Im using this for my balding edge


New Member
My dermatologist prescribed clobetasol for my bald patch. I thought it would never show hair again. It regrew but my my temple area to the front is struggling. I ran out of the clobetasol 2 wks ago. I found it in a beauty supply being sold over the counter for 3 dollars. I will use it on my temple area with castor oil. Thats how I applied it to the bald patch. I just hope this works. Actually I used the clobetasol on the front with castor oil and it started growing up until last week when I switched to surge and it fell out about 3 days after. i posted my bald patch pic in another thread. If this works I will post a pic. I saw a lady in the beauty supply who told me she has been wearing wigs since the age of 18. she lifted the wig to show me her balding hair side. she said between perms and braiding the hair will never come back. kinda freaky that once you start the pattern the end result is the same. I think perm made my edges thin but my hair is natural now. I want to take a long break from perming. If I perm again I will make it a rule that perm never touches my scalp even if i have to leave half inch of hair at the roots unprocessed. I dont need the bone straight chiny look just to be able to manage it.
Zailless - Can you pleeeeeeease tell me what type of beauty supply you found the "clobetasol" in? My edges are bald from wearing weaves for years and I'm MTG'ing to no avail. The derm told me that he didn't see any scar tissue but it's not growing. I've had thin edges my whole life but they have gone byebye and I think they may be permanently gone :crying3:. I have been unable to wear my hair straight back for years. On another note, can you also post a picture or describe the packaging. I'm in NY so hopefully, I can find it somewhere. Thanks for your help.
Ladies, are you sure you want to use a prescribed drug someone is selling at a beauty store? Go to the dermatologist and make sure you are getting the real thing!
I understand this cream is a topical steroid of some sort. You ought to be very careful using these types of prescription drugs, because apparently there are side effects with topical steroids and they're not designed to be used over a prolonged period. My friend's 10 y/o daugther used it (prescribed by a derm) for her lost edges and it worked like a charm - that's when I did my research. I didn't persue it for myself however.

I would suggest that you Google the drug name and read all the info with regards to possible contraindications. I agree with Candiss, check with a doctor first. I glad it worked for the OP though.
I think since you said your hair fell out, you must be balding which means if you stop using the product, it will fall out again. Make sure not to be without whatever product is working otherwise it seems you'll lose your growth.
You are right, you shouldnt use clobetasol for a long time. I dont think it makes your hair fall out if you stop using it. My first bald patch is growing still. Its the other areas to the front that I have a problem with. I got it in the beauty store on 32nd st between 7th and broadway. Its in the skin lightening section. From my research, steroid is the only thing that can control the inflammation and thin out the scar if a scar was formed. A scar was formed in my bald patch but not the hair line. I dont know what is affecting my hairline to one side. but it started growing a few weeks back. It fell out because i think i had an allergic reaction to surge. The first time i had the hair loss, i was using surge mixed with mtg. I stopped using everying and went to the dermatologist, and that was when she prescribed the clobetasol. I ran out and was using just pure castor oil. i had no flare ups and my hair line looked really nice. i thought i would use the last bottle of surge that i had and the hair line peeled off and i had tender bumps like the first time it fell out. So basically its two areas. its my hair line and a bald patch. the bald patch site has regrown but the hair line became tender with some hard bumbs. I stopped the surge and reapplied the castor oil and the bumps went away. I intend to use the clobetasol only as long as this tube lasts. I am only sharing the beauty supply info because of the price and for ladies who have tried everything else. But length of time is very important. if you use it for longer than 1 month, you have to realize that steroid with thin out the scar that was formed. This is what causes the hair to regrow.
have you tried using essential oils such as rosemary? many people claim that rosemary oil can cause hair growth. do a search on yahoo and on here too. the thing is that you have to mix it with a carrier oil. im going to start using it for my left side and ill report with the results.
Yes I have heard about those 5 essential oils cedarwood, rosemary. lavender etc.

i am using lavender and tea tree oil mixed in the castor oil. It gived me relief when I get those inflamed bumps
I go to that same BSS on 32nd. I will stop by there and check it out. I agree with some people that you shouldn't mess with steriods like that, If I use any at all, I want to be really carefull
blac_quarian said:
I understand this cream is a topical steroid of some sort. You ought to be very careful using these types of prescription drugs, because apparently there are side effects with topical steroids and they're not designed to be used over a prolonged period. My friend's 10 y/o daugther used it (prescribed by a derm) for her lost edges and it worked like a charm - that's when I did my research. I didn't persue it for myself however.

I would suggest that you Google the drug name and read all the info with regards to possible contraindications. I agree with Candiss, check with a doctor first. I glad it worked for the OP though.
Yes be careful because long term use ( a few weeks or more ) of a topical steroid can alter your glucose level. Many doctors are now steering away from steroid drugs & only prescribing them temporarily for major problems..Please check into this
Thanks for all the advice on long term steroid usage. I'll stop by that beauty supply and check it out and also consult with my dermatologist. I've tried everything and the rest of my head grows nicely but portions of my edges are not moving. It's actually bald in some spots and I believe that it came from wearing tight weaves for extended periods of time. The Dr. didn't think it was traction alopecia so that leads me to believe that the damage is reversible.
Does anyone have any experience with a topical steriod called Lidex aka Fluocinonide? It's a thick, vaseline-type ointment.

My derm prescribed it for me back in June to treat scarring alopecia.
I used it a couple of times back then, but I stopped because my scalp looked so red.

But I'm thinking about giving it another go.
My prescription says "Apply to scalp 3 x's per week".

Any advice?

dkbeauti said:
Does anyone have any experience with a topical steriod called Lidex aka Fluocinonide? It's a thick, vaseline-type ointment.

My derm prescribed it for me back in June to treat scarring alopecia.
I used it a couple of times back then, but I stopped because my scalp looked so red.

But I'm thinking about giving it another go.
My prescription says "Apply to scalp 3 x's per week".

Any advice?


I've never heard of that one but if it was prescribed for you I would assume it's okay to use. Did you ever go back to the Dr. and let him/her know about the red scalp?
For anyone who wants to use try the clobetasol here is additional info. I spoke to the nurse at work. She said that usually they dont prescribe this product for longer than 2 weeks. She also said that 1 to 2 weeks is enough time to know if it work for you. If it doesnt work in 1 or 2 weeks then its likely it will not work.
nycutiepie said:
I've never heard of that one but if it was prescribed for you I would assume it's okay to use. Did you ever go back to the Dr. and let him/her know about the red scalp?

No, I did not go back due to financial reasons. My insurance only covered the visits at 50% so paying $135 out of my pocket each visit was killing me (I'm a full time college student).

But I talked with another lady whose child is using a steroid cream also and she said the redness was normal and occured each time she used it.

That's kinda why I decided to try to go the natural/holistic route. When I met with those specialist, I was really turned off by what I was told about steroids. They recommended I use herbs and what not, and to only use that steroid if I MUST, and only in that spot.
So I just stopped using it altoghether.

Now, I'm concerned that I am experiencing inflammation again, because my scalp is tender in one spot and itchy there.

I just don't want all of my progress to go down the drain.
I'm natural and my hair is thriving everywhere else except that spot.
The area is at the very top of my head.

So, on the one hand I'm scared to use the steroid because of it's agressiveness.
Then again I'm scared not to use it for fear of the alopecia spreading.
I just don't want to lose anymore hair.

I'm praying......
My derm prescribed clobetesol for my alopecia. I used it twice daily for 9 months. My derm told me to STOP and throw away the bottle after that 9 month period. A major side effect is scalp thinning which is irreversable. My hair did not fall out after I stopped using it. Tea tree oil works in a very similar fashion to clobetesol but it works very slowly. If you really want the clobetesol, log onto Medsmex. I think they still sell it.
dkbeauti said:
No, I did not go back due to financial reasons. My insurance only covered the visits at 50% so paying $135 out of my pocket each visit was killing me (I'm a full time college student).

But I talked with another lady whose child is using a steroid cream also and she said the redness was normal and occured each time she used it.

That's kinda why I decided to try to go the natural/holistic route. When I met with those specialist, I was really turned off by what I was told about steroids. They recommended I use herbs and what not, and to only use that steroid if I MUST, and only in that spot.
So I just stopped using it altoghether.

Now, I'm concerned that I am experiencing inflammation again, because my scalp is tender in one spot and itchy there.

I just don't want all of my progress to go down the drain.
I'm natural and my hair is thriving everywhere else except that spot.
The area is at the very top of my head.

So, on the one hand I'm scared to use the steroid because of it's agressiveness.
Then again I'm scared not to use it for fear of the alopecia spreading.
I just don't want to lose anymore hair.

I'm praying......

Hi DK - it sounds like you have to choose between the lesser of two evils. I know the feeling because the rest of my hair is fine in comparison to these bald edges. I didn't know that alopecia could spread so thanks for giving me that info. I may have no choice but to go back to the Dr. because ya'll got my scared to try the clobestasol (spelling?). I don't want to do any more damage than I already have. Well, good luck with whatever you decide.
vickid said:
My derm prescribed clobetesol for my alopecia. I used it twice daily for 9 months. My derm told me to STOP and throw away the bottle after that 9 month period. A major side effect is scalp thinning which is irreversable. My hair did not fall out after I stopped using it. Tea tree oil works in a very similar fashion to clobetesol but it works very slowly. If you really want the clobetesol, log onto Medsmex. I think they still sell it.

if it thinned out your scalp you can use retin a. you can ask your derm about it. retin a can regenerate teh skin and make it thick again. it stimulates growth and not time sensitive like the clobetasol.