I'm new, and boy do I have questions


New Member
I\'m new, and boy do I have questions

I've been reading this board for quite some time and have gotten some really good advice. I also love your pictures ladies(I'm jealous....). My problem is, I have notice a few bald patches in the front of my head(right behind my hairline and a few on top of my head). They have been this way for several months now. I have tried the essential oils method and it is working for my overall hair health, but I can't seem to get this part of my hair to grow in. I was thinking of trying the Monistat3 and Doo Grow mixed that was recommended on this site but I am kinda sceptical about it. Does anyone know if the cortisone injections has worked for anyone...Please Help
Re: I\'m new, and boy do I have questions

Hi Wanda, welcome to the forum
Re: I\'m new, and boy do I have questions

Welcome to LHCF.

I think determining WHY this has happened is important before deciding on HOW to fix it. Do you know why?
Re: I\'m new, and boy do I have questions

I think it may be from wearing braids for a long period of time. I wore them around a year straight without a break(I would get them redone every 3 months). For the past 7 months I have been getting my hair washed and deep conditioned and pressed by my hair stylist. she indicated that is looks like a form of Alopecia but she stated that it will grow back, but when?.....
Re: I\'m new, and boy do I have questions

Hi, and welcome...
You might need to see a dermatologist and get a perscription for hair loss. Also have you looked into less manipulation? You may need to lay off any heat totally until your hair grows back in. I hope this helps somewhat...