I'm a newbie


I\'m a newbie

Decided to introduce myself been lurking for a little bit was trying to get caught up you guys have so much info I am beginning my journey to trying to achieve healthy hair and after doing a little research decided to pruchase gnc biotin hair,skin and nails formula along with a cheaper brand of biotin so hopefully I will be seeing some results in the upcoming months
Re: I\'m a newbie

Hey welcome...we all share in your journey!
Re: I\'m a newbie

Nice to meet you, welcome to the boards!

Thanks I am trying to remember the patience thing lol but I have mangaged to be 15-18 weeks post relaxer so I guess I have some patience
Re: I\'m a newbie

Hi Tiffy and Welcome to LHCF

I joined the other day and I am sooooo addicted to this board and it moves sssooooo fast. I think I need a couple of days to catch up on everything.
Re: I\'m a newbie

Thanks prada I did make a post on the 2nd page asking for any suggestions anyone can give me your next touch up date is my birthday! lol
Re: I\'m a newbie

Hey jainy thanks for the welcome we have the same hair type except my rrots aren't relaxed c-ya