I'm Going to Need Some Tips for Basing My Scalp


With Love & Silk
Today, I practiced basing my scalp and here's where I'm having trouble:

*getting it on the scalp only and not the newgrowth
*basing the back of my head

So, help me out pretty please. :)
Since I relax in sections, I base my scalp in sections too. It makes it easier for me to get all of my scalp, including the back of my head. I do use a mirror also but usually, I can "feel" my way through the section. One of these days, I'm going to buy one of those lighted mirrors with a magnifying side, that attaches to the wall and pulls out so I can adjust it exactly where I want it.

When basing, I coat my fingertips with whatever grease I'm using (like Tea Tree Scalp Remedy) and carefully rub it onto my scalp. Sometimes I get a little on the newgrowth but as long as it isn't on too thick, it's ok (otherwise I wipe it off with a qtip). HTH!
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Just take your time. Go heavy around the ears because for some reason they are always the first to tingle. If you get it on the newgrowth that is okay. It will just create a little barrier between that and the relaxer. Don't focus on trying not to get it on the newgrowth. As far as basing the back of your head go, part it into small sections and section each section off and go from there.

Supergirl you'll be okay.;) :)
MizaniMami said:
If you get it on the newgrowth that is okay. It will just create a little barrier between that and the relaxer. Don't focus on trying not to get it on the newgrowth.

ITA! Don't stress about it girl! You can do this! Since you are self relaxing, getting a little base on the newgrowth will actually help you out some. It surely won't hurt you, if anything it will just give you a little more wiggle room time wise for your application. For the self relaxer, any kind of extra time bought is a blessing. :yep:

If you keep your basing light, you won't have to worry about being underprocessed if some inadvertently touches your newgrowth. Now if you are coating and slapping a heavy base like vaseline/grease/and oil onto the scalp AND HAIR like I do, then yeah prepare for a texlaxed result.:lol:
Sistaslick said:
vaseline/grease/and oil onto the scalp AND HAIR

Okay... now I am thinking... why do I use all 3 of those in one sitting? :lachen: just a little bit overboard don't ya think :lol:
Everything everyone said is good advice.
I've actually investing in a basting cream, it has a nice minty feel to it, tingles and stuff. That works wonders and I normally get all behind the ears too.

Before then, I would use a heavy thing like vaseline or some grease AND cover my roots with baby powder, works like a charm!
trinidarkie1 said:
Everything everyone said is good advice.
I've actually investing in a basting cream, it has a nice minty feel to it, tingles and stuff. That works wonders and I normally get all behind the ears too.
Before then, I would use a heavy thing like vaseline or some grease AND cover my roots with baby powder, works like a charm!

Hey girl! What is your basting cream called? Sounds pretty yummy! :yep: Do you ever have any problems with the tingling sensation and scalp irritation/burning with the relaxer? I've heard that tingly stuff kinda of stimulates and opens the pores on the scalp and that with a relaxer is bad news.
Hey SistaSlick,
I found mine at the BSS. I just got the cheapest that they had. It actually tingles and feels like my scalp is opening. I leave it on there for about 3 - 5 minutes and I apply my relaxer and I have NEVER had any problems.
I've been using this base for about 1.5 yrs now.

The name is Summit Sensitive Scalp Base Cream.
It is a white tub with red writing. I have no complaints, I thought that the tingling would affect me but it didnt. Give it a try. :D