I'm a newbie and I couldn't resist . . .


Well-Known Member
I said I wasn't gonna do it but I couldn't resist.

I've been lurking for a few months now and said I was only gonna be looking - never posting. But - I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE the vibe that each of you sisters give and the positive feedback and love you share. I feel like I know you all - Honeydew, DLewis, DivineInpiration, Camilla, Bublin, BMore. . . . Everybody - wish I could remember names off the top of my head but yall are my sistahs in spirit and in hairgrowing and your love truly makes me wonder every time I log on . . .Why can't women EVERYWHERE be so giving with something good?

I had my hair in braids/transitioning when I first started lurking (which I really should call - "becoming obsessed" with this board). Anyway, I followed everyone's advise about hairgrowing, especially about moisture. I took my braids out last night, put ORS in my hair with a plastic cap overnight and this morning I shampooed and DC'd. OMG - I LOVE YOU ALL! My hair is so soft - I felt like doing the happy feet at 6am - and I can't keep my fingers off these waves. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

My adult daughter thinks that I am crazy (when I tell her about his hair board) but she has emailed me 3 times since Memorial Day telling me how soft her hair is since she took my (whoops - all of you ladies) advice about co-washing, Boundless Tresses, Coconut Oil and Castor Oil.

Anyway, sorry that this is so long. I can't wait to get a camera and post some pictures of my short, soft, sassy hair for my "sistahs" to check out.

HOLLA!!:) :) :)
Welcome to the forum. I am somewhat new to this forum myself in terms of actually posting but I have been into healthy hair care for sometime now. I see you are transitioning. Congrats on your decision and I wish you well on your journey.
what up sunnyd?! i felt the same way when i was lurking. glad to have ya mama. sounds like we're gonna have a lotta fun!!:)
Welcome! I'm a newbie as well, but I feel I'm quickly becoming a hair conniseur because of all the wonderful advice the lovely ladies here in LHCF have given me! Best of luck on your hair journey

were all "rootin" for you :grin:
Welcome aboard. :) Glad to have you here. Yes, the ladies on this board are special and we are always willing to advise, share, give a shoulder to cry on, etc. whenever you need it.;)
Welcome aboard SunnyDelight :) Your post reminds me of how I felt when I first came here. I still feel the same, there is like an endless abundance of sisterly love and support here! Love this place and am now proudly addicted :lol:
SunnyDelight said:
I said I wasn't gonna do it but I couldn't resist.

I've been lurking for a few months now and said I was only gonna be looking - never posting. But - I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE the vibe that each of you sisters give and the positive feedback and love you share. I feel like I know you all - Honeydew, DLewis, DivineInpiration, Camilla, Bublin, BMore. . . . Everybody - wish I could remember names off the top of my head but yall are my sistahs in spirit and in hairgrowing and your love truly makes me wonder every time I log on . . .Why can't women EVERYWHERE be so giving with something good?

I had my hair in braids/transitioning when I first started lurking (which I really should call - "becoming obsessed" with this board). Anyway, I followed everyone's advise about hairgrowing, especially about moisture. I took my braids out last night, put ORS in my hair with a plastic cap overnight and this morning I shampooed and DC'd. OMG - I LOVE YOU ALL! My hair is so soft - I felt like doing the happy feet at 6am - and I can't keep my fingers off these waves. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

My adult daughter thinks that I am crazy (when I tell her about his hair board) but she has emailed me 3 times since Memorial Day telling me how soft her hair is since she took my (whoops - all of you ladies) advice about co-washing, Boundless Tresses, Coconut Oil and Castor Oil.

Anyway, sorry that this is so long. I can't wait to get a camera and post some pictures of my short, soft, sassy hair for my "sistahs" to check out.

HOLLA!!:) :) :)

I know how you feel! This place is contagious and these women are priceless!:)
Welcome !!! Yes..the board is very addicting. I also enjoy the positive vibe from all the lovely ladies. That's why I don't mind spending countless hours on here.:cool: