I'm back with a relaxed hair length check :)


New Member
Hey Everyone! :grin:

I finally renewed my subscription after lurking forever. I joined LHCF about 2 & 1/2 years ago & joined every hair bandwagon & bought products like there was no tomorrow. Yikes. I took everything I learned & now have a healthy head of BSL soon to be MBL hair. Through trial & error I found my perfect regimen & I want to share my progress with you guys. I remember being at shoulder length & wondering if I'd ever make it to APL. LOL.

Anyway, here's my hair journey from beginning to end with pics:

My current length check:

And my most recent hair regimen:

MBL here I come. Who's with me? :yep:
You've come a long way. Congratulations on your progress! (I loved the baby pics. :giggle: Was the baby sporting bangs? :grin: So cuuuute!)

Oh, this is so OT, but you have very beautiful lips.
Thanks Nonie! I would always see your posts when I was lurking & you're like a familiar face to me. Or Snape's face is. LOL. I just love Harry Potter.