise, he uses "this coconut stuff in a brown bottle" to wash his hair. I also think that he had gotten his hair cut the day before the bald spot appeared.

Any ideas what this could be? Thanks for your suggestions in advance.
It sounds like it could be a ringworm or fungus, especially after you mentioned him getting his hair cut. Maybe the clippers were not clean? And I guess he could've possibly gotten it from wearing a helmet all the time and moisture and sweat. I know that ringworm will create a bald spot in a minute. I think he should consider going to a doctor or at least put some antifungal medication on it. Because if it is a fungus, it's not going to grow back until he kills it or it could possibley even spread.

ETA: Your hair is so pretty :love:
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Ah, you're young little sister. I told you the love would die. So take your superficial self to the club with me and leave the old hag alone.

Oops that part should have been in Offtopic.

hair: sounds like ringworm to me.
Could be the inside of his helmet. There are pads inside to prevent the helmet from moving around to give you a snug fit maybe it's been rubbing in that one spot for a while. Or ringworms:confused: